The Skirmisher



"Rather Be Than Seem"


BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505


Web site:



Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                        May 2009


President's Message



                        I hope this message finds you well.  The cold weather has left (we hope) and a beautiful spring has sprung.  I am proud to announce that a BMI alumnus has been elected Mayor of Bordentown City.  James E. Lynch, Jr., Class of 1973, was elected Mayor on May 12, 2009.  Congratulations, Jim!


                        Work has already begun on the next reunion scheduled for October 2010.  If you have any suggestions for the reunion, please let the committee know via mail, e-mail, or by telephone.  Your suggestions are always appreciated.  The Friday night meet and greet last October was quite successful.  Do you have any suggestions for a Saturday morning activity?  Perhaps we could get a service at one of the local churches.  Would this appeal to anyone?  Let us know.


                        Just a quick monument update.  We have arranged to have the fence surrounding the monument painted this summer.  The cadet statue stands tall and is a reminder of BMI's Glory Days.


                        I hope everyone has a safe summer.


                                                                                                Anchors Aweigh,


                              J. C. Platt

                                                                                                Joseph C. Platt, '74


                                                                                                BMI Alumni Association





            Friday, October 17th, was the start of our Reunion 2008 celebration.  Many alumni, guests, and friends arrived at the Alstarz Pub for an evening of camaraderie and the consuming of libations as they became reacquainted with classmates of long ago.

            Saturday, October 18th, was the day of the "Main Event."  Some alumni got together for breakfast that morning but the proceedings officially began at 3:00 p.m. with a parade through the streets of Bordentown.

Our President, Joseph C. Platt '74 (better known as J.C.), led the Ceremony at the Statue Site.  Another alumnus, Jim Lynch '73, now Mayor of Bordentown City, gave a brief address.  Quoting BMI's much respected Dean and President, Dr. Harold Morrison Smith, Jim said, "The career of a schoolmaster has not been for me an easy life, but the constant satisfaction of seeing many young people grow in achievement and, subsequently, into mature strength and good citizenship makes me feel beyond any doubt that if I had to do it all over again, I would still be a schoolmaster.  Happiness comes when you know that the best attributes of your heart and mind can go on living in your pupils long after you are dead."  Jim added, "He was talking about us and we thank Dr. Smith and the entire BMI faculty for the faith they had in each and every one of us."  J. R. Arthur '58 and Mark Manley '59 played the bagpipes at the statue ceremony and at the reunion dinner.  They are a couple of very talented guys. 

            Following the statue ceremony, everyone went to the Elks to sign in and to get ready for the evening's festivities.  J. C. Platt welcomed the group and Rev. Harry Putnam, BMI faculty, offered the Invocation.  The dinner, catered by Mastoris' Diner, was a hit with the attendees.  Then, of course, came the Old Boys Drill.  After a stumbling start, they managed to remember how to respond to the orders.  This part of our reunions is always great fun for observers.

            Congratulations to the Class of 1959!  They turned out in record numbers thanks to Robert Wilmot Williams who searched, found, and cajoled them into attending.  J. R. Arthur '58 tried hard but could not beat the fifty-niners.

            The following Board members were elected:  President - J. C. Platt '74; Vice President - John E. Harkins '67; Treasurer - Robert P. Frisbie '61; Secretary - Tersina DiPietro; Directors-at-Large - Angelo V. Candelori '56; David Harkness '58; Mark Josephson '71.

            The evening ended with dancing and many fond goodbyes....until 2010!



Robert Williams '59 found the following poem that was written in 1924 by Alexander H. Weinberg '13 after serving in World War I.  The sentiment expressed herein refers to the BMI cadets at that time who wondered why the "old boys" were glad to get back.  In some respects, it probably mirrors the feelings of our alumni as they returned to Bordentown for Reunion 2008.


Glad to Get Back

"Glad to get back" –  And we're hearing that you – Cannot understand the reason why – The old grads speak as the old grads do – Listen and learn, then, young B.M.I.


"Glad to get back" – Though a short time through – Parted amain are the friends of youth – So the old grads speak as the old grads do – Glad to get back – and that's the truth.


"Glad to get back" – We of older years – Who witnessed the hell of the worst of wars – Think of those days with smiles and tears – And sigh for the Haven on Delaware's shores.


"Glad to get back" – Though there's some who are missed – Gallantly bearing our Standard on High – Look on your Bronze Tablet and read of the list – Of your Brothers in Battle who loved B.M.I.


"Glad to get back" – From a world full of strife – Write it and speak it and shout it on high. – I'll tell you, fellows, that this is the life – Right here at Bordentown, old B.M.I.



'37    QUENTIN SANDLER reported that his wife's relative did a computer search and came up with a clipping from The New York Times published on June 15, 1937, with the headline, "59 TO BE GRADUATED FROM BORDENTOWN."  The article states, "Military Institute Will End 52d Commencement Today with Conferring Diplomas."  It lists all of the graduates and further states, "Dr. Samuel P. Steinmetz, pastor of St. Michael's Protestant Episcopal Church, Trenton, will be the guest speaker.  Dean Harold Morrison Smith will confer diplomas and certificates."  Quentin also enclosed a list of 18 of his classmates and bits of information he remembers about them.  (Good job, Quentin.)


'38     We received a note from Mrs. Betty Anne Winkler concerning her father, ABE YOUNG (YASKOWITZ).  She states, "Dad wants you to know how much his BMI experience continues to mean to him and how much he treasures his memories of his many years there."


'39     H. AUSTIN MITSCHER wrote regarding Reunion 2008.  He stated, "Congratulations!  In my opinion, it was the best parade and ceremony at the statue that I can recall.  It was thoroughly enjoyable.  The pipes added class to the parade and certainly made the city folks aware of our past presence if they did not already know.  I was the oldest cadet marching at 89 years and in very good health for my age."

He added, "Anne and I were sorry not to be able to attend the banquet at the Elks but we find it difficult driving back to Chatham after dark."


'46     JAY SHERLACH, usually a regular attendee at our reunions, was unable to attend Reunion 2008 due to his wife's shoulder surgery.  She provides the chauffeur service necessary for the trip from Pawling, NY.  He stated, "We both enjoyed our times with you all and look forward to seeing you in 2010."


'47     BRAD BOONE was in contact with WALT GODWIN '44 and Walt shared Brad's information with us.  Brad lives in Fitchburg, MA.  He wrote, "Although blessed with two wonderful daughters, my only claim to the role of grandfather lies in being a granddad to my best friend's son.  After a lifetime running my own graphic arts business for 40 years, I have slipped into the retirement mode.  However, I do keep busy working on a 16-page monthly 4-string banjo publication that I publish as an ezine online."


'48     NICK (CHICK) CHERGOTIS wrote, "I have been fighting colon cancer for almost 14 years."  (We wish you well, Nick!)

            RICHARD WHELAN sent a note stating, "I'll be there in 2010!"


'50     RAY APY reports that his traveling these days is usually linked to visits with his daughter and family in Rhode Island and his son's family in upstate New York.  Ray adds that he hopes to attend Reunion 2010.


'51    ALBERTO MIZRAHI sends "regards to all cadets."


'52     We heard from RALPH ARLEN who lives in Springfield, MA.  He asked to be added to our list of "found" alumni. 

ALLEN REED, JR. was unable to attend our October reunion due to a schedule conflict.  He wrote, "Retired 18 years; health great; play golf, tennis, and bowl."

            STEPHEN SORAK wrote, "Until recently I was unaware of a BMI Alumni Association."


'55    We received an e-mail from GEORGE BRADLEY.  He reminded us that he played trumpet in the BMI band.  George would like to hear from NICK KRAWCIW '54 and any alumni who may remember him.  George resides in Port Orange, FL.  His phone number is 386-763-4866.


'57     MARSHALL TILDEN, JR., wrote, "I stumbled across BMI's Web site and enjoyed looking up all the information.  The last time I visited BMI was Homecoming in October 1967.  I would be very interested in the next BMI reunion."  Marshall resides in Yonkers, NY.

EDWARD TRIEFLER sent an e-mail stating, "Though I pass by every year on my annual trips up north from my home in Florida, I had no idea that there was an active alumni association.  I have very fond memories of my years there.  I usually followed the rules but the last day before graduation, I signed out after the senior prom but I just did not sign back in.  There I was returning at 3:00 a.m. to be greeted by the Commandant of Cadets, sitting in his car in front of my dorm.  He said, 'Report to the Headmaster after First Mess.'  When I got to his office, I was greeted by my not-too-happy father and Dr. Smith.  It was a long hot summer before I received my diploma in the mail and got my graduation present, a new car, which sat in our garage the whole time."


'59    ROGER MARKS attended Reunion 2008, following which he wrote, "I had a great time."  Roger said he especially enjoyed seeing LTC George Nelson who was in attendance.  Roger added, "He is such a wonderful man and really meant a lot to the cadets who knew him back in those days when he was stationed at BMI."

            BOB SELIGA's business, R & M Rosary, has custom, hand-made (in USA) Gem and Crystal rosaries.  You can reach Bob at or 908-769-7735.
            We heard from
BRIAN WILLIAMS who wrote, "I was a member of the marching band in 1955-56 and during football season we were the team to beat.  But nobody did...including AF."  Brian makes his home in Zephyr Cove, NV.

            Prior to attending Reunion 2008, ROBERT WILLIAMS and his wife Judy took a trip to China and Tibet; however, that did not stop him from working diligently to bring many of his classmates to Bordentown for Reunion 2008 in October.  (Good work, Bob!)


'61    NORM KIRSCHBAUM and his wife will be heading for Germany soon to work in a US Army Hospital for a few years.

ROBERT LOW sent an e-mail after locating us on the Web.  Some alumni may remember that Robert was the son of Major James Low who was PMS&T during the late 1940s or early 1950s.  After many years, Robert returned to Bordentown to attend BMI for his junior year of high school (1959-60).  He wrote, "I must admit that BMI probably provided the direction I needed at that point in my life.  I (rather sadly) spent only one year at BMI.  I anticipated returning for my senior year but it was not to be."  Robert said his father retired as a Full Colonel and died at age 96 in 2006.

            KEN WILLIAMS reported that he had a "great time" at Reunion 2008.  He wrote, "It was my first and I look forward to the next one."  Ken also provided addresses for ROBERT MORTON '60 and HARRY BROWN '65 both of whom reside in New Jersey.


'62     Through an old friend of EDWARD PRINTZ, we learned that Ed has had a successful career as a Media Director/Producer and is now living in semi-retirement in Houston, TX.

            MANUEL LAUREDO learned of the BMI Alumni Association after joining  Manuel resides in Miami, FL.

            We received our annual Christmas letter from BOB MACARI.  In it, he reminds us that "we should devote our energies to the realization of new goals:  establishing new friendships and renewing old ones."


'63    JACK AQUILA operates his family's printing business, Inter-City Press Inc., in New York City.  Jack is also a commercial real estate broker in NJ and PA.  He is President of the Italian-American Heritage Club, 200 Club, Rotary Club, North Hunterdon Municipal Alliance, Clinton Business Group, and Treasurer of the Republican Club of Clinton Township.  He adds, "I almost forgot!!!  I'm a Grandfather!!!"  Jack and his wife, Dorothy, plan to retire to North Carolina in the near future.

            LEN FINK asked, "Did you check out (Vice-Presidential candidate) Joe Biden's mention of my BMI championship football teammate, FLOYD LITTLE, at the Democratic Convention?"  (We did.)

            MARK GOLBY wrote, "Thanks for all your good work and service."

            FRANK MAURIO resides in Trenton, NJ.  He would like to hear from fellow alumni.  Frank can be reached at 609-888-2321.

            GENE REID wants to know if there are any BMI grads living on the "Grand Strand" (i.e., from NC/SC line along the Atlantic Ocean to a small town called Georgetown, SC).  Contact him at

            BERNARD SANSARICQ contacted us with startling news.  He wrote, "As I threw my hat in the US political arena, declaring my candidacy to the US Congress for the 23rd District in Florida, former BMI cadets immediately started offering their help.  JERRY KRAWITZ '61 flew down to Florida and spent a whole evening with me in my home to offer his advice.  I also heard from BOB SANDLER '48, DON BIGGS '54, RAY APY '50, and JOHN AQUILA '63.  So in November 2010, a former BMI cadet will be in the US Congress and I can already tell you that the doors of my office in DC will always be open for you.  Your password will be 'BMI Cadet!'  I will make Dr. Smith and every one of my teachers and instructors at BMI who contributed to make me what I am today, very proud."  My Web address is

            Our mail brought this message from RONALD WALDHEIM.  "To all those on the J.V. football team – Football Season 1962 – Best wishes!  Dutch Waldheim, Co-Captain."


'64     RICHARD GUIDETTI missed Reunion 2008 due to illness but he wrote, "I am looking forward to the 2010 Reunion.  I really enjoy the reunions and seeing old friends."

            NORM MAZER wrote that he returned to BMI a few times after graduation including Homecoming 1964 for the "old boys drill."  He added, "I prize the memories."

We heard from HOWARD "HL" SMITH.  He said he googled "Bordentown Military Institute" and was happy to find us.  Howard earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership.  He graduated as an educator.  He wrote, "I wanted to replicate BMI in some fashion.  Imagine, another Dr. Smith and BMI!  Hope JOE FLAMINI put his massive brain to good use over all these years.  We all knew that BOB DUNCAN '65, that's The Rt. Rev. (Bishop) Duncan, would be a general or a Bishop or maybe both."


'65    Rev. JAMES DULL, a Roman Catholic priest, has been appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Bernadette Parish in Fuquay-Varina, NC.

            LOU MANCUSO and his wife Jo Ann are enjoying retirement in Arizona. 


'66    WES HAND has relocated to Tucson, AZ, and is again working for the police department there.

            RON HOEHN, son of Coach Doc Hoehn, wrote to say that he retired after 36 years with the State of NJ.  He added, "It's hard to believe that the Class of 1966 is made up of 60-year-olds!"

            We heard from DARYL SCHNEIDER.  He resides in Tarpon Springs, FL, and is General Manager of D & G Motors in Port Richey.

            Capt. STANLEY WINOWICZ was the keynote speaker at a Veterans Day ceremony in Ewing, NJ.  In his address, he stated, "Veterans Day belongs to everyone who has fought for their country, not just those recognized as heroes.  Whether it is in the mountains or plains of Afghanistan, in Iraq or other global hot spots, new wartime veterans are being created from the same mold from which we and our forefathers came."


'67     JIM ESPIN was unable to attend Reunion 2008 because he was preparing for knee surgery the following week.  He wrote, "The same knee that was injured while playing football for Coach Luisi.  If he were still with us, I'd give him a big hug!"

            ART MADRAZO tells us he finally retired after almost 25 years of service with American Airlines.  He wrote, "The big 6-0 is around the corner and I want time to run at least five sets of tires off my Honda Cruiser.  Besides, somebody has to watch out for my seven grandchildren.  Regards to one and all."


'68    MARK MASTER found us on the Internet.  After BMI, he graduated from American University with a degree in accounting.  He is currently a CPA and a partner in the firm of Amper, Politziner and Mattia, LLP, located in Jenkintown, PA.  He has been married for 35 years and has two children.

            TOM O'DONNELL is beginning his 10th year at Richard Stockton College of NJ.  As Assistant Dean of Students, one of his assignments is to oversee the Veterans Program there.  He added, "As we prepare for the new GI Bill, I am so proud to be able to assist our wonderful veterans as they prepare for college.  My training at BMI has been a tremendous asset to my current position."  Tom recently held a statewide conference at Stockton College for student veterans.

            Although JOE VRABLIK and MIKE HURKA were unable to attend Reunion 2008, they wanted to be sure that the attendees at the dinner had a great time; therefore, they provided the table wine for all to enjoy.  Joe wrote, "Tell the Class of '68 that as we all head toward retirement, it is time to now consider how we shift from focusing on being successful to the more important goal of being significant." 


'69    We heard from PAUL FAY who lives in Saxonburg, PA.

            ROBERT PENHALLOW (nee WILLIAMS) would like to find his old friend, RICHARD CONTE. 

            DOUG PALMER, Mayor of the City of Trenton, recently received an honorary doctorate in humane letters from Hampton University in recognition of his contributions over almost 30 years as an elected official:  Mercer County Freeholder and the first black mayor of Trenton, NJ.  

ARTHUR SAWL sold his newspapers (covering all of Silicon Valley) and has been living "in a paradise in the foothills of the Sierra range about one hour from Lake Tahoe."  An internet search put him in touch with BRUCE BENDER after no contact for 40 years!  Arthur would like to hear from JOE VRABLIK and other classmates.  He wrote, "My days at BMI truly had an impact upon my character and my comportment (my wife marvels at how neat my dresser drawers and closets are.)

            ARTHUR SCHALICK checked in.  He resides in Vineland, NJ.     

RICHARD SEWELL retired to Princeton, NJ, six years ago after 25 years in Manhattan.  He has been in contact with HARRY THOMAS and DOUG PALMER, mayor of Trenton.  Richard ended by saying, "I'd love to hear from others.  As for now, it's off to the golf course."


'71     HORACE ORR planned to attend Reunion 2008 but serious heart problems prevented his doing so.  He wrote, "I challenge all my classmates from 1971 and 1970 to make a concerted effort to attend Reunion 2010.  Personally, I have a few things up my sleeve and surprises will be of the essence.  There is lots of time to plan so NO EXCUSES!  Thank you."

            JIM REBER is the Vicar (priest) at St. Francis Anglican Church near Orlando, FL.

            Via e-mail, we heard from TONY SINKOSKY.  He wrote, "I hope my Young Hall housemates, STEVE MORETTO, GERRY DiMARZIO, and TIM PALMER read THE SKIRMISHER.  I would love to hear from them at


'72    We learned that HANS ERDMAN is a state park ranger with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources at Sand Dunes State Recreation Area in Orrock, MN.

            GENE FRIEDLAND would like to reconnect with former alumni and classmates.  His e-mail is


'73    ROBERT CLARK wrote that he attended BMI for only one year but "it still remains in my mind as one of my most memorable high school years for so many different reasons."

            Bordentown City has a new mayor and it is none other than our own alumnus, JAMES E. LYNCH, JR.  Jim served the City as Commissioner for over twenty years. 

            STEVE SPINELLI has been named President of Philadelphia University in Philadelphia, PA.



            Harry Putnam who was on the military staff and later faculty at BMI now serves on our Board of Directors.  Harry recently suffered a fall that resulted in a fractured femur.  After surgery and many weeks of hospitalization and rehab due to complications, he is recuperating at home.  (We wish you well, Harry.)





Those of you who attended BMI while in the elementary grades lived for a time in Durland House.  The house was purchased by GARY WEISBERG '69 at the time of the auction of BMI properties.  Gary resides in Florida and has put the house up for sale.  For additional information, you may e-mail Gary at or telephone him at 941-388-3101.



Dues cards have been sent via first-class-mail to all alumni on our mailing list.  Annual dues are $15.  If you have not already paid dues for 2009, please do so as soon as possible so that you may be retained on our active mailing list.  Make checks payable to BMI Alumni Association and mail to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.



Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo (Size XX-Large only) - $15

Maroon Polo Shirts w/BMI logo (sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL)  - $30             

Medallion w/stand - $5 (reduced from $10)

Baseball Caps w/BMI letters - $10                                            

BMI Decals (2) - $1                                                     

Note Cards - $8           


The above prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Be sure to designate size when ordering shirts. 



If you have not gone into the BMI Web site lately, you are in for a treat.  Bob Frisbie '61 has added many items of interest:  a list of known deceased alumni, athletic pictures, etc.  Go into, click on the Subject Page, and click on whatever interests you.  Bob continues to update the site; therefore, we suggest that you make a habit of checking it frequently.  He is in the process of adding reunion photos and needs our help in identifying some of the people in the pictures.  Please send an e-mail to if you can assist us.  Thank you.






The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:




Allan R. (Bud) Bucher '44


Robert E. Deignan '59


James G. Homan '59


Benjamin M. Lowe '73


Robert Pate '59


Robert L. Place '56


George Sander '34


Wayne Seiber '54


Henry M. Weeks '27 (died in 1981)


Clark P. Zitzmann '41


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