BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, New Jersey 08505



Web Page:


Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                            Winter 2004





            Well, the holidays are behind us and the Christmas decorations have been stored away for another year.  Those of us in the northeast are in the middle of our hibernation period.  But don't despair!  Spring is just around the corner (more like several weeks), and it's not too soon to get into gear for our highly acclaimed biennial bash, "BROTHERS REUNITED 2004," on Saturday, October 16. 


            So before you do anything else, mark your calendar NOW!  And while you're at it, why not consider making it a long weekend.  A golf outing is being planned for Friday, the day before our reunion banquet.  If you don't golf, you might want to have lunch or dinner at the golf outing with old and new friends.  See page 2 of this issue for additional information.  Be sure to respond to Mike Candelori or George Odell.  They are running this event. 


            If you have attended our reunions in the past (and I know many of you are faithful attendees), or if you have never had the opportunity to be with us, plan to attend Reunion 2004.  We promise you a good time with plenty of reminiscing, good cheer, a BMI memorabilia display, good food (catered by the famous Mastoris' Restaurant), dancing, an exciting parade down Main Street (you don't have to march if you are not able to), etc.  Your Executive Board will handle all the details.  All you have to do is be there!  As I have said before, only with your participation can our Alumni Association remain strong and continue in the service of our members and in the memory of Bordentown Military Institute.


                Join with your "Band of Brothers" on OCTOBER 16.  In the meantime, stay well, be happy and prosper.



                                                                                                Semper Fidelis,

                                                                                    Angelo V. Candelori

                                                                                                Angelo V. Candelori

BMI Class of '56



R E U N I O N   2 0 0 4

























'30    Stephanie Blansett, daughter of JOHN HENRY SEITER, wrote to inform us of her father's passing.  She said, "My father had so many wonderful memories of his four years at Bordentown.  One of his classmates, RAYMOND JANSS, was a close friend with whom Dad corresponded throughout his life.  My father died on April 9, 2000.  He was 89 years old.  I thought you might like to know what an important part the school played in my father's life."


'35    In a letter from WILLIAM S. LUCKIN, we learned that he is 86 years young.  Bill has the use of only one eye but he states, "I am placing all my former slides and new prints in notebooks, the grand total of which has yet to be reached.  I have between 7,000 and 8,000 laser prints."  Bill was missing a photo of BMI's Old Main… which BOB FRISBIE '61, Treasurer of the Association and creator of our Web site, was able to supply.  Says Bill, "I still play piano and organ – by ear!"


'37     LARRY CAPITINI has been on the sick list but we are pleased to report that he is improving steadily under the watchful eye of Inez, his loyal wife of many years.  Larry and Inez, along with their daughter Lydia and her family, are the custodians of our Statue site…and a tremendous job they do, too.  We are all most grateful.

'43       HERB CAHN writes, "50 years have passed so I guess it is time to join the alumni association."  Herb resides in Quebec, Canada.

            BOB KENYON plans to return to Normandy in June for the 60th anniversary of D-Day.  Approximately 40 members from his outfit will be going back also.


 '44    SID BENJAMIN wrote that he was sorry to miss Reunion 2002.  He was out of the country for a "must attend" family event.  "I shall make certain to be there in '04," says Sid.  He adds, "I must commend you on the fine job you are doing…keeping BMI alive in our hearts and minds."

            WALT GODWIN continues in his quest to locate "lost" alumni.  He passes the information he gathers on to the Editor, for which we are grateful.


'46     TOM ECCLES lives in Scottsdale, AZ.  He and WALT GODWIN '44 communicated with one another recently and are hoping to get together soon.


'47     "Thank you very much for doing the Skirmisher," writes EUGENE GUAZZO, M.D., from the Maryland Infirmary in Chaptico, MD.


'48     We received an e-mail from NICK CHERGOTIS thanking us for maintaining a Web site since he thought knowledge of BMI was long gone.  Nick lives in Shrewsbury, NJ.  He plans to attend Reunion 2004.

            DUKE DUCLO has moved.  He asked us to send his new address to all alumni.  It is 9129 Rue De Fluer, Denham Springs, LA 70706.

WES FINER attended the get-together in Sarasota last April but he was listed in THE SKIRMISHER as Syd Finer.  He always went by his middle name at BMI so he says, "Nobody would recognize me as Syd."  (Sorry, Wes.)

JOHN SILBERMAN writes, "I have written a book, my memoirs, which will be published in about two or three months.  It is called 'The Life and Times of an Ordinary Joe named John.'  I have a large chapter about my six years at BMI which I think you will find interesting."


'49     Word from IRVIN S. WOODWARD is that he is "still kicking and doing fine now."


'50     RAY APY sent his dues with a "little extra for the piano player."  To the "Flamekeepers," Ray says, "I trust you are all well and reasonably content.  I am looking forward to seeing you at Reunion 2004!"

            DICK ENEGREN wrote, "See you in '04.  We stop in on our way south!"


'53     RICHARD BISCONTINI writes, "I'll never forget my 7 years at BMI!"


'54    DON BIERSTOCK says, "BMI always brings a smile to my face.  It was at least an interesting experience.  Pam and I would love to attend the BMI get together in October."


'55    FRANK SUNTHEIMER tells us, "I have very fond memories of my days at BMI, and reminiscing with those that come to the reunions is a lot of fun.  I appreciate all those who put in the time and effort to bring us together."


'56     STAN SETO writes, "Norma and I lived the Retiree's dream in late May, as we set off on a trip to Alaska with Brother RUSS '53 and his wife, Marianne.  We did a five- or six-day ground tour and a six- or seven-day ship trip from Seward to Vancouver.  Lots of money was spent (now I know why SS payments are offered to the elderly), some souvenirs were bought, a lot of film was exposed, and we saw mountains, trees and animals…and I don't remember a thing about it."  Stan continues, "In July, I drove to Gettysburg, PA, for the 140th anniversary of that famous battle, meeting up with an old army buddy and Civil War re-enactor.  We spent four days visiting the battlefield and monuments and the brand new National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg (very much worth it)."  Stan still works part time.

'57     PHIL ROWLEY asks, "Where does the time go?  Seems like only yesterday that I was walking the campus eagerly anticipating graduation.  Now I'm eagerly awaiting my social security check and Medicare Card."

            DOM RUGGERIO wrote, "Thanks for the newsletter.  It always brings a smile to read about what folks are up to."

            An e-mail from MIKE STERNICK brings us up to date on happenings in his life since BMI.  He writes, "Went on to Rutgers and Rutgers Law School.  Active duty as Air Force JAG from 1965 to 1968.  Finally retired from AF Reserve as LTC in 1989.  Couldn't get out of the habit of wearing a uniform so I signed up with the Civil Air Patrol and am currently Executive Officer for North Jersey Gp 221.  Also became an EMT and member of a civilian search organization, NJ Search and Rescue.  As you can tell, I spend most of my spare time in the woods.  Have been married for 42 years to my ever-patient wife.  Have one daughter and two sons, all in their 30s.  In the real world I practice law in Paterson, NJ.  BMI even taught the members of the band to be pretty good at Drill & Ceremony.  At Rutgers AFROTC I made the Drill Team and in 1961 we won the National Drill Competition in DC.  Thank you, Col. Benz."  Mike is trying to locate his BMI roommates, PAT MORGAN and JOHN SELYEA.  Can anyone help him? 


'59     GERALD ALEXANDER included this note with his dues:  "We, Nancy and I, will be at the next reunion with bells on!"

            We received a letter from GARRETT BEKKER in which he states that he got together with LEON ACRICH in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  He says, "We had a great time telling old stories."  Garrett retired from Law Enforcement in 1993 after 28 years.  He is looking forward to Reunion 2004.

            FRED (WARREN) LEARY told us that he became a "pop-pop" again (7th time) in October.  Says Fred, "If this gets any bigger, I'm going to have to file a Chapter 13."

            "I think more of BMI now," writes MIKE MANLEY, "than I have in many of the intervening years, and perhaps that is because I am old enough to look back and sort out what has been important."

            JOHN MARYANOPOLIS found us on the Internet and now he wants to find his classmates. 


'60     THOM BAILEY found us and sent an e-mail asking to join the Alumni Association.  Thom lives in Newport News, VA.

            DAN WOEHRLE is looking for BILL THOMAS, MARTY LIEBERMAN, and the "Bib Bopper" MIKE WEINSTEIN from the Class of 1960.  Can anyone help him locate these alumni?  Dan is a Content Specialist, Federal Government Sector, Jane's Information Group.


'62     GEORGE JAEKEL is a retired airline pilot.

            From "Uncle" BOB MACARI we received our usual Holiday Message.  Bob said, "Be a friend; add quality to someone's life…remember you have the ability to bring out the best in others.  You may not always succeed but the effort was made…We live in a great country; we should do all we can to make it greater."

            JOE NOVOGRATZ is with Owens Corning, IDI Distributors, Inc., in Eden Prairie, MN.

            We heard from DONALD (DENNY) TODDINGS.  After playing football at Delaware and graduating, he spent a few years teaching and coaching at Long Branch (NJ) High School…then New York Military Academy (coach and athletic director), following which he moved back to New Jersey and is the athletic director at St. Joseph/Msgr. Donovan High School.  He also coached a few years at Kean College and coached lightweights at Princeton University.  Denny says, "I love getting THE SKIRMISHER.  It always brings back so many fond memories and has me pulling out the old Sword & Sabre yearbook.  The 1961 football team may have been the best ever!"  He is interested in finding PAT CONNELLY.  Can anyone help him?  Denny said he would love to attend our reunions but "they're always during football season and we usually have a game."


'63     We received a letter from KIRK LYONS.  He states, "BMI will always be dear…treasured in my Memory Center."

            CHARLES "WOODY" WOODSIDE writes, "BMI was an important part of my life."  Woody and his partner own M. Cardadeiro Construction, Inc., specializing in concrete, patios, and walkways around in-ground pools.  They are located in Hillside, NJ.  Telephone:  732-431-8145.


'64     An e-mail message from ANTHONY LEONARD states, "Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the efforts of everyone who is creating and maintaining the Web site.  For years I've believed that somehow there had to be something remaining to all that made up BMI.  The traditions and lessons taught to all those cadets just couldn't be lost with the closing of the school.  I've visited the old campus several times with a feeling of a lost past…the executive board has established a link that I missed terribly.  I'm now retired and live in South Jersey.  I would love to hear from my classmates.  Also I want to thank WALT (GODWIN '44) for his efforts on our behalf."  In speaking of the death of Mr. Angelo Arabio (chemistry teacher), Anthony says, "He had a lasting impact on many of his students."

            BOB STEWART writes, "I think of BMI often and have a lithograph of 'Old Main' on the wall in front of my desk.  I can still remember what was behind every window.  Those were very good days."


'65     TOMMY LEE writes, "It is always a pleasure to hear about all the alumni from all over the United States.  I will never forget the first time I went into the locker room for basketball and saw all the sculpted bodies!  I was a star from Burlington (NJ) and became a small glitter among a school full of stars.  I will always remember the camaraderie and experiences from the many students who came there from all over the world.  I went on to play three great years of basketball at Howard University in Washington, DC.  I also coached men's and women's basketball teams after graduating.  I am now a retired metro rail supervisor from the transit system in Washington, D.C.  I live in Upper Marlboro, MD.  I was very saddened to hear about my great basketball coach, JAY LUISI '57, passing.  He will be truly missed."

MARK SINGER was on eBay and found someone bidding on an older Sword & Sabre yearbook.  That's how he found MICHAEL BRENNER.  Mike lives in Philadelphia, PA.


'66     WES HAND, our loyal Reunion attendee, writes, "Time passes quickly and it does not seem like more than a year since Reunion 2002.  The network appears to be alive and well and I have heard from a couple of the Brothers that I had not heard from since BMI, in particular LARRY McCARTER '63.  Funny…we have not talked since BMI days and as it turns out we are both retired Police Officers.  I am looking forward to October 2004.  If anyone wants to get together in either the South Parde Island area of Texas or, even better, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, I will volunteer to do the groundwork."


'68     BILL COTTONGIM was finally able to locate his good friend and roommate, STEVE DEMBA.  Steve and his wife Maria live in Lincoln, MA.  They came to Clifton, NJ, recently to spend the weekend with Bill and his wife Lynne.  Bill writes, "We enjoyed catching up on the last twenty years…Steve and I will try to make the next reunion together."

For College Funding Strategies, contact RUSS DERSCH at .

            After graduating from BMI, HENRY FINN graduated from American University in Washington, DC.  His job sent him overseas in 1974 where he remained in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.  He was involved in finance, construction and transportation companies until 1988 when he returned to the USA and moved to California in 1989 in the development business.  He then went into real estate mortgages and in 1997 started his own company, 1st Nationwide Mortgage Funding, in San Diego.  Henry says if anyone is in San Diego, look him up.   

            This in from JOE VRABLIK:  "All is well with the Vrablik family.  Business is excellent, as is our health and faith.  Gayle (his wife) still won't let me retire!  She teaches two Bible studies.  Our oldest, Joey, is on staff at the University of Colorado and our youngest, Davey, is starting his second year in college.  I am, however, finding more time to bow hunt and fly fish while I can still pull and throw the lines.  Best and Blessings to all!"


'69    JOHN KELLY keeps us up to date on the career of PAUL BOUDREAU who is now the Offensive Line Coach for Jacksonville, FL.   John and Paul have remained close friends over the years.

J. ROBERT PENHALLOW (formerly JAMES R. WILLIAMS) is considering writing a book on life in the '60s in a military school.  He is looking for a collaborator.  If you are interested, contact us at and we will put you in touch with Robert.  He holds a license to practice as a Respiratory Care Practitioner in California and holds national certification in Respiratory Care.  Robert received a Baccalaureate degree in Gerontology from Americus University. 


'74     CARMAN LICCIARDELLO, a Christian Contemporary artist and minister, received a BMI sweatshirt for Christmas from his staff.  They said his first comment was, "What…BMI?"  He was very surprised and astonished, causing him to relive some of his great experiences while a cadet.  He did not know about the BMI Alumni Association so he couldn't understand how he could be the recipient of a BMI sweatshirt.  Carman has received numerous gold and platinum albums and videos.  More than 70,000 people packed the legendary Texas Stadium to hear him, making it the largest Christian concert ever in history.  In 1990, Billboard Magazine recognized Carman's influence in Christian music by naming him "Contemporary Christian Artist of the Year."  For additional information, go to .



            After reading THE SKIRMISHER and seeing the saying, "Rather Be Than Seem," I wondered where those words came from.  I remember that in the entrance hall of Old Main, there were four sayings as you looked up toward the ceiling.  Does anyone know the history of them…who put them there and where they came from?  Also, does anyone remember the "rumor" of a tunnel that supposedly went out of Old Main from the kitchen?  Never did find it but did find some tunnels behind the nurse's offices.  It is amazing to me how you never appreciate something until it is gone.  I remember as a cadet listening to the moaning and groaning of having to get up at 0615 hours and standing in formation, marching and PT's…even doing some of that myself.  But what I wouldn't give to be there now or even to be able to walk the halls one more time!  They are fond memories – even the tough times – very fond and very strong.

                                                                                                BRIAN KENYON '73



            I remember well the Old Boys Drill on the main campus during the Washington's Birthday celebration in 1941.  It was that drill that fixed in my mind that someday I, too, would be able to do that.  That cold day in February 1941, the drill was conducted by giving each "old boy" one of our Springfield rifles for a manual of arms drill.  All went smoothly and well until the order of "inspection arms" was given.  Unfortunately, one of the "old boys" had been given an old civil war musket with which to drill.  The "inspection arms" order really confused him.  Everyone enjoyed his discomfiture but he came up smiling anyway……….WALT GODWIN '44


Yesterday, while surfing the Internet, I encountered your Web site.  It caused a flood of emotions for me.  I attended BMI for two years in the '60s.  The first year was while my father served his first tour in Viet Nam with the 1st CAV Division.  Our prayers at Chapel were for the safe return of our troops at War.  For me those prayers were comforting and resulted in the safe return of my father and many of his fellow comrades in arms.  We had the fortune to spend five months "In Country" together in 1971.  I will never forget the lessons learned in combat with that man as well as those he gave to me through my life.  I now live in a small community just off Fort Carson, CO, home of the 3rd ACR and a Brigade of the 4th Infantry Div.  My father commanded that Division after returning from Viet Nam.  Our community has been saddened by the loss of 19 of its members thus far in the current conflict.  I ask that the current Corps of Cadets pray for our troops to return safely.  I also ask that you pray for their families as well.  Finally I ask that as humanitarians, you pray for the souls of our foe.  Please do this as well as praying that we, as humans, might find a better way to resolve future conflicts……….JIM HAMLET '70


N.B.  If you have sent information for "Class Notes" and you haven't seen it in print, do not despair.  Thankfully, we receive much more information than we can use in any one issue.  Sooner or later we will get to it…we promise.  At this time, the Editor would like to thank WALT GODWIN '44 for his contributions to "Class Notes."





It would be of help to the Editor if you would ALWAYS include your BMI class year in any correspondence, dues payments, etc.  If you didn't graduate, just put the year you would have graduated.  Thanks.



                                                Sweatshirt w/BMI logo             $30                                          Medallion w/Stand                    $20

                                                Stein w/BMI logo - 2002          $20                                          Oversized Umbrella w/logo       $20

                                                Old Main Lithograph                $  5                                          Baseball Cap                            $10

                                                Glee Club Tape                        $  5                                          Note Paper                              $  8

                                                Lapel/Tie Pin                            $  5                                          BMI decals (2)                         $  1


Some of these items are in limited supply so it is on a first-come first-served basis. We will reorder T-shirts if there is enough interest in this item. To order the above merchandise, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to:  BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Be sure to designate size when ordering sweatshirts.






We are attempting to get a complete set of BMI yearbooks.  We believe the first yearbooks were published in 1935 but they may have been printed with softback covers prior to that date.  We currently have yearbooks from 1935 to 1972 with the exception of 1936 and 1971.  If you have either of the missing two years or have yearbooks prior to 1935 and care to donate them to the Alumni Association, we would be very grateful.  As you know, we display several yearbooks at each of our reunions.

In addition, we have some duplicate yearbooks and would be willing to send them to you free of charge.  If you would like one of the duplicate books, drop us a line and we will send it out to you.  The years that we have duplicates of are:  1942, 1943, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1965, 1967, 1969 and 1970.  As you would expect, it is first come, first served.





It has been brought to our attention that Bordentown City has solicited our alumni for funds in order to purchase pavers for the new Memorial that will be erected in Bordentown honoring those FROM THE BORDENTOWN AREA that served in the armed forces.  This is a project of the City of Bordentown.  The solicitation of our alumni was not authorized by the Executive Board of the Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association.  Please understand that the Memorial will honor BORDENTOWN residents who served in the military.  It will not include BMI alumni who served or died for their country unless they were permanent residents of Bordentown.  The BMI Alumni Association has already purchased a paver in the name of the Association.



Editor's Note:  When you send an e-mail message to, please insert a subject.  We do not open e-mail unless the subject is clearly stated.  Do not put "hello" or "hi" or other such topics.  We cannot recognize all e-mail addresses (especially if the person doesn't use his name as part of the address).  So if we can't identify you, your e-mail will be unread and deleted (too much porn out there).  Thanks for your cooperation.



We no longer have a 'Fess Up column because no one has been brave enough to 'fess up.







The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:


Arabio, Angelo J. (Faculty)

Coulson, James '53

Cummings, Lindsley H. (Lynn) '40

Fetterly, James K. '62

Hartmann, Raymond A., Sr. '63

*Hoffman, Rebecca Styer

Laslocky, Robert '37

Loijko, Joseph S. '44

Naismith, George B. '33

Seiter, John H. '30

Wadsworth, Richard A. '71




*From BILL MEREDITH '49 we received a newspaper notice of the death of Becky Hoffman at age 91.  Bill says, "Many of us from the '40s remember her."  Mrs. Hoffman grew up at BMI where her father, David Styer, was co-principal along with J. Harold Lucas and Harold Morrison Smith.  She taught physical education in the Pennsbury (PA) school district for 24 years.




P. O. BOX 91








Alumni Association 2004 Dues…………………… $10.00



Please Note:


          Your dues support the cost of postage, printing, and other materials needed for your SKIRMISHER, maintaining the Statue site, and financing biennial Reunions. 


          Please complete the bottom section of this statement, enclose it together with your check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) and mail to the above address.


          We thank you for your continued support.









___________________________           ____________

                        Name                                   Class Year


E-mail address __________________________


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