Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           February 2016


President's Message:


                   I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year to each of my fellow Bordentown Military Institute Cadets and pass along my wish that the New Year rewards all of your future endeavors with success. 


                   Your Executive Board is rolling up its sleeves to get to work on BMI Reunion 2016.  The dates are Friday, October 21, and Saturday, October 22.  Many participants at Reunion 2014 said it was the best ever and in keeping with the finest BMI traditions we want to make Reunion 2016 even better.  The way we do this is to get even more of our fellow cadets to join us.  Now is the time to reach out to your classmates and tell them this is the year to attend.


                   I have always believed that a leader leads from the front; therefore, this morning I put a check in the mail to register for Reunion 2016.  Join with me to make this the best reunion ever.


                                                                                                          Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                                          Jack Harkins '67




'44    DICK ROCKWELL suffered a fall about a year ago.  He wrote, "Since I am almost 90, it has taken about a year with some surgeries to get back to normal.  I am feeling great now.  You folks are doing a wonderful job and please know you have my appreciation and support.  My best to all."  Dick reported that he recently lost his long-time friend and former BMI roommate, GEORGE RAY.


'48     In a previous issue of The Skirmisher, JOHN SODERBERG asked how many BMI alumni he would have to outlive to become the oldest member.  RICHARD KESSLER wrote, "Tell JOHN SODERBERG that DICK KESSLER says hello.  I suspect we are about the same age, so it will be a fight to the finish."


'49     PAUL EDMAN wrote, "It is good to read the latest edition of The Skirmisher.  I was especially pleased to read of the sponsorship for Boys State at the Bordentown American Legion Post.  Mr. W. B. Fullington, WW1 veteran, BMI history teacher, was an active member of that Bordentown Post and he would be proud of  this sponsorship by the BMI Alumni Association.  Lots of good memories from my four years at BMI.  The best was 1947-48 when I lived in the Fullington House."

            Last summer, BILL MEREDITH, President of the Bucks County Chapter 114, Korean War Veterans Association, participated in the Korean War Armistice Day Ceremony in Doylestown, PA.  The ceremony commemorated the 62nd anniversary of the Armistice in Korea.


'54    MICHAEL RUDOLPH missed Reunion 2014.  He was busy moving from Wilton, CT, to Norfolk, VA.  He wrote, "Life has been fun, hectic, and busy.  I sold my first novel, NOBLE CHASE.  It is being published soon (April 2016) by Random House both in hard cover and audio.  I retired from the practice of law this year to work on my second novel, THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION.  Best regards to all."  (Ed. Note: Congratulations, Mike!


'58    DAN HAMPTON recently joined our BMI Alumni Association.  He resides in Stratford, CT.

DANA MURPHY wrote to say that he is happy to know that the BMI Alumni Association sponsored a boy for Boys State.  He added, "I am the Chairman of the Department (State) Americanism Commission of the American Legion.  Boys State is one of thirteen programs under that banner.  I was a Counselor at the Connecticut Boys State in Willimantic (Eastern Connecticut State University) for the 2012 and 2013 sessions.  The transformation in one week was, and is, something to behold."


'59     BOB DENT wrote, "Life has been hectic but generally good.  I send greetings and deep appreciation to students and staff, all of whom helped to shape me."  Bob would like to connect with classmates.


'60     BOB CONSTANTINO sent regards from his home in Japan.  He wrote, "I have been living in Japan since 1989.  If any of the BMI alumni have an interest in Japan or need help or information, please tell them to send me an e-mail anytime.  ( Kyoto is ranked as the best city in the world to visit.  I am now 73 and still working hard."


'61    ED FINKLE is spending the winter months in The Villages, FL.  He will be running the East Coast operations for Yankee Trails.  Alumni in that area can reach him at


'63    We learned that DON COVINGTON resides in Palm City, FL.

MICHAEL JOYCE wrote to say that he was sad to see that MARK SKOLNICK and WES HAND, two faithful reunion attendees, passed away.  He added, "See you in 2016."

PHIL KELLOGG contacted us.  He wrote, "Living life in The Villages, FL.  I have been here for eleven years.  Prior to that I was with Circuit City Stores after twenty-two years in the Marine Corps."  Phil would like to hear from classmates and can be reached at

Last month, BERNARD SANSARICQ wrote, "I was surprised to receive a telephone call from DUTCH WALDHEIM.  He called to wish me a Merry Christmas.  What a beautiful thing to happen to me.  We have not seen each other since 1963!  We laughed so much.  We had a trip down memory lane to the time we were at BMI.  Dutch promised me he would attend the next BMI reunion in October 2016.  This is happiness!  Dutch was always in a good mood, a great friend and cadet."   

JIM TANTUM and his wife Valerie live in St. Petersburg, FL.  He would like to keep in touch with other former BMI day student comrades.  Jim can be reached at


'66    We received an e-mail from PHIL GAFFNEY.  He wrote, "Very sorry to read that MARK SKOLNICK passed away.  I did not see him at the last reunion but thought he just was unable to be there.  We talked often at our reunions about our times at BMI.  Also, was sad to learn of WES HAND's passing.  I am sure that I will not be the only one who will miss them at our next reunion in October 2016."

HAL HURKA lives in Charlottesville, VA.  He wrote, "After knowing KEN WAXMAN for over twenty years, we struck up a conversation about our high school days.  It turns out that he actually attended BMI for one year back in 1966.  I found his picture in Co. A and he was standing right next to my younger brother, MIKE.  He got a big kick out of seeing himself way back when.  Small world!"


'67    GUILLERMO GONZALEZ is living in Caracas, Venezuela.  He contacted us to learn about Reunion 2016.  He wrote, "This year I would very much like to travel north and be part of this year's reunion.  Back in 2010, I made contact with my old roommate ROBERT PENHALLOW and we spent four hours on the phone.  I also joined the Facebook group and exchanged stories with classmates."


'68    Some time ago, we received an e-mail from GARY KUSHNER.  He wrote, "All is well with my family and me.  Gail and I are celebrating our 34th anniversary.  I am still active in my practice but trying to slow down a bit.  My son, Aaron, is 32 and lives in the Washington area.  My daughter, Jamie, is 30.  She and her husband just moved back to D.C. from NYC.  Our youngest, Stu, is 23.  He also lives in D.C.  Business commitments in late October typically make it difficult for me to attend BMI reunions."


'69    We were sorry to learn from JOHN KELLY of the passing of his brother, JAMES KELLY '63.  He told us that Jim went on to Notre Dame and played on the 1964 and 1966 National Championship football teams."  John added, "I still stay in contact with many of my teammates at BMIPAUL BOUDREAU is the Offense Line Coach with the St. Louis Rams.  Many guys get together when they can."  See more from John on page 4.


'71     KIM KOWALCZYK wrote, "I have purchased some old yearbooks and I collect BMI memorabilia.  I have three yearbooks (1943, 1944, and 1965) that I can pass on if someone is interested.  I am looking for a 1969 Sword & Sabre as mine was lost many years ago.  I am also interested in photos, especially candid photos of the inside or outside of all BMI buildings between 1966 to 1971. I recently purchased a painting of the little red schoolhouse that was on the BMI campus.  The artist is I. L. Lindabury who gave the painting to Dr. Smith in 1962." 



The Friday night get-together will take place at the Bordentown Yacht Club. The Saturday night dinner/dance will be held at the Scottish Rite building in Bordentown Township.  If you want to contact some of your classmates to make it a really special occasion this year, let us know and if we have their information, we will be glad to help you locate them.  In the meantime, save the dates of October 21 and 22.  Please remember that our reunions are open to ALL former cadets - graduates, postgraduates, undergraduates, Junior School - faculty and staff.  If you were there for a short time or a long time, you are welcome to attend and we hope you will make an effort to join us.  We look forward to seeing you.



JOHN KELLY '69 sent the following report of the gathering held in Ligonier, PA, on June 18, 2015.  John was unable to attend but he made contact with many of his old buddies that weekend.  John wrote, "I wish to say hello to all my classmates at BMI.  The gathering included former BMI classes of 1967, 1968, and 1969.  The group met at the estate of WALT SAPP '69.  All were coached by former BMI head football coach, JAY LUISI '57, and assistant coaches WALLY STROBLE'58 and Steve Libro.  Those who attended were PAUL BOUDREAU '69, MONK CABRELLI '68, STEVE CIPOT '68, JOHN O'HAGAN '68, JACK ROTH '68,WALT SAPP '69, GARY HOLMAN '68, ALEX BUGDA '69, BUDDY MOLLEMA '69, JIM ESPIN '68.  They had a great time rehashing numerous stories."



Dues cards will be mailed out soon.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are NOT tax deductible.  Thank you for your support.  The fee is still $20 per year.



The mailbag has been rather empty lately.  E-mail us or write a letter telling us about your achievements, your family, your job, what you do for fun, etc.  The Skirmisher is more interesting if we have news to fill it.  If you visited or heard from other alumni, let us know.  Have you been in this area?  We have observed out-of-state cars at the entrance to what was "Old Main."  We believe you are making sentimental journeys here.  We would like to hear about your visit and your reactions to the changes you saw if this was your first visit after graduation from BMI



ROBERT WILMOT WILLIAMS '59 credits Mrs. Cora Lee, a nurse in the BMI Infirmary, with saving his life.  Although Mrs. Lee died in 1997, Robert has been able to locate members of her family.  He has made them aware of the esteem in which he holds Mrs. Lee to this day.  He has prepared a tribute to Cora Lee and has sent copies to the Commissioners of the City of Bordentown.  He believes she is an "unsung Bordentown heroine" and her deeds should be "appropriately documented within the historical records of Bordentown."




Who misses, or wins a prize,

Go lose, or conquer if you can.

But if you fail, or if you rise,

Be each, pray God, a Gentleman.


(Located above the entrance to the BMI gymnasium.)






The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincere sympathy to the families of:




GONTOWICZ, MIRON (Kitchen Manager)






















We thank those alumni who wrote to inform us of the passing of several of those mentioned above. 




We have the following yearbooks available: 1956, 1961, and 1968.  If you are interested, please send a check for $6.00 to cover costs to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Also, see Kim Kowalczyk's offer on page 3.  We have requests for a 1948 and a 1966 yearbook.  Contact us if you can fill those requests.  Thanks.









OCTOBER 21 AND 22, 2016




Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association

Board of Directors


Jack Harkins '67, President

Joseph C. Platt '74, Vice President

Robert Frisbie '61, Treasurer

Tersina DiPietro, Secretary




Angelo Candelori '56

Joseph Porter '67

Mark Josephson '71

Alex Cooper '70

Jeff Nissim '66

Stan Winowicz '66 


James Lynch, Jr. '73





A former Sergeant in the Marine Corps took a new job as a high school teacher.  Just before the school year started, he injured his back.  He was required to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body.  Fortunately, the cast fit under his shirt and was not noticeable.  On the first day of class, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in the school.  The smart-aleck punks, having already heard the new teacher was a former Marine, were leery of him and he knew they would be testing his discipline in the classroom.  Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, the new teacher opened the window wide and sat down at his desk.  When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he picked up a stapler and stapled the tie to his chest.  Dead silence.  The rest of the year went very smoothly.


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