Bordentown Military Institute

Alumni Association


Welcome to the Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association site.  If you are a former cadet, please Contact Us either by e-mail or postal mail.  We would like to add you to our directory.  Please explore our site and see the activities of our Association.


Founded in 1881, the Bordentown Military Institute operated as an independent military school in Bordentown, New Jersey, for 91 years.  In 1972, it merged with the Lenox School in Lenox, Massachusetts.  Bordentown/Lenox was in existence for only one year, however, closing its doors completely in June 1973.

In the late 1980s, the inactive BMI Alumni Association re-formed and began scheduling biennial reunions.  Since then, the Association has grown in numbers and scope, thanks to a dedicated alumni board and extremely valuable volunteers.  Word-of-mouth connections and the Internet have also contributed to its resurgence, as have numerous people who have stumbled on the Web site and have been “found.”  Although the formal entity that was once BMI has gone, its spirit is very much alive.



Presidents Message


Greetings to all!


Your Executive Board is rolling up its sleeves to get to work on BMI Reunion 2024. The dates are Friday, October 18, and Saturday, October 19. The Cocktail Party on Friday night and the Banquet on Saturday night will be at the Bordentown Yacht Club as was the case Reunion 2022. And the food will be provided by Toscano, the best restaurant in a town full of restaurants.


Many participants at Reunion 2022 said it was the best and in keeping with the finest BMI traditions we want to make Reunion 2024 even better. The way we do this is to get even more of our fellow cadets to join us. Now is the time to reach out to your classmates and tell them this is the year to attend.


Also, we are exceedingly proud to announce to you that The Delaware Valley Chapter of the National Football Foundation awarded BMI it’s GEORGEO’GORMAN CONTRIBUTION TO AMATEUR FOOTBALL AWARD. This is particularly notable because it’s the first time they recognized a program rather than specific athletes. See the complete article on the next page.


I hope to see all of you in October!


Jack Harkins67