Web site:  www.bmicadets.org

E-Mail:  bmicadets@hotmail.com



Tersina DiPietro, Editor 




President's Message


            We are looking forward to an outstanding turnout for our biennial reunion on October 22 and 23, 2010.  In August, a registration form and other information will be sent to you via e-mail if you have that capability or by regular mail if that is the only address we have for you.  To assist you in planning for this event, we are including herewith a preliminary copy of the Alumni Day Agenda and a list of motels in the area.  Be sure to make your room reservations early so that you can stay at the motel of your choice.  An informal get-together will take place at the Hilton Garden on Friday evening, October 22.  The parade and dinner will be held on Saturday, October 23.


            Your show of support keeps BMI alive.  The townspeople enjoy the memories sparked by the return of so many BMI alumni at our reunions.  It is important that we keep the BMI Alumni Association going strong.  When you are here, you might want to take some time for reminiscing while walking the streets of this "little town with a lot of charm."


            If you have not attended reunions in the past, you are in for a real treat.  If you have been here before, you have first-hand knowledge of the nostalgia that arises on your homecoming.


            Let us know if you have questions.  We look forward to seeing you in October.          



                                                                                                Anchors Aweigh,


                              J. C. Platt

                                                                                                Joseph C. Platt, '74


                                                                                                BMI Alumni Association





'38    ABRAHAM YOUNG (YATSKOWITZ) sent a note stating he started at BMI in 1931 and graduated in 1938.  He wrote, "Enjoying good health and living with my children most of the time."


'39    H. AUSTIN MITSCHER told us he is looking forward to October 23.


'40    SIDNEY DARRAH sent a note with his dues.  He turned 87 on April 1, 2010.  (Congratulations, Sid!)      

            BLANCHARD STELL found us.  He resides in North Fort Myers, FL.


'44     JOHN HANAWALT informed us of two alumni who are deceased:  ROBERT BITTER '45 and his brother, EDWIN BITTER '48.  John wrote, "Robert was my roommate in '44 and a crack shot on the BMI rifle team.  He and I had the honor of participating in the rifle salute squad on Memorial Day in the Bordentown cemetery.  How we both loved that old Springfield bolt-action rifle!  Sgt. Marshall, for some reason, liked us even though we walked a lot of guard together.  I like to think that our antics reminded him of his youth in the pre-WWII army.  I was on the staff of The Skirmisher over sixty-five years ago so I believe I am qualified to state that you are doing an outstanding job in carrying on a fine tradition."  (Thanks, John.)


'45     DICK STANEK wrote, "All is good here.  Lucky enough to spend winters in Florida and summers at Long Beach Island.  No more golf but still up and about (now 83!)."


'46     TOM ECCLES sent a note with his dues.  He wrote, "1946 -  Wow! That is a long time ago.  Maybe I will still make another reunion.  So many important things in my life took place while I was at BMI:  Pearl Harbor and WWII, Roosevelt's death, V-E Day, V-J Day, and finally Graduation Day.  Good luck!"


'47    CARLOS BENDAYAN sent an e-mail stating that he plans to attend Reunion 2010. 

          BRAD BOONE told us he spent "some time trying to find BILL TOMALONIS and finally nailed him down.  After BMI, Bill, Dan Pilot, and I went on to Brown University.  Bill joined ROTC there, graduated, and spent several years in the navy with time in Charleston where he met his future wife.  He moved to Houston, TX, worked as an engineer, and finally retired to McKinney, TX.  He was quite surprised that a BMI Alumni Association existed and that The Skirmisher was still published." 

            We heard from CHARLES ("CHUCK") COLVILLE.  He would like to know if anyone has a list of quotes that were painted on the upper walls, just below the ceiling of the lobby in the Main Building.  He remembers "Rather Be Than Seem," "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed."  If anyone out there remembers any others, please let us know and we will contact Chuck.  He added, "Some years ago while en route from my boyhood home in northeastern Pennsylvania, I detoured around to check on BMI.  I was appalled to find that all the buildings were gone including the Belden House where I had lived for two schools years.  It had historical significance in the Joseph Bonaparte Estate.  I saw a documentary on Joseph Bonaparte on PBS recently with many references to and photographs of Bordentown.  Memories!"

            BERNARD FEATHERMAN turned 81 on May 3.  (Congratulations, Bernard!)  He wrote, "I still write each week for the daily newspaper, Journal Tribune, and I am host for the TV Cable Show each week (30-minute show weekly in Maine), and serve on the U.S. Small Business Administration Board in Washington, D.C.  My wife retired as the President of the University of New England.  We miss BMI and my fellow cadets of yesteryear."


'48     RICHARD WHELAN wrote, "I hope to see you in October."


'49     We received a note from PAUL EDMAN.  He said they got through the winter without any problems.  He added, "Guess you had more snow than we did.  Looking forward to this reunion."


'50    Dr. ERNEST VON ZELL resides in Belmont, ME.  He wrote, "Keep up the excellent work."


'51     DON CHARBONNIER sent a note with his dues stating, "It was a cold winter in South Carolina where we spent the winter months.  Don't think I played golf more than four or five times in January.  Still it was better than Connecticut."


'53    RICHARD BISCONTINI wrote, "I spent seven years at BMI.  What I am and what I did with my life all started at age 11 at BMI.  My strong points I learned at BMI.  My weak points I developed myself!"


'54    BILL DENT sent a short note stating, "Thanks for helping us keep in touch."


'55    ROGER SPIVACK had good news to report.  "On December 12, 2009, I wed my dear long-term friend, the former Elaine Mennen.  We currently reside in Mendham, NJ, and Sarasota, FL.  I retired from my company in June 2008 and since then am back at work, having created and developed a powerful job search program for my fellow congregants  (who are job searching) at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City."


'57    EDWARD TRIEFLER will be unable to attend Reunion 2010 but sends his best wishes to all.


'59     ROBERT WILLIAMS, a faithful reunion participant in the past, will not be present in October this year because of a prior travel commitment.  He sends regards to all attendees.


'60    DICK KELBAUGH and RON NEUBAUER  are reaching out to the Class of 1960 asking them to attend Reunion 2010 as they are planning a "special" reunion for their 50th.  You may contact Dick at dick@kelbaugh.net or his Mobile phone:  502-262-1193.  Ron's e-mail address is ronneubauer@thepoliceacademy.org. 

            DICK KERN said he enjoys receiving The Skirmisher.


'62    PETE MERCATANTI is embarking on a new venture.  He wrote, "If you drive down to Bordentown on 206 and 130, stop in.  I am in the process of converting the Ford store into a fitness center."


'63    We received an e-mail from TOM ASHLEY stating, "I recently retired and am now looking forward to attending the reunion in October.  I have been looking forward to this event for many years but work obligations prevented me from attending.  I enjoy following the web site.  I am sure I am not alone when I say with great pride that I went to school and lived in the same house (White House) with FLOYD LITTLE, and got to see him at the beginning of the Super Bowl as a member of the NFL 2010 Hall of Fame inductees.  Ataway, Floyd!!"

            GENE REID is trying to find PHIL THIELHELM '64.  If you are in contact with Phil, please contact Gene at genereidsr@yahoo.com.

            RONALD "DUTCH" WALDHEIM is sad to report the recent passing of his wife Judi.  They attended the '63 prom together back in the old gymnasium.  He hopes to see everyone in October."


'64    Along with his dues, RICH GUIDETTI sent a note telling us that he is looking forward to Reunion 2010.


'65     DON BURELL wrote, "I hope this finds all my alumni brothers well in these difficult times.  While I have had some health problems over the last few years, I have been blessed and seem to have things under control.  Look forward to seeing everyone at this year's reunion."


'66     GEORGE "SKIP" BONHAM, JR. and his wife have retired from their consulting business and will split time between Florida and North Carolina.  He wrote, "It's been a great ride since graduating from BMI.  I entered the Air Force and retired as a Colonel in the USAF Medical Service Corps ten years ago.  I really enjoy reading The Skirmisher and, as my Dad (also a BMI graduate) used to tell me, 'You can always make new friends but you can never make an old friend.'  Only those that went to BMI can understand the camaraderie and lessons learned that have guided us through the years."

            We heard from WES HAND.  He is still "slaving away in Tucson after forty years in Law Enforcement.  I guess I don't have enough sense to know when to quit.  See you in October!"

            DAVE ISOLDA found us and hopes to attend Reunion 2010.  He wrote, "I ran into Mr. Simpson years ago at a bookstore.  We had a nice talk."  Dave can be reached at jdirunners@yahoo.com.  He would like to hear from anyone who may remember him.

            TONY SIVO sent a note with his dues.  He and his wife plan to attend Reunion 2010.


'67    MIKE BARTEL heard about our Reunion from BRUCE ROY '66 and ART MADRAZO.  Mike resides in Tulsa, OK, but he plans to be here in October along with his classmates.

            ART MADRAZO and his wife Blanca have five children who "live all over the place:  one in FL, one in CO, one in PA, and two in the Dominican Republic."  Art keeps in touch with JIM BUSHNELL '66.  They plan to attend Reunion 2010.  Art added, "I was heartbroken to learn about the passing of JIMMY DULL '65.  I will miss him."


'69     JOE BRADLEY wrote, "I am looking forward to the Reunion.  Hope as many as possible from the classes of 1969 and 1970 can make it."

            RICK SEWELL says of The Skirmisher, "It's a joy to revisit old times at BMI."  Rick plans to be here in October. 


'71    KEN MacLEAN remembers his roommates, RUDY MELLMAN, DAVID REBER, and JOHN SCHACHAT.  He wrote, "I had many good friends at BMI.  Sadly, I recall seeing Rudy's name on the deceased list.  He was a wonderful, patient roommate.  We spent many weekends at his grandparents' mansion in Trenton.  I married a hometown girl, had three beautiful children and now one granddaughter.  I am the Fire Chief in Sudbury, MA.  I became a pilot (Airline Transport Pilot or ATP) and flew commercially for a while before deciding the fire department was a better means to raise my family.  I still fly part-time for NOAA doing weather research.  Sara, my wife, and I started a family business about twenty years ago (SkillWorks.com) and I will be getting back to that more fully after I retire from the fire department."  Ken can be contacted at kjmaclean@aol.com.

            JOSE RODRIGUEZ found us on the Internet.  He resides in Puerto Rico.


'73    KENNETH NERO is trying to locate his dorm mate, MACEO TOMPKINS.  If anyone has a lead, please contact Ken at nerojack99@gmail.com.  Ken added, "I will always remember 1971-72 because it was literally an awakening of my potential.  Without that year in Bordentown, I doubt I would be where I am today." 





BOB SOOWAL '67 announced that there is now a facebook page for BMI.  The facebook address is:  Bordentown Military Institute.  Anyone with a facebook account can join free.  Bob serves on the Board of Directors of the BMI Alumni Association.  He is working to expand our membership and believes this new endeavor could result in locating "lost" alumni and bringing our upcoming reunion to their attention.



Miron Gontowicz celebrated his 90th birthday on May 19.  Miron immigrated to the United States from Poland and settled in Bordentown in 1950.  He was the head chef at BMI until it closed in 1972.  Miron's wife, Anna (also a BMI dining room employee), died several years ago.  He has a son, JOHN '72, and a daughter, Christine.



            If you have not paid dues for 2010, please do so as soon as possible so that you may be retained on our active mailing list.  Make check for $15 payable to BMI Alumni Association and mail to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.  If you have paid dues for 2010, thank you.





Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo (Size XX-Large only) - $15

Maroon Polo Shirts w/BMI logo (sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL)  - $30             

Medallion w/stand - $5 (reduced from $10)

Baseball Caps w/BMI letters - $10                                            

BMI Decals - $1 for 2                                                  

Note Cards - $8           

            The above prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Be sure to designate size when ordering shirts. 




Visit our Web site:  bmicadets.org.  BOB FRISBIE '61 has added many items of interest there.



In Memoriam

The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:


Bitter, Edwin W. '48


Bitter, Robert H. '45


Loretangeli, Earl (Photographer)


Lynn, Frederick Charles '43


Newton, Herbert '35


Ray, Dr. Charles E. '45


Reynaud, John R.  '62


Ruddock, Charles '48


Tomas, Edward '50


Although a few of the above-mentioned alumni have been deceased for some time, we have recently been informed of their passing and believe they deserve to be mentioned in The Skirmisher.







          Saturday, October 23, 2010



Parade – Starts at Bordentown Home for Funerals

2:30 p.m.



Ceremony at the BMI Memorial

2:50 p.m.



Hilton Garden Inn - Bar is Open

Sign in at the Hilton Garden Inn

4:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.



Call to Order

5:45 p.m.




Angelo V. Candelori '56



Moment of Silence

Angelo V. Candelori '56



Post the Colors

BMI Color Guard




Joseph C. Platt '74




6:00 p.m.




Joseph C. Platt '74




Joseph C. Platt '74



Treasurer's Report

Robert P. Frisbie '61



Officers & Directors Nominations: 2010-2012

Joseph Porter '67



Old Boys March

Angelo V. Candelori '56



Alma Mater

B.M.I. Alumni Association



Retire the Colors

B.M.I. Color Guard




Angelo V. Candelori '56







HILTON GARDEN INN (Reunion Dinner Site)

800 US Highway 130

Hamilton, NJ 08690




1073 Route 206 North

Bordentown, NJ 08505

(609) 298-6100 or 1-800-329-7466



1083 Route 206 North

Bordentown, NJ 08505

(609) 298-3200 or 1-800-272-6232



1068 Route 206 South

Bordentown, NJ 08505

(609) 298-8000 or 1-800-742-5877



1009 US Highway #206

Bordentown, NJ 08505

(609) 298-9111 or 1-800-521-2121



2004 Route 206

Bordentown, NJ 08505

(609) 298-4000 or 1-800-426-7866