Web sitewww.bmicadets.org



Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spring 2014



President's Message:



Almost twenty-nine years ago, a few BMI Cadets decided to have a small luncheon in Trenton, NJ.  Plans were made and, mostly by word of mouth, the word got out.  As it turned out, more than 100 alumni showed up at this “small luncheon.”  The message is clear.  There are those of us BMI Cadets who are quite eager to once again get together.  Sadly, Bordentown Military Institute died over forty years ago.  I don’t know about anyone else, but speaking for myself, at the reunions BMI comes back to life. 


If you haven't had the opportunity to attend a BMI reunion in the past, don't let the opportunity pass you by again.  Join us on October 17th and 18th and YOU WILL return over and over again.  For those of you who have experienced the parade down the streets of Bordentown, the service at the BMI Memorial Statue, and the banquet with reminiscing, camaraderie, and downright fun of past reunions, get ready to do it again.


Looking forward to seeing ALL of you in October.  And remember, until we meet again ….keep those shoes and belt buckles shined. 





Jack Harkins ‘67


P.S.  ED FINKLE '61 invites all former cadets to join him for a fun morning of golf on FRIDAY, October 17, for the annual “Old Guys Golf Outing.”  Spouses are welcome to play too.  If you want to be included, send him an e-mail at efinkle@yankeetrails.com.





We have the following yearbooks available:  1948, 1952, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959.

If you are interested, please send a check for $6.00 to cover costs to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505



We recently learned of the passing of Sabrina Hewett Matteson, daughter of John and Lisa Hewett and sister of John Jr., former BMI cadet.  Many of you may remember Sabrina when she was growing up on the BMI campus.  We extend condolences to her family.



From JOHN GONTOWICZ '72 we learned that his father, Miron, fell in the kitchen of his home just before Christmas.  He was hospitalized for a time and then was in rehab.  John said his Dad asked about the next BMI reunion and told him he wants to attend.  Miron is 93 years young!  Some former cadets will remember Miron and Anna Gontowicz who managed the BMI kitchen for many years.  Unfortunately, Anna passed away some time ago.



If you have not paid dues for 2014, now is the time.  Please make check for $20 payable to BMI Alumni Association and mail to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.  Thank you for your support.



Be sure to visit our Web site - bmicadets.org.  BOB FRISBIE '61 continues to update that site with pictures, etc.  Also, BMI is on Facebook.  BOB SOOWAL '67 maintains that site and welcomes your participation.



If you have moved or are planning to do so in the immediate future, please send us your new home address and phone number.  If you have two addresses (i.e., winter and summer), please give us only one address for our use.  Also, update your e-mail address if it has changed.  We do not want to "lose" you. 


PLEASE NOTE:  From time to time we receive comments from alumni stating that so-and-so was not in their class although we have him listed that way in our Class Notes.  Alumni who left BMI before graduating as seniors are listed on our records as members of the class year that would have applied if they had remained at BMI





'39    H. AUSTIN MITSCHER wrote, "Like JONATHAN GLASBY '40, I still remember two of my rifle numbers while at BMI, 305355 and 998984.  Must be like your Army serial number that is never forgotten.  My wife of 65 years and I are in England for about six months.  We expect to return to New Jersey in October.  If it is before October 18, I will attend the reunion as usual."


'44       SID BENJAMIN wrote he has fond memories of his days at BMI and the great time he had on the outstanding football team.  He added, “Fifty-five years of golf damaged my sciatic nerve and so I cannot attend the alumni meetings.” 

            DICK ROCKWELL wrote, “Keep up the good work!”


'46    CHARLIE GOUGH wrote to say that he still looks forward to BMI "Class Notes."  He added, “Regards to BMI and all my army pals.”


'47     BERNARD FEATHERMAN was reelected to a second three-year term as Mayor of the Town of Highland Beach, FL.  He wrote, “It is a 24/7 position but it is rewarding to help OTHERS.  I am still an OP-ED page columnist for the Journal Tribune newspapers in Maine.  In July 2014, I will take office as President Elect of the Rotary Sunset Club of Boca Raton, FL.  At 84 years of age, it is great to still be active and doing things.  I feel like a thirty-nine-year-old guy.  My brothers, FRANK and DANIEL, send best regards to their former BMI classmates.  See you at the next reunion meeting coming up.”  (Ed. Note:  More on Bernie next time so stay tuned.)

                RUSS LORD sent a note with his dues.  He wrote, “Sorry to miss reunions.  Turned 86 last May but still okay.  Would like to make one more reunion but cannot say for sure.  Warmest regards to all.”


'49    PAUL EDMAN sent a note stating, "Planning to attend reunion – 65 years!"


'51    If you are in need of financial assistance, you might be interested to know that DON CHARBONNIER is a Financial Advisor and Portfolio Strategist with the Professional Planning Group of Rhode Island.  He can be reached at 401-596-2800.


'52    FRED HUBER wrote to say he loved seeing The Skirmisher.  He added, “Still have '46 and '47 yearbooks and a catalog from then.  Also still have my hats, pins, and belt.”


'54    CLAYTON HARVEY wrote to say he will not be able to make the reunion “but will be there in spirit.”  He said his uncle, DICK ENEGREN '50, passed away in December 2013.


'56    We received a note from LEONARD KOHN.  He wrote, “Visited the old campus and saw the cadet statue and plaques.”  Leonard resides in Valley Village, California.


'57    BILL BRICK was able to “find” JOHN FINNERAN.  John lives in Punta Gorda, FL.  Apparently he was not aware that BMI had an active Alumni Association.  He has now become a member.  (Ed. Note:  Welcome, John!)

            LOU PIETOSO wrote to tell us of the passing of RICHARD DeMASI.  Lou said he and his wife, Jane, hope to attend Reunion 2014.


'60    We received an e-mail from BOB CONSTANTINO.  He wrote, “I am now 71 years old.  I am a teacher and live in Japan.  I have been here more than twenty-five years.  I am writing a book and if any alumnus is in the publishing business, please contact me.  Also, I would like to communicate with old friends.  My e-mail address is topten1@ares.eonet.ne.jp.”  


'63    TOM ASHLEY and his wife recently relocated to Gordonsville, VA, from Rhode Island to be near their daughter and family.  He wrote, “I retired from working in nuclear power chemistry three years ago and am enjoying life very much.  I do visit the BMI Facebook page on occasion but would like to see more alumni using it, especially my years '60 to '63.  Can't say I will make the next reunion but it is a possibility.”

            BERNARD SANSARICQ sent an e-mail stating, “BMI brotherhood goes beyond classmates and your class years.  It is a real fraternity that has been tested through time.  I spent a whole afternoon and evening in the Florida Keys with AL ZARROLI '61.  Al and I met for the first time in 2012 at the last BMI Reunion and became great friends." 

            Summer is coming and a reminder that if you need concrete patio experts, get in touch with CHARLES “WOODY” WOODSIDE.  His company is endorsed by MONARCH Pools.  You can reach him at b.woodside@verizon.net.


'64    JOE FLAMINI says, "FIFTY YEARS!!!  Look forward to seeing you all this October.”

            ALAN SITT would like to find CHARLIE HAHN and ALVIN CUTLER.  They are not on our “found” list.  If you are in touch with Charlie and/or Alvin, please contact Alan at alansitt@yahoo.com.


'66       In an e-mail from Archbishop ROBERT DUNCAN, we learned that he cannot make our reunions because they take place on Saturday night and he makes Confirmation visits on Sundays.  He wrote, “I would like to communicate with a number of the cadets from my era:  WINOWICZ, HAND, the PENNYPACKERS, STARK, HENRY BERRY, etc., to see if they would consider attending as well.”  He added, “Formations outside Old Main (and visits to the business office) are now ancient history, but happily remembered.”

            BEN HERRMAN lives in Melbourne, FL, with wife Betty.  He wrote, “I have not been in touch with anyone from BMI for many years.  Last contact was PHIL GAFFNEY at a Little League game.”


'68       JAMES R. (RUSS) DERSCH is a Sales Associate with the Pino Agency, a real estate agency in Elmer, NJ.  He can be reached at rdersch@msn.com.


'71    KIM KOWALCZYK wrote, "I saw the posting about the White House in The Skirmisher.  I recently visited Bordentown to walk the old campus.  I also talked to the gentleman who owns the old Hop House.  He told me White House was abandoned some years ago and it is vacant at this time.   I walked around and took some photos of it and the area.  Kind of sad that it was abandoned.  I lived in Hop but visited friends in White often.  My fondest memories were the statues being stored in White and, of course, the teacher dressing up to remove the beehive in the tree with a vacuum.  Lots of fond memories."


'73    Bordentown City Deputy Mayor JAMES LYNCH, JR. was recently named Citizen of the Year by the Bordentown Elks Lodge No. 2085.  Jim's father, James E. Lynch Sr., received a similar recognition 50 years ago.  Because Jim has worked diligently to protect and promote the historic nature of Bordentown, the Lodge members agreed that he deserved this honor.  (Ed. Note:  We are proud of you, Jim.) 



                HENRY VACCARO sent an e-mail stating he recently learned about our Facebook page.  He wrote, "I was a cadet from 1952 to 1954 in the Junior School.  I was a Master Sergeant and Platoon Leader of D Company.”  Henry lives in Ocean, NJ. 











The members of the BMI Board of Directors have been busy putting together a great reunion.  We think you will be pleasantly surprised when you learn what is in store for this reunion.  The venue has changed and also the menu. 


The Friday night get-together will take place at the Bordentown Yacht Club.  Hot appetizers will be available.  The Saturday night dinner/dance will be held at the Scottish Rite building in Bordentown Township.  The dinner will be buffet style and will be catered by Toscano's Ristorante, one of the best fine dining establishments in the area.  Appetizers will be available during the cocktail hour.  The buffet will include Salad, Pasta, Salmon, Filet of Sirloin, Chicken Francaise, Vegetable, and Potato, plus Assorted Mini Pastries for dessert.  Cash Bar.  Coffee, Tea, and Soda are included with the meal. 


If you want to contact some of your classmates to make it a really special occasion  this year, let us know and if we have their information, we will be glad to help you locate them.  In the meantime, save the dates of October 17 and 18.  We look forward to seeing you.


Please remember that our reunions are open to ALL former cadets - graduates, postgraduates, undergraduates, Junior School - faculty and staff.  If you were there for a short time or a long time, you are welcome to attend and we hope you will make an effort to join us.



 "BEGIN NOW" to plan for Reunion 2014.  "OTHERS" will be there and we hope you will too.  Do you recognize those words in quotes?




The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincere sympathy to the families of:





























Note:  Several of the above alumni died many years ago but we just learned of their passing and believe they deserve a place in this column.  For a complete list of deceased alumni, please refer to our Web site:  bmicadets.org.  Click on the Subject Page and then click “In Memoriam.”


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