The Skirmisher



P.O. Box 91, Bordentown, New Jersey 08505


                                                                                                                                                                                                         February 2001


Since this is my first opportunity to address you as President of our Association, I would like to thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me to lead our Association for the years 2001 and 2002. I wish to assure you that we, the newly elected officers of our Association, will "continue to march" with our BMI Colors held high and mighty.

I am sure that those of us who were able to attend the reunion last October will agree; REUNION 2000 was a resounding success. The socializing and camaraderie were quite evident throughout the day and evening. It was great seeing old friends and sharing so many "sea stories," most of which were embellished beyond belief.

Many of you approached me during the evening festivities to discuss the success and future activities of our Association. Several of you asked me, "Can I help?" The answer to everyone is a hearty "you bet you can!"And here is how! Since we have only 270 alumni as members of our Association, there are hundreds of alumni (if not many more) who are not aware that the BMI Alumni Association has been resurrected, is alive and well, and does exist. And this is where you can be of tremendous help.

I am asking each of you to be a Class Representative or, if you prefer, a Geographic Representative of our Association. As such, your task is to seek out and make contact with "lost" alumni. Get their name, class, address, phone number and e-mail address. Then pass the information on to us.

Additionally, there are many among us who are "computer gurus." To you cyber surfers, your task is to comb the internet for "lost" alumni and pass them on to us.

With the enthusiastic assistance and support of our membership, our "Last Man Association" will continue to thrive for many years to come.

                                                                                                                                 Semper Fidelis,

Angelo V. Candelori

                                                                                                                                 Angelo V. Candelori
                                                                                                                                 BMI Class of '56



At Reunion 2000, the BMI Board of Directors, in the name of the entire membership of the Association, honored Herbert Newton with a plaque in recognition of the 65th Anniversary of his graduation from BMI. Herb's family joined him at the Reunion as they have at several other Reunions in the past.


Sid Benjamin was one of the "Original Seven" that met annually and shared a dream to perpetuate the BMI Alumni Association. Sid writes, "BMI played a particularly important role in my life. I was a street type of kid from New York City who was drifting in many different directions…the short time I spent at BMI…changed my lifestyle and put me on the right path, for which I have always been thankful."

Walt Godwin remembers the "Old Boys' Drill" that took place every year at BMI on Washington's Birthday. He was a cadet at the time and always hoped he could participate in such a parade someday. Walt came to Reunion 2000 and had the opportunity to realize his dream of long ago.

Paul Lalley writes that he has gone by BMI many times even when Old Main was still standing.

Dick Rockwell e-mailed us to say that he thought Reunion 2000 was "great." He was particularly impressed with the cadet statue.


Harry Knox wrote, "I feel like I've been living under a rock! I didn't know anything about the Alumni Association." Harry is retired and lives on Cape Cod after 35 years with American Airlines.


Carlos Bendayan from Caracas, Venezuela, was unable to attend Reunion 2000 but wanted everyone to know that he sent his regards.

Gene Guazzo wrote that three weddings in his family…one for his daughter and two for his son (it's a long story!) precluded his attending Reunion 2000.


Harry (Bud) Howe informed us that he and Nieves Martinez were married in West Palm Beach, Florida, on December 8. (Congratulations!) Harry states that they both enjoyed Reunion 2000.

Edgar A. Naratil (better known as "Windy") writes that he enlisted in the Navy in 1951 and spent most of his time in Japan and Korea aboard the USS Chimon (AKS-31) and the Hector (AR-7). He is now retired from Unisys…is married and has 2 grown sons. His home page is: While a cadet at BMI, "Windy" played piano for evening services during 1948-50…too slowly according to Dr. Smith.


Barrett R. Lucas writes "a recent journey to the past took me to Bordentown and to the site of BMI…was very pleased to stand before the site memorial and reflect."


Jack Adams says he has been back twice since graduation but did not know that the BMI Main Building burned down until recently. Jack said he works weekends at Okemo Mt. in Ludlow, VT, driving a shuttle bus. One day he wore his BMI cap and someone asked him if the "BMI" stood for "Bordentown Military Institute"…turns out it was Bill Engel who attended BMI in the late '60s.

Herm Kuck couldn't attend the Reunion 2000 festivities. He had to have knee surgery…"too many PT's," he said.


Blaine Jones wrote that he was unable to attend Reunion 2000 but his thoughts were very much with his classmates that evening.

Former cadets who lived in Hopkinson House may be interested in this information submitted by Bill Lynch. "The father of the original owner of that house, Francis Hopkinson, who signed the Declaration of Independence, is now considered by most historians as 'The Father of the American Flag.' (The Post Office issued a stamp with that designation in 1991.) A flag web site and letters in the National Archives confirm it. Betsy Ross may or may not have made a flag but Francis Hopkinson designed the first recognized American Flag and other graphical items such as the National Seal. For more information, go to On this site there is also a copy of a resolution by the New Jersey legislature that honors Hopkinson, BMI, and Bordentown school children that researched the flag story."


Roger Spivack writes, "A few weeks ago while passing through Bordentown…I spent a bit of time touring the campus, relaxing on the bench by our cadet statue and letting friendly memories of my years at BMI come forth. Great therapy!"


George Odell writes that he has had "a very full life and some of the experiences that occurred at BMI were shared with my friends and acquaintances around the world." George and his wife, Lorraine, have 8 children and 24 grandchildren. He is enjoying retirement.


Dick Kelbaugh e-mailed to say that he is living in Louisville, KY.

Lou Shapiro "stumbled" upon our site by accident…was delighted to see " someone is keeping the memory alive."


Henry L. Farmer III writes that he wanted to attend Reunion 2000 but his youngest son was married in California that day. He says he wants to attend Reunion 2002 "just to see Al Zarroli."

Al Fields wrote to tell us that he enjoyed Reunion 2000 and is looking forward to the next one in 2002

Lee Yarborough located Col. George Nelson, PMS&T at BMI in 1959, and invited him to Reunion 2000. Colonel Nelson accepted and the alumni were delighted that he did.

Jerry Krawitz is trying to locate Connecticut alumni.

Ronald Rubinstein tells us that there are 108 BMI alumni registered on


In a recent letter, Bernard Sansaricq writes…"I cannot thank you enough for taking the initiative to provide all former BMI cadets an Alumni Association because without it thousands of former BMI alumni would be lost…looking for a link to that great school we all went to and teachers that made all of us what we are today."


Ernest (Tim) Harris is living in Frankfurt, Germany, for the next four to five months.


Harald Hurka stopped in Bordentown when returning from a hiking trip to Maine. He took a "memory tour" of the BMI grounds and a walking tour of Bordentown City. Hal advises former cadets to stop by Bordentown. "It is well worth the detour." He said his old BMI blanket was put to good use when he attended a function of an Air Force group. The slides being shown couldn't be seen due to a glare from a window. Hal came to the rescue with the blanket. "One branch of the service helping another," says Hal who is 100% Army. Capt. Stanley J. Winowicz, Jr. officially retired during ceremonies at Fort Dix in September. So many people showed up that some were eating in the hallway of Club Dix. THE TIMES OF TRENTON reported the overflow crowd was "a perfect tribute for a man who served 30 years in the Navy, more than 20 of those years in the Reserves." Stan will still be working with the government as teacher of an officer leadership course.


James (Russ)Dersch is with Insurance and Financial Services in Swedesboro, NJ.


Joe Curcio writes that after searching for a long time for information concerning BMI, he finally found us. His father, Charles Curcio '43, also wants to be on the mailing list. Joe says, "BMI was instrumental in shaping and molding our lives…We are both very grateful to the institution and to men like Mr. Borst and Mr. Hartpence whose careers spanned our tenure at Bordentown."


Ken MacLean was surfing the web and found the BMI site. About 10 years ago, he tried to contact his classmates with little success. He would like to hear from alumni who may remember him.

Carman Licciardello attended BMI in the Junior School in 1970 and 1971. We have recently learned that he has had a very impressive career as a performer. He is known professionally as "Carman." After 25 years of singing to SRO venues, including stadiums, and over 8 million units in product sales, Carman walked away to embark on a five-year journey in search of perspective and a new sense of purpose and vision. Sparrow Records is once again partnering with Carman in this new vision with HEART OF A CHAMPION, a 10-month ministry strategy. On October 26th, he embarked on a 73-city US tour expanding into 12 countries. Carman's assistant sent us his latest CD and it is easy to understand why he has been so successful. Carman has released a total of 13 long-form videos during the course of his career…two have attained Platinum status and four have garnered Gold status.

For Christmas, Carman asked for a copy of a BMI Yearbook showing his picture (1970). We were able to locate a copy for him. His assistant said he was most appreciative.


With this issue, we are starting a new feature. Several alumni (coaxed by Roger Spivack '55) suggested that we ask alumni to submit "fess-up" stories. Phil Rowley'57 started the ball rolling with the following:

"Shortly after arriving at BMI we all learned of the mysterious escape tunnels running from the old Bonaparte estate to the hollow in back of the parade
grounds. After one evening of discussing the possibility of finding the tunnels, three of us decided to skip out after 'lights out' and do some serious
exploring. There were three of us, but as hard as I have tried, I cannot remember who the others were. I believe that one was Harvey Katz's
roommate. From the second floor landing in the back of the White House we crawled out the window and went down the fire ladder carefully avoiding
making any noise. When all of us reached the ground, we were immediately greeted by the old gentleman who was the school custodian. We must have
been a funny sight trying to get back up the ladder all at the same time. The custodian must not have told anyone as we never heard anything about our
short-lived AWOL. I wonder how many PT hours that would have been worth."

If you have a story to share with everyone, please send it to us. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and content.


A list of alumni e-mail addresses is enclosed.

If you wish to be added to this list, let us know.

Enclosed is a Dues Statement for 2001. The dues are only $10 per year. The members of the Executive Board volunteer their time and talents to keep the BMI Alumni Association active and successful. We need your support to help us meet expenses for postage, printing, maintaining statue site, etc.



The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:



LTC JOHN A. BRADMAN '38 (and Faculty)



(Anna Gontowicz was the Dining Room Manager at BMI for many years.)


(Peter Horvath was one of the "Original Seven" who were instrumental in reactivating the BMI Alumni Association.)


The Board of Directors of the BMI Alumni Association would like to take this opportunity to thank Alumni and Friends who sent us expressions of sympathy in the passing of LTC Bradman. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated.


A slate of Officers, Directors-at-Large, Committeemen, and Historian was presented to the alumni assembled at Reunion 2000. A motion was passed to accept the following with no exceptions:

                                                        President – Angelo Candelori '56                         Treasurer – Howard Sherman '50

                                                        Vice President – Robert Frisbie '61                     Secretary – Tersina DiPietro, Faculty

                                                        Directors-at-Large – Lawrence Capitini '37, Louis Mancuso '65, William McDade '54

                                                        Committeemen – Mark Josephson '71, John Oakey '50, Mark Singer '65

                                                        Historian – Susan Bradman, Faculty


P. O. BOX 91


Alumni Association 2001 Dues…………….. $10.00

Please Note:

Your dues support the cost of postage, printing, and other materials needed for your SKIRMISHER and future Reunions.

Please complete the bottom section of this statement, enclose it together with your check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) and mail to the above address.

We thank you for your continued support.

_____________________________         ____________

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