The Skirmisher






P.O. Box 91, Bordentown, New Jersey 08505


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Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                  January 2003




                If you missed "BROTHERS REUNITED 2002," you missed a positively magnificent event.  The warmth, joy and excitement of seeing so many great friends from our terrific days at BMI was simply heart-warming.  Of course, some of us were more difficult to recognize than others after these many years.  Nevertheless, once again, if only for a brief time, we were truly a "Band of Brothers," gathered to remember those wonderful and rewarding days at BMI where the foundation of our lives was formed. 


            To the many of you who sent expressions of praise and appreciation to our Executive Board for what you described as a "flawless reunion" and the "best ever," we can only say that it was all of you, by your presence and your comradeship, who made our reunion such a resounding success.


            But now it's time to move on and "continue to march."  So, tentatively mark your calendar for "BROTHERS REUNITED 2004" scheduled for a Saturday in October.  And for those who are struggling to figure it out, it will be in the year 2004!  I expect it will be the latter part of this year when we will lock in a specific date, at which time we will pass on the word to all of you.


            In the meantime, stay well, be happy and prosper.


                                                                                                                                    Semper Fidelis,

                                                                                                                                    Angelo V. Candelori

                                                                                                                                    Angelo V. Candelori

                                                BMI Class of '56



P.S.  By the way, dues are now being accepted for the year 2003.  See enclosed dues statement.




REUNION 2002. . .Revisited

            October 19, 2002, was a cloudy day…with a few sprinkles in the morning and early afternoon.  But that did not dampen the spirits of the alumni who converged on Bordentown that day.  They gathered at motels, at local restaurants, on the streets of the town…wherever they happened to be.  Many of them were first-timers, which means that they had not been back to Bordentown since graduation.  They were on a "high" all day and well into the evening.   Oh yes, Tom Brownback '65 wore his cadet uniform.


            By the time they assembled for the parade in the afternoon, they were rarin' to go.  They marched through the main streets of Bordentown sporting their B.M.I. baseball caps.  At the cadet statue on Park Street, there was a brief ceremony honoring the former cadets who had died.  In a sense they, too, were present that day but only in the minds and hearts of their classmates as Lydia Kugler, daughter of Lawrence Capitini '37, gave an inspiring rendition of our National Anthem.  Her father laid a wreath (designed and crafted by Lydia) at the foot of the statue also in memory of those who had passed on.


            That evening, everyone gathered at the Elks Lodge for a wonderful dinner and much socializing.  After dinner, there was music for dancing and just plain good listening as tunes from the '50s and '60s brought back many happy memories.  Walt Godwin '44 was honored for his efforts in locating "lost" alumni.  Ray Fulton '44 had rescued a brick that was removed when the posts at the entrance to the B.M.I. campus were dismantled to retrieve the time capsule several years ago.  He had the brick inscribed and presented it to Walt during the dinner. 


            Classes with members in attendance were:  1937, 1938, 1944, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, and 1973.


            One of the highlights of the evening was the Old Boys Drill.  The "old boys" did a fairly decent job obeying commands, although there were a few goofs that generated plenty of laughs from wives and guests in attendance.


            Pictures were taken and will be placed in albums to be sent to those who ordered them.  Memorabilia were displayed for alumni to peruse at their leisure.  The Company Store was open so that attendees could purchase sweatshirts, etc.


            If you were there, we thank you for your presence.  If you were absent, we missed you but look forward to seeing you in 2004.





'40     MERLE HAGEN lives in Melbourne, FL.  He received an AB from Dartmouth College, an MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth, and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University.  He served in the Navy in WW-II and Korea.  He retired after 30 years as Captain in 1972.  He was a Professor at New England College, Henniker, NH, until his retirement in 1989.  Merle is married and has three children.


'43  BILL WITTNEBERT wrote to say that ANDREW OLEJER is living in Texas.  Andrew would like to hear from all interested "old boys," especially those around the Class of 1943.


'44  WALT GODWIN continues to search for "missing" alumni.  Walt and the members of his class who attended Reunion 2002 discussed the subject of an off-year reunion in Connecticut for alumni in that area.  Walt will keep us posted as plans materialize.

DICK ROCKWELL wrote to inform us of the death of GEORGE BONHAM, SR., on 27 December 2002.  Dick writes, "George attended our reunion in October and had a wonderful time!  Those of us who were his classmates, played football with him, walked off demerits with him, sneaked out with him the night before graduation, and had his close friendship for 60 years will miss him greatly."


'45   PAUL BRAY writes, "The reunion was terrific.  Do hope to make the next one in two years."


'46   In a letter from JULIAN (JAY) BERMAN, we learned that he visited Bordentown in November.  He said, "I had often wondered if B.M.I. existed and was never able to get the information."   Jay wrote that his principal occupation since he retired in 1992 is riding his bicycle.  He spent 41 years in purchasing and manufacturing management in the semiconductor and electronics industry after graduating from USC in 1951.  He also spent two years in the army.  Jay lives with his wife Nancy in Rossmoor in Walnut Creek which is in the east bay of the San Francisco area.  He informed us that his B.M.I. roommate, MALCOM SPINRAD, died in October.


'47   CHUCK ECCLES writes, "I attended B.M.I. for five years and have nothing but positive memories of the entire experience there.  To my own surprise, I can recall many details of friends, teachers, coaches, etc….B.M.I. truly was a special place."


'50   PAUL EDMAN and his wife attended BOB MARQUARDT's funeral in September.  Bob, Dick Enegren and Paul roomed together in the "three-man room, half of which was on the White House rear porch" during their senior year.

HARRY (BUD) HOWE "found" EDWARD (EDUARDO) TOMAS and told him about our Association.  Edward wrote to say that he lives in Miami, FL, with his wife Mireya.  They have four sons and three grandchildren.

            ED NARATIL e-mailed us to say "thanks to all who worked hard to set up the 2002 alumni reunion."  Ed wrote, "The Elks Club setting was nice, the waiters and bartenders were friendly, and the location was very easy to get to.  I will be looking forward to the affair in 2004.  My spouse will also be attending, even if I have to hog-tie her."

            In writing about Reunion 2002, BOB SAMUELS said, "Thank you for a wonderful evening.  My daughter and her fiancée enjoyed seeing the festivities at Bordentown, which meant so much to me during my many years as a cadet.  They have heard me speak about these places, individuals and memories for years and the day brought these recollections and stories to life for them.  Thank you for my reunion."

            HOWARD SHERMAN was in Bordentown recently and had lunch with the Alumni Association Board members.  "The General" now lives in Florida with his wife Sally but he makes a "pilgrimage" to this area periodically so that he can visit the Statue Site and walk through the streets of Bordentown.  Howard served as President of the Alumni Association until October 2000.


'51    PAUL MARTINEK wrote to say that he will greatly miss FRED AND LARRY COHEN who died recently.  They were Paul's roommates in Beldon House during their Junior and Senior years.


'52   DONALD FOLSOM learned of the B.M.I. Alumni Association from his brother  DICK '49.  He says, "Sorry I didn't know about the reunion sooner.  Maybe next time."

            RALPH SCHAMEL lives in Salt Lake City, UT.  He attended Cornell University…graduated in 1957…active military service as Second and First Lieutenant until 1959.  He retired from Utah Department of Transportation after 33 years as an Environmental Engineer.  Traveled to Europe and South Seas since his retirement.  Ralph is married to a Cornell grad.  They have 4 children and 5 grandchildren.  Ralph bicycles 2000-3000 miles per year.


'54  GEORGE PHILLIPS recently joined our Association.  He owns Busch's Seafood in Sea Isle, NJ, so if any alumni are in that area, stop in to chat with George.


'57   LOU PIETOSO writes, "The Reunion over the October 18 weekend put me and my wife on another planet!  It was sensational and extremely rewarding.  What a wonderful warm feeling to be with such a great group!  We were fortunate to have a table of five classmates from our '57 class.  My wife and I had a special treat on the Sunday morning after the dinner.  We happened to be in the same diner as a group from the Class of '44.  It was part of that group that was among the 'Original 7' and we had the privilege of thanking them for starting this whole thing."

DOM RUGGERIO and his wife Janice have been married for 37 years and have four children and one granddaughter.  Dom writes, "Our time in the Army had us in Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Budapest, and stateside.  I served in four great Divisions (1st Cavalry, 2d Armor, 2d Infantry, and the 101st Airborne) and had the honor of commanding at every level from Platoon through Brigade.  I was commanding the 1st Battalion 72d Armor in Korea when Park Chung Hee was assassinated in 1979.  Very exciting times!  I continue to keep up with the 72d…and have the honor of being the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment."

           MICHAEL STERNICK officially joined our Association recently.  He lives in Clifton, NJ, and is with Flores and Sternick in Paterson, NJ.


'58  J. R. ARTHUR sent an e-mail:  "We were looking forward to making this year's reunion but due to illness we had to change our plans.  I also missed my 40th USNA reunion and a reunion with my first aviation squadron due to the medical problems of my daughter and mother-in-law that were all scheduled in the same time period.  'Twas a bad autumn, but things seem to be back on track now.  Daughter is back at work and mother-in-law is back to giving me minute-by-minute instructions as to how life should be lived, so I am once again a happy man.  I swear that one day I shall play the pipes at the reunion."


            ALAN ORENBERG was unable to attend Reunion 2002 because he recently started a new job.  "But," says Alan, "I am pleased to have reestablished the B.M.I. connection."


'59   JERRY ALEXANDER says, "Thanks again for such a successful reunion.  I had not been back since graduation in 1959.  If anything ever comes up during the 'in-between' two years, please let us know.  See you in 2004…Lord willing."

            "My best to all," wrote MARK (CLAUDE) MANLEY.  "I think of B.M.I. from time to time and was glad to have attended.  I am the Pipe Major of The Highlands Brigade Pipe Band out of Lake Placid, FL."

            When DON SPAETH retired in December 2001, this was part of the tribute paid to him:  "Don Spaeth worked for Pinelands Water & Wastewater Companies since 1988.  When it came time for meter reading, Don would always be called on to locate the irrigation meters that others couldn't find.  Usually these were the meters that were under the birdbath or flowerpot.  He was always first on the scene during water main breaks."  Don was also a volunteer for the Hampton Lakes Fire Department for over 35 years.


'60  BRUCE FAULKNER resides in Lakeland, FL.  Bruce writes, "Joined the USAF right out of B.M.I.…went back to school to major in accounting.  Worked for Ernst & Ernst in Providence and then spent some time with ITT and RCA."  Currently Bruce is Plant Controller for Publix Super Markets in Lakeland.  He has two children and three grandchildren.  Bruce and his wife restored automobiles and showed them for many years.  He said his garage "is lined with over one-hundred trophies."  Says Bruce, "We were published in seven US magazines, three European and graced about eighteen calendars.  Had pictures in Collectible Automobile twice."

DANIEL LARUSSO, D.O., F.A.C.O.E.M., is Medical Director of the Occupational Medicine Department at Massillon Community Hospital in Massillon, OH.  He writes, "I have nothing but good memories about B.M.I.  It provided an environment that allowed cadets to learn to think on their feet, express their thoughts and develop leadership skills and character.  It was also a time for fun.  I can still recall the late night raids that Dave Jessup, Bob Frisbie and I would make to the dining hall!  That was, of course, before we all assumed leadership roles at B.M.I."  Dan attended Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ, and then went to medical school in Philadelphia.  He and his wife have four grown children.

           RON NEUBAUER received a BS in Management at Purdue University, an MA in Human Resources Management at Pepperdine University, and did graduate work in Criminal Justice at The American University.  He is currently employed with the U. S. Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration as Deputy Director of Cargo Security.  Ron retired as a U. S. Marine Lieutenant Colonel with 21 years of active service.  He also served as a Presidential Aide.


'61  AL FIELDS responded to JERRY KRAWITZ's request for catch-up from alumni.  Al tells us that in the mid '70s, he and his wife visited the old B.M.I. campus.  He said, "Old Main was still standing and we wandered around visiting familiar rooms (to me).  In Señor Colby's room, I found my initials carved, along with many others, on the side blackboard.  A long-ago, almost forgotten world ignited my memories…a very pleasant journey back.  The legacy of B.M.I. includes Old Main, Landon Hall, the 'Y' Hut, Dr. Smith and all the teachers who had that special ability to reach out.  Perhaps the Cadet Statue standing in front of where Old Main once stood represents that legacy.  But for me, the real legacy is intangible.  B.M.I. took a kid who 'knew it all' but was lost and changed his life.  My family was not in the 'Ozzie & Harriet' category, but they had enough love and foresight to invest in my future through B.M.I.  Thank you, B.M.I.!"  Al teaches an evening GED course.  He remarks, "…I've encountered students of all ages who could have had that chance, that opportunity, had a B.M.I. been available.  This is the real legacy of B.M.I.  I'm sad that Old Main is gone, along with all those special


teachers who shaped our lives.  But I am most sad because the real legacy is no longer there for those who just need a little nudge, or push, in the right direction."

           ED FINKLE is the Director of Operation for PEF Travel Corporation, a division of the New York State Public Employees Federation.  He has been in contact with several classmates from '61.  "PETE ROTH drove his yacht up to Albany," says Ed, "and we had a great reunion."  Ed ordered a B.M.I. sweatshirt and baseball cap.  "My kids think it's a real throwback into ancient history," says Ed.

NORMAN KIRSCHBAUM was in Anchorage, Alaska, at the time of Reunion 2002 so he was unable to attend.  He is the Long-Term Care Coordinator for a hospital in Petersburg, Alaska, an island in the middle of a rain forest.  Says Norman, "If any of the old cadets from '61 come up this way, I'll be glad to take good care of you!"

JERRY KRAWITZ writes, "I started at the University of Pennsylvania and then finished college at the University of Bridgeport (closer to home) in order to help my father run the family businesses."  From there, he went to law school in Boston.  He is married and has three children ages 23 to 33.  Jerry worked for Price Waterhouse for a time and then became a CPA and opened his own practice in Connecticut.  He attended Reunion 2002, following which he started "chain messages" with BMI alumni from his era.  Jerry says of the Reunion, "…it was a nice experience and the memories and stories still ring out.  My wife and I enjoyed the trip and the dinner and can only hope that those who didn't get there can plan to be in Bordentown in 2004.  I, for one, can only say that it is worth the time and effort.  With the school only a memory, the memories and esprit de corps of the old timers make it a very nostalgic experience…the years melt away and the stories become all that more precious."

RICHARD PEPPLER attended Reunion 2002 all the way from Tennessee.  Dick is the Dean of the College of Graduate Health Sciences, and Associate Dean of the College of Medicine at The University of Tennessee in Memphis.

GEORGE SINKANKIS wrote at the urging of JERRY KRAWITZ.  George attended Franklin & Marshall College for one year and then transferred to San Diego State College.  He received a Master's Degree in Library Science at the University of Pittsburgh.  He also earned a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science.  George joined the faculty of the School of Library and Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee in 1975 and retired from there in 1998.  George states, "Bordentown turned out to be perhaps the most important experience in my life…and provided the guiding principles that literally saved me when the going got rough.  'Rather Be Than Seem' was etched in my heart and was always the grail before me as I tried to live it in later years.  I was a mess when I went (to BMI).  My sincerest apologies to all the guys in the dorm whose Sunday mornings were screwed up by me being late during the week.  Maybe it's some consolation to know that I'm never late anymore."  George and his wife have been married for 36 years and have one grown son.


'62    In a holiday message from BOB MACARI, we learned that he volunteers at a local hospital in northern New Jersey.   Bob says, "Knowing that we make a difference, provide help and give people something to look forward to is all so very gratifying."


'63    A family situation prevented TOM ASHLEY from attending Reunion 2002.   Tom says, "Next year will be my 40th reunion so I will make a special effort to attend."  Tom has been working in the chemistry field in nuclear power for over twenty years.  He has a wife and one daughter who will be graduating this year with her MD.  "Our biggest avocation," writes Tom, "has been sailing.  We have covered a lot of miles in the past 25 years."

MARK GOLBY is the CIO at Edelman Public Relations, the largest independent PR firm in the world.  Mark says, "Thanks for your good work."
MICHAEL JOYCE attended Reunion 2002 with his wife.  Later, Mark wrote, "Knowing the school was no longer in existence left a big hole in my childhood memories.  Finding the Alumni Association brought a real sense of closure to that chapter of my life.  Thanks for keeping the dream alive!"

            STEVEN SAGAL writes, "After BMI, I went on to the University of Toledo, then into the world of communications as a special projects engineer for Motorola, designing and developing radio and communications systems for law enforcement and government agencies.  Late in the '70s, I moved to Florida to develop and construct interconnect systems for mobile telephone operations.  Since the early '80s, I have been involved in cellular and data design and construction.  I am also heavily involved in the Masonic Fraternity.  BMI played a definitive role in my life, shaping the future for me and giving me the fortitude and principles to accomplish that which I have to date.  Let's all keep it going; we have a heritage that is second to none."

            BERNARD SANSARICQ had made plans to come to Reunion 2002 but due to a family emergency was unable to attend.  Expressing his disappointment, Bernard wrote, "While I could not be in Bordentown with you, I lived every moment all over again thinking back to Reunion 2000 as if I were there and I relived each moment of every hour last Saturday."  Over the years, Bernard has kept in touch with several of his classmates.  He spent an evening in Caracas with JOSE GONZALES '62 back in the '70s.  Jose manages one of the most important textile factories in Venezuela and markets a line of clothing for children called "Cabrito."  Bernard invites all alumni who might be in South Florida to contact him.  He wrote, "BMI cadets are special people and we have something in common that very few other schools have."


'64    ALAN SITT writes that his son came across the BMI website.  Alan graduated from The Citadel and lived in Peru for forty years.  He is now semi-retired and lives in Hawaii but still works full-time as a glider tow pilot on Oahu.


'65    "2002 was an eventful year for me," writes BOB OGUS.  "I had my left hip replaced and took off from work for nearly four months of rehab…and a major overhaul (read…weight loss).  Result:  the new hip is great and I lost 50 pounds!  Unfortunately, I found 12 of them in December.  So 2003 will see a continuance of the campaign to lose weight.  This year will also include my retirement from civil service after 34 years of combined Army service, Army and Navy civil service.  I retire as a GS14 with a buy-out from the Navy that sweetens the end of this career."  Bob is looking for a Program Management job in Orlando, FL.  Bob asks that alumni visiting that area give him a call.


'66    Another grateful alumnus is JOHN MARSTON.  He wrote, "Thanks for the great job you do with the Alumni Association, the website, and the newsletter."

            A note from the wife of BILL MORRIS tells us that they were married on 18 July 2002.  Bill was excited to hear about the Alumni Association.  The newlyweds spend their time travelling between the US and West Africa (Liberia and Ivory Coast).


'69    LARRY KOPEC writes, "I stumbled across this website."  Larry is Management Analyst at the New Castle County Court House in Wilmington, DE.

GARY WEISBERG wrote, "Great job on the Skirmisher and all communications to alumni."  (Gary is a faithful attendee at all of our Reunions.)


'70   WILLIAM ARMELLINI is Vice President of Wholesale Sales of Superior Florals, Inc., in Florida.  William lives in Miami Springs, FL.

BRUCE HUBSCHER is a Broker/Sales Associate with Weidel Realtors in Hamilton Square, NJ.  Bruce was a member of the NJAR Million Dollar Club 1998-2001.

Another alumnus who "stumbled" across our website is BRUCE MIRRA.  Bruce lives in Dagsboro, DE.

JIM PARCELS, Maj., USAF, Ret., writes, "Like so many others, I have the fondest memories of BMI:  Dr. Smith, LTC Bradman, 'Top' Conradi, Mr. Hartpence (Go – Go – Go!!!) to name just a few.  My best wishes to all of the BMI Family." 


'71    HORACE "J" ORR writes that he has "fond and vivid memories of all my days at BMI and I must say that since the final closing, I was afraid that I would never see the day that I could share time with the friends and people I grew close to in the four years I was there.  I was excited when I found out there were reunions happening."   (He would like a picture of the plaque of the John Phillip Sousa Band Award.  Can any alumnus provide that?)

            JIM REBER states that he now lives in Florida and it is difficult to get up to NJ for the reunions.  Jim is the Rector at Trinity Church, Reformed Episcopal, in Maitland, FL.    


'73   BRIAN KENYON wrote in September, "I am currently finalizing a three-year assignment overseas with my company and will be back stateside after November."  He couldn't make Reunion 2002 but he looks forward to Reunion 2004.  Brian is Senior Director, Marketing & Sales, NPR Purchasing Services.



HARRY HOWE '50 has been going to New York Jets football games since 1969.  Harry writes, "The man who sits behind me and I have become friends over the past three years…he usually is at the first two or three games and then heads to Florida for the warmer weather.  Today, my wife and I drove to Stuart, FL, to visit him and have lunch.  We got to swapping stories and when I told him that I had gone to BMI…lo and behold!…he told me that his brother had gone there also.  His brother always was at the games with him; we had all talked; however, I knew nothing of their personal lives.  His brother's name is HIRAM SAM SHLIMBAUM and he attended BMI for the 9th and 10th grades in 1943-45.  Anyway, I just finished talking to him and we swapped many stories about BMI…the teachers, Old Main, etc.  He told me he was a member of the Landon Rifles when he was there."


HARRY PUTNAM (ROTC FACULTY) wore his BMI cap to a function recently.  A fellow came up to him and asked him if he had attended Bordentown Military Institute.  The gentleman was  DOMINIC FEDERICI '64.  Harry told him about the Alumni Association and Dominic is now a member.  He resides in Maple Shade, NJ.



I will never forget my most recent visit to BMI in 1966.  I had just returned home from a tour in Vietnam and visited the campus in dress blues as a Sgt. in the USMC.  I was welcomed, fed lunch, introduced and, on campus, saluted.  When I asked the cadets that saluted me why, as I was not an Officer, they replied, "Because we wanted to, Sir."  I remain proud of BMI. 

                                                                                                MARK (CLAUDE) MANLEY '59


Good Better Best, Never Never Rest, Until Your Good is Better and Your Better Best…WOW!  I will NEVER forget that until the day I die.  What a personal legacy to pass from generation to generation and to think we were all a part of it.  Now that is SPECIAL!  My best to all!

                                                                                                HORACE "J" ORR '71


Happily, we received more news and messages from alumni than we could accommodate in this issue.  Look for them in future editions of THE SKIRMISHER.





The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:


Adams, Fred '69

Barrett, George F. '36

Bonham, George C., Sr. '44

Forsthoffer, Edward J., Jr. '50

Gallipeau, Richard '46

Gearren, Lewis B., Jr. '50

Golby, Steve '62

Luisi, Jay O. '57 (Faculty & Coach)

Marquardt, Robert A. '50

Pollard, Stewart M. L. (ROTC)

Poriss, Raymond B. '46

Rockhill, Robert K. '48

Soons, William '68

Spinrad, Malcom F. '46

Troup, Oliver J. R. '47


Although several of the above members passed away several years ago, we have recently learned of their passing and believe it appropriate to include them on this list.






A slate of Officers, Directors-at-Large, Committeemen, and Historian was presented to the alumni assembled at Reunion 2002.  A motion was passed to accept the following with no exceptions:


President:  Angelo V. Candelori '56                          Treasurer:  Robert P. Frisbie '61

Vice President:  Louis J. Mancuso, Jr. '65                Secretary:  Tersina DiPietro, Faculty


Directors-at-Large:  Susan B. G. Bradman, Faculty; Lawrence R. Capitini '37; David Harkness, Jr. '58


Committeemen:  Mark Josephson '71; Harry A. Putnam, Faculty; Mark Singer '65; Stanley J. Winowicz, Jr. '66


Historian:  Susan B. G. Bradman, Faculty



                                                Sweatshirt                               $30                                          Medallion                                 $20

                                                Old Main Lithograph               $  5                                          Baseball Cap                            $10

                                                Glee Club Tape                       $  5                                          Note Paper                              $  8

                                                Lapel/Tie Pin                           $  5                                          BMI Decal                               $  1

                                                T-shirts                                    $12


(The Glee Club Tape includes the BMI Alma Mater for those of you who might still remember it and even for those of you who don't.)  Some of these items are in limited supply so it is on a first-come first-served basis.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to: 
P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.







It would be of great help to the Editor if you would ALWAYS include your BMI class year in any correspondence, dues payments, etc.


We welcome your e-mail messages to .  However, we ask that you send only items having to do directly with BMI and refrain from sending jokes, etc., to this address.  Also, please place a subject on your e-mail so that we can quickly separate the wheat from the chaff  (porn).  Thank you!


Many of our alumni are finding former cadets by searching on the Internet.  Let's spread the word about the Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association.









P. O. BOX 91







Alumni Association 2003 Dues…………………… $10.00


Please Note:


          Your dues support the cost of postage, printing, and other materials needed for your SKIRMISHER, maintaining the Statue site, and financing biennial Reunions. 


          Please complete the bottom section of this statement, enclose it together with your check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) and mail to the above address.


          If you have already paid dues for 2003, no further payment is necessary.


          We thank you for your continued support.






___________________________           ____________

                        Name                                       Class Year


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