Web site:  www.bmicadets.org

E-Mail:  bmicadets@hotmail.com



Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                              February 2012



President's Message:


          On behalf of the entire Executive Board, I hope that this issue of The Skirmisher finds you all in good health.  Your Executive Board has been working diligently in planning for another spectacular BMI Reunion for Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, 2012.  The Friday night reception will be held at Villa Romanza, located just minutes north of the Route 130/206 split on Route 130S at 156 in Yardville.  The dinner/dance will be on Saturday night at the Bordentown Elk's Lodge located up the street and across the highway from the former BMI campus.


          We all know the drill.  It is not too early to start spit-shining those shoes, shining that brass, getting a haircut and a close shave, and, of course, getting your uniform taken in because of that diet you will start next month.  If you have been attending the reunions, you know the good times we have seeing old friends and reminiscing.  If you have never attended, then it is time to try us out.  You will probably keep on attending just as I did.


          If you know of any classmates who are not on our mailing list, please give us their addresses so we can include them when sending out reunion information.


          I look forward to seeing all of you in October.





                                                                                                          Jack Harkins '67








'38    We received an e-mail from John N. Norton.  His father, JOHN J. NORTON, was known at BMI as ROBERT J. NORTON.  He was a Marine Corps pilot for 31 years, serving in WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam.  John is 93 years old and he and his wife have been married for 66 years.  His son wrote, "For some strange reason, he went by Robert or Bob until he joined the Marines and he found out his name was John J. Norton."


'40     MILTON R. LOCKE wrote, "I am unable to attend any functions but would like to communicate with anyone from my era."  Milton can be reached at spin7marty@charter.net.


'44     From Arizona, WALT GODWIN sends his best to all alumni.  He reports he is well and happy.


'45    Along with his dues, DICK STANEK sent a note stating, "Enjoying three months on Hutchinson Island.  Always good to receive your newsletter."


'46    "A History of Personality Psychology (Theory, Science, and Research from Hellenism to the Twenty-first Century)" is the title of a recent book by FRANK DUMONT.  Last summer, Frank made a ninety-minute PowerPoint presentation to the librarians of McGill University.  The title of his presentation was "From Illness to Wellness – Models of Human Nature:  Born to be Happy."


'49     We heard from PAUL EDMAN who informed us that his wife, Alice, passed away in January.  Before Alice's illness, she and Paul were faithful attendees at our biennial reunions. 


'52    MAC SEGAR would like to make contact with RICHARD LUPOFF and RALPH ARLEN.  Mac wrote, "Trouble is at our age, I'd hate to track someone down, make a phone call, and then find out he's been 'gone' for several years.  What makes it even tougher is when I have done that (calls to the grave), somebody always asks me where I am calling from.  Depending on what is what with me that day, the spot where I have to pinch myself to be sure I am 'here' and not 'there' leaves a good bruise!  I have not seen or spoken with Ralph Arlen since February 1967.  Other than bumping into ROGER PIERRO at Yankee Stadium the same summer, I have not spoken with anyone with ties to BMI."


'53     HERMAN "DUTCH" KUCK tells us that he always looks forward to receiving The Skirmisher.


'56    While walking on Farnsworth Avenue in Bordentown last summer, TIBALDO YANES spotted a man wearing a BMI baseball cap.  It was ROBERT WILMOT WILLIAMS '59 who was visiting in the area. 


'58    J. R. ARTHUR (better known as SANTA) wrote, "We were invited to be Santa and Mrs. Claus in one of the top ten Christmas parades in the nation.  The parade took place in Alexandria, VA."  They were the stars of the parade, riding in the back of a classic "really red JagUar (you must simply pronounce it properly if you are going to ride in one)."  J. R. added, "We will be leaving our daughter's home in Fredericksburg, VA, in mid-February and returning to Pensacola, FL, for a while to ensure that the pipes have not cracked and the doors still open.  Then we will bounce between these two domiciles before returning to Fredericksburg to be in position to attend my 50th Naval Academy reunion in September and the BMI reunion in October."      

          ALAN "PRO" ORENBERG splits his time between Madison, WI, and Sarasota, FL.  Alan wrote that he has reconnected with KEN PAUL.  He added, "Ken will be in Venice, FL, this winter and we would be pleased to add BMI alums to our winter rounds of golf."  Alan can be contacted at alano@chorus.net.

            BURTON WINNICK suggested that alumni meet in Boston, MA, for an informal mini-reunion.  If anyone is interested in working on this with Burt, you may contact him at BWinnick@McCarter.com.


'59    We received an e-mail from JOHN MARYANOPOLIS.  He wrote, "I have a 1956 yearbook reprint from iMemory still in the box.  I mistakenly purchased it thinking it was a 1959 yearbook.  The company will not take it back.  I paid $89.95 plus shipping for the mistake.  Therefore, I am willing to sell it for $60.00 including shipping.  If you have anyone interested in buying it, have him contact me at jmaryan1@nycap.rr.com and leave his name and phone number."


'61    CHET DERR, JR., wrote "Thank you for keeping our memories alive!"


'62    We heard from JOE NOVOGRATZ who resides in Chanhassen, MN.  He wrote, "The 1961-62 school year was the greatest one year in my football and academic career.  Going from high school to BMI and on to Pitt was a piece of cake because of all the great study habits I learned and a great bunch of football players.  Unfortunately, we have lost contact over the years.  Hello, all you guys!"


'63     RONALD "DUTCH" WALDHEIM has a granddaughter, Brittney, who is so proud of her grandfather's military service that she has established a Web site in his honor.  To view that site, click on http://88109686.nhd.weebly.com.  We believe you will be pleasantly surprised at the talent of this young lady. 

            CHARLES "WOODY" WOODSIDE is affiliated with M. Cardadeiro Construction, Inc.  They cater to the in-ground pool trade in the design of patio and deck installations (new, add-on and renovation) for both residential and commercial swimming pools in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  If you live in one of these areas and are in need of swimming pool work, give Woody a call at 908-507-6336.  Woody came to Bordentown recently with his wife Barbara.  He visited Tersina and together they reminisced about those BMI days when Woody was a student and Tersina was Dr. Smith's secretary.  Before leaving, Woody and Barbara said they plan to attend Reunion 2012.


'66    ANTHONY "TONY" SUOZZO lives in New Paltz, NY.  He works for an engineering consultant for road and bridge construction in NJ.  He wrote, "I see DICK PHILLIPS once in a while.  He is running his father's liquor store in Stockton, NJ.  I was the one with the blue supersport chevelle...the fastest car in the corps...and that included the day students!"


'68    TOM O'DONNELL is Assistant Dean of Students at Richard Stockton State College of NJ.  He wrote, "I am proud to say that Stockton is known nationally for our efforts to provide quality education to our Service Members and returning Veterans." 


'69    J. ROBERT PENHALLOW (nee JAMES ROBERT WILLIAMS) is living in San Rafael, CA.  He is currently a Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner in the state of California.  He wrote, "I enjoy my patients and the job."  Robert attended Boise State University in the 1980s and received his BS in Public Health at Colton University.  He plans to return to get his Master's and his Doctorate in Psychology at Boise State.  Robert said he misses RICHARD CONTE, a good friend at BMI.  If anyone has a 1969 BMI class ring for sale, he is willing to "pay almost anything for it."  (We will hear more from Robert in a future issue of The Skirmisher).

            RICK SEWELL wrote that during the past year he has spoken with Coach Steve Libro and ALEX BUGDA.  He added, "They are both alive and well and considering attending Reunion 2012."  Rick also keeps in touch with WILLIAM "MOOSE" ARMELLINI '70.



            We received an e-mail from Mr. Jim Crossin who has had a life-long involvement in track and field.  He is doing research into the life and coaching career of the late Ed Mather in order to write his biography. 

Mr. Crossin would like to speak with anyone who might remember Coach Mather.  You may contact Mr. Crossin at jcrossin@yahoo.com.

            You may remember Mr. Leon Papir who taught at BMI in 1969-1972.  He recently wrote, "By accident, I found this very impressive Web site.  Nice to find out about a cadet alumni association."  If you wish to correspond with Mr. Papir, you may reach him at leonpapir@yahoo.com.






The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:








KUSHNER, MRS. SHYRLE (Office Employee)


MOWBRAY, MRS. DOROTHY (Tailor Shop Employee)







Dues notices for 2012 have been mailed.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.  We thank you for your support in our effort to maintain a viable BMI Alumni Association.



Be sure to visit our Web site - bmicadets.org.  BOB FRISBIE '61 continues to update that site with pictures, etc., so you might want to go in there frequently.  Also, do not forget that BMI is on Facebook.  BOB SOOWAL '67 maintains that site and welcomes your participation.



Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo (Size XX-Large only) - $15

Maroon Polo Shirts w/BMI logo (sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL)  - $30             

Medallion w/stand - $5 (reduced from $10)

BMI baseball caps - $10

Prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.



The following items are available on a first-come/first-served basis.  Most of them are in very good condition.  If you would like one of these items, please send a check for $1.50 to cover mailing costs.  Make check payable to BMI Alumni Association and send to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Any of the following items not claimed by April 15, 2012, will be offered to the Bordentown Library.




1919 December (Christmas Issue)                 1919 June (Commencement Issue)

1922 June                                                    1923 April

1923 January-February                                 1928 May

1931 December (Christmas Issue)                 1931 February (Washington's Birthday)

1931 March                                                 1931 May (Mother's Day Issue)

1931 November                                           1932 February

1932 November                                           1933-34 December-January

1942 February                                              1942 March

1943 February                                              1943 November

1964 February                                              1965 February

1965 June                                                    1965 October

1965 October                                               1966 October

1967 October




1954 December                                            1956 January

1956 June                                                    1957 July

1960 Summer                                               1960 Winter

1966 Fall                                                      1967 Summer

1968 Summer                                               1969 Spring-Summer




Please note:  If you move or if you change your e-mail address, please be sure to let us know.  We "lose" alumni because they forget to send changes as they occur.  Also, please tell us your class year when you send dues and/or letters.  It saves work on our part.  Thanks.




Calling all former cadets:

Grads, Undergrads,

Junior School.

Faculty & Staff





October 5 and 6, 2012


Friday, Villa Romanza


Saturday, Elk's Lodge


Contact your classmates.  If we can help, let us know.


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