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The Skirmisher



"Rather Be Than Seem"


BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ Tersina DiPietro, EditorI'd like to thank you for allowing me the honor of serving as President of the Alumni I can keep up the momentum the Past President began.

the Reunion of 2006, many Bordentown residents remarked on their fond memories of BMIparade through the streets of Bordentown sparked memories of the days the cadets marched through their town. they were of this fine establishment, BMI!

reunion committee met in November to critique Reunion 2006all felt it was a huge have any comments, good or bad, please e-mail them to help us to make 2008's reunion even better.


flag is being flown at half mast in remembrance of the death of President Gerald Ford.

behalf of the entire BMI Executive Board, please accept our best wishes for a Healthy and Prosperous 2007.


C. Platt

Platt, '74




(Ed. President Angelo Candelori chose not to seek another term as President but will serve on the Executive Board as a Director-at-Large.)



(In the past, we have tried to give those alumni not present at our Reunion some sense of what it felt like to be in attendance 

"I returned on October 21, 2006, for the reunion of our BMI Alumni invited by 1963 classmate, BERNIE SANSARICQ, I found the whole experience to be profoundly moving. feelings and memories I had experienced while attending BMI, 1958-1963.


"This day was one full of laughs over wonderful-outline-level:1 !msorm;tab-stops:.5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in 3.0in 3.5in 4.0in 4.5in 5.0in 5.5in 6.0in 6.5in !msorm; layout-grid-mode:char !msorm;mso-style-name:"Heading 1" !msorm;mso-prop-change: "Terri DiPietro" 20070115T2046'> 

"Given the opportunity to share my BMI(From BEES IN AMBER: A LITTLE BOOK OF THOUGHTFUL VERSE by John Oxenham)


Rob adds, "To learn about my life's work, please go to "




Reunion 2006 was not without its tense moments as you will see when you read the following:Questa, NM, and has performed watershed field work as a federal watershed technician and biologist on every public land watershed on the Upper Rio Grande Basin******************************




For the first time since the rebirth of the Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association, we find it necessary to raise the annual dues to $15n style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman"'> 





The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the

BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:


Bartholomew, Alanson D. '56

Baxter, James B. '56

Bird, John LeGrand Jr. '52

Cahn, Herb '43

Cottrell, James H. '49

Gjerloff, Harold E. '56

Goldwyn, Gerald H. '56

Hermonat, Alan W. '56

MacEwan, Eldridge J. (Pete) '50

Veek, John A. '56
