The Skirmisher



"Rather Be Than Seem"


BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505


Web site



Tersina DiPietro, Editor

Spring/Summer 2006



We are at 4 ½ months and counting to "Brothers Reunited – 2006."  Please ensure that you have set aside either all or at least a part of the weekend of October 20-22 for our BMI biennial reunion.  Some details about the weekend are included in this issue of The Skirmisher and additional details will follow.  In the meantime, a sketch of the weekend includes:



Friday, October 20

all day 

BMI Golf Outing

Friday, October 20


Hospitality Suite

Saturday, October 21


Parade and Ceremony

Saturday, October 21  


Reunion Banquet

Sunday, October 22


Bon Voyage


For those who choose to arrive on Friday, we will have our Second Biennial Golf Outing during the day.  Also, we have decided to have a Hospitality Suite at one of the local motels for all Friday arrivals beginning early evening.  Watch for details.


This year we are anticipating a record turnout, so plan on arriving early and staying late.  If you have attended other BMI reunions, you know what to expect.  If you have not had the pleasure of partying with us in the past, come and see what you have been missing.


                                                                                                                                    Semper Fidelis,


                                                                                                                                    Angelo V. Candelori

                                                                                                                                    Angelo V. Candelori '56



P.S.      NEWS FLASH!  A few weeks ago, a local elderly Bordentown man lost control of his car and sideswiped the BMI memorial site.  The car was heading up Park Street toward town when it swerved, crossed over the center line and onto the sidewalk.  It wiped out the entire length of the brick planter on one side of the memorial, somehow missed the BMI statue and its surrounding fence, then completely wiped out the brick planter, brick pillars and fence on the opposite side of the memorial before coming to a halt on the front lawn of the house two doors beyond the monument.  The bottom line is the monument (statue and surrounding fence) was spared.  However, we have work to do to get the site ready for our October reunion.  We hope that the cost for repairs will not be the responsibility of the Alumni Association.  Please do not send any contributions for repairs at this time.  If needed, we will advise the Alumni Association members.




'39    H. AUSTIN MITSCHER wrote to say that he is doing very well and hopes to be in Bordentown in October.  He added, "My wife Anne and I spend our winters and summers on the south coast of England to escape the cold and hot weather in New Jersey."


'42    PHIL TRABULSI hopes to make contact with some of his former classmates.  You can reach Phil at


'44     SID BENJAMIN wrote, "I really appreciated receiving the fall 2005 Skirmisher.  Made my day.  I intend to make the reunion on October 21, 2006.”

WALT GODWIN recently met with HERMAN KUCK '53 and his wife, Dorothy, (from Georgia) who were visiting relatives in Phoenix.  Walt wrote, "We went to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson and then went out for a delicious Mexican lunch."

            DICK ROCKWELL sent greetings to all and said, "Keep up the good work!"


'45     We received an e-mail from ARNOLD WOLFE who resides in Delray Beach, FL.  He will not be able to attend the reunion this year because at that time he and his wife will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary and his Grandson will be making his Bar Mitzvah.


'47    BERNARD FEATHERMAN wrote that he is President/CEO of the Biddeford Saco Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  He came out of retirement "to head up this 485-member organization."  He added, "I am 76 years old but feel like 35."  Bernard's wife is a college president and he attended a national meeting with her recently.  While there he met with Jeanette Smith Cureton, daughter of the late MORRIS W. SMITH '34.  Jeanette was attending the meeting with her husband, Bryant Cureton, former BMI faculty, who is president of Elmhurst College.  Bernard sends best wishes to all BMI alumni, especially from years 1940-1947.  He wrote, "When alumni come to Kennebunkport, ME, tell them to give us a phone call.  We are down the block from our friends, President George and Barbara Bush."  (Ed. Note:  In the next issue of The Skirmisher, we will quote from an article that Bernard prepared for the Chamber newsletter.  It has a BMI connection so stay tuned!)

            RUSS LORD attended the Boynton Beach BMI get-together and had a great time.  He said, "I saw some people I knew and met some I had never known."  Russ hopes to be present at Reunion 2006 in October.

            TOM LOZOWSKI had major surgery (twice) so he will not be able to make the reunion this year.  But he enjoys reading the news in The Skirmisher.

            KEITH VASKELIONIS is trying to locate ROGER McNEIL.  (Ed. Note:  Roger is not in our database so if anyone out there knows how to reach him, please let us know and we will pass the information on to Keith.)


'48    An e-mail from EDWARD BAPTISTE stated that he will try to attend Reunion 2006.  Ed keeps in contact with EDWIN BITTER and RICK MEMMOLI, both of whom went on to Duke University as did Ed.


'49    We received a note from PAUL EDMAN who is looking forward to Reunion 2006.


'50    RAY APY extends best wishes to everyone.  He has fully recovered from his bypass surgery last spring.

            "It's great becoming a new member of the BMI Alumni Association," wrote CHARLES (DICK)  KNIGHT.  "RAY APY put me in touch with the Association."  After graduating from BMI , Dick entered the N.Y.S. College of Forestry at Syracuse.  Two years later, he enlisted in the Army (Korean Police Action!).    He served for two years and received an Honorable Discharge, at which time he returned to Syracuse to finish college and receive a degree in Forest Management.  He then began a 29-year career with the U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.  Dick has been married 47 years to his wife, Kathryn; they have three children.  Dick continued, "My father was a 1925 BMI graduate, my brother was a 1953 BMI graduate, and I had always hoped that my son would be able to attend.  It is unfortunate that circumstances would not allow it!  It is nice to be able to follow the fortunes of our fading group through The Skirmisher."

            We received an e-mail from JOSEPH (BUD) MOGLIA stating that he just heard about the Association.  He wrote, "I recently played golf with NICK BERTHA and EV VREELAND  (Class of '49) and BARRY PARKER '50.  Years ago, I visited BUD HOWE in St. Thomas.  I see SANDY HAYDU on the boardwalk in Manasquan, NJ.  Also, I am in touch with JACK HELMER who lives in North Carolina.  I am sorry to tell you about the death of Walter Jansen in May 2005.  He was our English teacher and coach in the '50s.  I am looking forward to the reunion."

            ED NARATIL wrote, "Guess what I found in my mess of old cards?  A LIFE MEMBERSHIP CARD (in the BMI Alumni Association)!  Have no fear...I will still pay my yearly dues.  Just thought you'd be interested."


'51    Once again, DON CHARBONNIER headed up a "Bluefish Bake" in his hometown of Stonington, CT.  "It was a gangbusters success," wrote Don.  "We served about 300 people and used every bit of fish that I had...

100 lbs +.  As the containers of fish continued to empty and the line of people, 100 ft. long, never seemed to shorten, I did some serious worrying.  But in the end we had just enough.  I doubt that I would have done the loaves and fishes thing."  Don continues to keep busy as a financial consultant and publishes periodic reports for his firm.  Incidentally, Don became a grandfather again last September.         

DAVE SCHOFIELD was a bit tardy in sending in his 2006 dues...but with good reason:  he and his wife Pam were on a two-week Caribbean snorkeling trip.  Dave said, "If any BMI grads get to Hilton Head, please give me a call (843-681-8331)."


'53    When we heard that RICHARD BISCONTINI was headed for St. Thomas, VI , we put him in touch with WES HAND '66 who resides there.

            BOB STUART located RUSS SETO after nearly 40 years and hearing that he was going to travel back east from his home in Texas to visit his daughter, Bob arranged a stopover at his home in Myerstown,  PA.  As a surprise for Russ, DICK BISCONTINI was also present at the get together.  Bob wrote, "It is truly amazing to have all that time go by and still feel a closeness to roommates from 50 years ago. Thanks, BMI, for a lifetime of memories and we still rotate clothes and can get into a pair of pants without either pant leg hitting the floor."


'54    DON BIERSTOCK wrote, "Thanks for sending me The Skirmisher.  I really enjoy reading about BMI alumni."  Don is with Wellington Pierpoint Ltd. in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.


'57    We heard from GEORGE ODELL back in December.  He and his wife were in Lake Forest, IL, visiting their daughter.  Noting the cold weather, George remarked, "Now I know why we live in Florida!"


'58    CHARLES MAXFIELD sent an e-mail stating, "I have fond memories of BMI and now have two grandsons in military schools as a result of BMI:  one in FUMA and another in Camden Military Academy."


'59    PHILIP ALBANESE wrote, "About 15 years ago, I took a ride to BMI and was shocked to see the Main Building gone.  The few years I spent at BMI were some of the best of my life.  I still miss it after all these years...Dean Smith, Mr. Borst, Mr. Colby, Mr. O'Brien."  Philip lost his yearbook and his class ring many years ago.  If anyone is willing to part with either of these items from 1959, please contact him at

            BART DiNOLA sent an e-mail in which he states, "Thanks for mailing The Skirmisher to me.  It was great reading the articles in it... brought back wonderful memories."

            WALT FETTERLY wrote to let us know that he enjoys The Skirmisher.

            DAVE KAHN retired and moved to a beach house in Brigantine, NJ.  He wrote, "I will show up one of these years for a reunion with my old roomies, NEWELL FALKINBURG and ROGER MARKS."

            DON RAMALEY was surfing the Web and found our site.  He wrote, "The copies of The Skirmisher on-line bring back a lot of memories and questions as to where other members of the class of 1959 are now.  I graduated from Purdue University and currently have my own business in Downingtown, PA.  Have been married to my wife JoAnn for 40 years and have two sons and three grandsons.  Would be interested in hearing from former classmates.  Have seen the statue at Old Main and was impressed.  It truly shows the love and memories of BMI that former cadets still have."


'60    JAY VALENTINE corresponded with JERRY KRAWITZ '61 and he, Jay, revealed the following interesting bit of information:  "After I graduated, my family was forever grateful to BMI for all the school had done for me.  It was our turn to help someone else.  Coming from Connecticut and playing in the Nutmeg Bowl, I knew of FLOYD LITTLE '63 as an up and coming football star.  I had met Floyd (he probably would not remember me) at a party.  I was really impressed with him and went to my Dad who made the phone call to BMI.  The rest, as they say, is history."


'61    EDWARD FINKLE was planning to come to Reunion 2004 but was in the hospital due to a broken leg.  He plans to attend Reunion 2006 for his 45th reunion.  Ed is still active in education even though he retired several years ago after a long career as a teacher, counselor and administrator in the upstate New York area.  He now resides in Schuylerville, NY, where he teaches at the local high school.  He wrote, "Even to this day, I still use many of the things that Dr. Jetmore used in his class.  Students still write little essays on a quarter of a page of paper in order to learn to get the main idea in one good sentence.  It remains a great idea.  I spent many years as a top-level sports official doing football and basketball.  I always felt bad that BMI was lost to so many young men who could have used the discipline and the great education I received at BMI.  I wish it had been there when my sons were in high school.  I am sure I would have made them into cadets too." 

            GEORGE FOX LANG wrote that after years of not taking care of his health, he was literally dead for several hours in October 2005.  He continues, "I am now a scarred monument to the advances in cardiac care and open-heart surgery.  I am alive because skilled hands installed six arterial bypasses in my heart while a heart-lung machine kept the rest of my carcass in stand-by/storage mode.  For 62 years, I have been the indestructible man...ate anything and everything that appealed to me without concern.  I made no concerted effort to exercise.  I smoked heavily and drank more than my fair share...I think this time I have given up smoking for good.  It would seem that my beloved 'red meat and brown whiskey' days are now over.  My message is simple: reconsider your mortality.  Please make an annual physical examination a part of your life."

            RON RUBINSTEIN sent an e-mail stating, "Since the first time I saw the statue, I have thought that it looked a lot like Dick Sexton, Capt. USMC, who was killed in action during his second tour of Vietnam.  Am I right?  While stationed in Philadelphia, US Army Electronics Command, I attended the 1970 BMI graduation during which Dick's mother presented a scholarship in his memory." 

            GEORGE SINKANKAS enclosed a note with his annual dues.  He stated, "I hope to make the 2006 reunion; the stars seem to be in the proper configuration this year."

'62    "Great Fall 2005 issue of The Skirmisher," wrote TED EARLE.  (Ed. Note:  We never get tired of hearing that!)  Ted was looking for BRIAN KENYON '72; we provided contact information.

            STEVE GOLDSTEIN said, "When I think of my years at BMI, one bright spot was watching guys like FLOYD LITTLE '63 play football.  Then I went on to Penn State and had to watch him play against us which made those games with Syracuse even more enjoyable.  Be good to see him make the Hall of Fame."

            Along with his usual Holiday greetings, "Uncle" BOB MACARI added a personal note.  He wrote, "Five years ago and again recently I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.  I did not handle this news well at first and went through all the stages of anger, denial and 'why me' syndromes, that eventually led to depression.  Fortunately, I am blessed with a great family and a circle of friends.  It was through their love and support that I realized my plight was better than that of many others.  I decided to lose the 'self-pity' attitude and concentrate on the fact that life is good and we all have blessings for which to be thankful."


'63    TOM ASHLEY wrote, "Thank you for all your efforts in maintaining an alumni network and giving us a connection.  I enjoy reading the notes from former cadets and learning whatever news may be passed on.  Although I have had problems attending past alumni homecoming events, I fully intend to be there in 2007...if 'God is willing and the creek don't rise.'"  (Ed. Note: We hope you mean 2006, Tom.  We are not having a reunion in '07.)

            ROBERT CHISHOLM was contacted by BERNARD SANSARICQ regarding Reunion 2006 so Chis  may join him.

            FLOYD LITTLE wrote, "I enjoyed reading the information in the last Skirmisher...well done.  I saw PHIL ROWLEY '57 at the Dealership.  He was getting service work done on his Ford Crown Victoria that he bought a year ago.  It was good to see him again.  We agreed to make every attempt to get back for the reunion in October.  I have set aside the date.  It was good hearing about CHRIS KALIVAS '65.  I sat across from Chris during the study hall period."

            From KIRK LYONS comes this message:  "My wife and I are targeting to see you at the October muster." 


'64     We received a letter along with dues from RICH GUIDETTI.  He is looking forward to Reunion 2006.  He stated, "I had such a great time at the 2004 reunion.  I thought that all concerned did a really good job.  I hope that some more of my classmates show up for this reunion."

            ANTHONY LEONARD contacted WALT GODWIN '44 and told him the sad news of the passing of JOE MALATESTA '63.  Anthony goes on to say, "My wife and I are looking forward to October and have our room reserved for Friday and Saturday night at the Comfort Inn."

            JOHN LONGANECKER is trying to locate PHIL SHERIDAN '62.  (Ed. Note:  If anyone knows Phil's whereabouts, please send the information to us because we "lost" him sometime ago.)  In his e-mail, John wrote, "Enjoyed NICK METROKOTSAS' testimony concerning the intrinsic value of the BMI experience.  Much is shared by Nick that is equally appreciated by me."

            JOHN L. ROSS recently joined the Alumni Association.  John presently lives in North Oaks, MN.


'65    PARKE WILKINSON wrote, "I read the very nice article written by NICK METROKOTSAS '64 that appeared in the latest issue of The Skirmisher.   I, also, have wonderful fond memories of my days at BMI.  I do not remember thinking that at the time, as I doubt many of us did, but reflecting back, I most certainly know now that it was the beginning of my life."    


'66     WHITNEY BOWLES III contacted us inquiring about Reunion 2006.  Whitney resides in Ocean Shores, WA.

            PHILIP GAFFNEY plans to take an Eastern Caribbean Cruise in June and hopes to get together with WES HAND  who lives in St. Thomas.  Philip wrote, "I have seen Wes at the last two reunions in Bordentown and I look forward to hopefully seeing him in October 2006.  It would certainly be nice to be able to share the better part of a day with him as we have had many things to talk about at the reunions but not a lot of time to do so.  I look forward to Reunion 2006!"

            Once again, WES HAND extends an invitation to alumni visiting the Virgin Islands to contact him at  Says Wes, "We will take as many as we can get."

            In an e-mail from FRED HARKINS, we learned that he attended Wilkes College following BMI and played football for Wilkes for three undefeated years.  He graduated with a BA in Psychology.  He then attended Palmer College of Chiropractic and has been practicing chiropractic in Lancaster, CA, since 1978. Fred asked, "Does anyone remember Mrs. Griffin, the math teacher?  She came to mind and I just wondered where and how she might be.  I was sad to hear of Coach Luisi's passing.  I played for him in the fall of 1965...a great coach."  Fred would like to find PAUL MOXLEY.

            HAL HURKA wrote, "I just opened my 1966 yearbook (I have all three books from the years I attended) and realized the yellow color used on page 6 is the same yellow I have as my company logo color (  How ironic!"

            BRUCE KANE told WES HAND that he plans to make Reunion 2006.  He said, "I often think of BMI.  I get the old Sword and Sabre out and it always brings a smile to my face.  I have friends in Bordentown and drive by the old campus three or four times a year."

             The daughter of DON MARTIN contacted us to tell us of her father's serious illness.  He had expressed an interest in contacting WES HAND.  We sent an e-mail to Wes who, in turn, contacted Don.  Unfortunately, Don passed away soon thereafter.  His daughter said hearing from Wes "made him very, very happy."

            We heard from JOHN MARSTON who is trying to locate TOM FERRIS '65.  John wrote, "I saw him about 25 years ago in the Manchester, NH, area and he was very involved in organizing a BMI alumni group back then.  However, I moved to VT and have not seen him since."  John invites alumni traveling to VT to stop by his restaurant and say "hello."


'67     KEVIN KING enrolled at Pennsylvania Military College after BMI.  He left PMC to join the Navy; advanced to Naval Advisory Group, Delta Naval Forces, Republic of Vietnam.  Kevin plans to attend Reunion 2006 and take part in the golf outing.


'69    JOE BRADLEY sent this note along with his dues:  "Hard to believe 40-year reunion is approaching."

            DOUG PALMER was re-elected Mayor of the City of Trenton for a fifth term.

            GREG TREIHART wrote, "I remember so much of my time at BMI and I am so happy to know that someone has kept The Skirmisher alive and well.  I never thought my high school would vanish off the face of the earth someday."  Through family circumstances, Greg's yearbooks were lost and he would like to replace them (1966-1969).  Greg added, "They were gone, along with my Dad's catcher's mitt from the 1930s personally signed by Babe Ruth!"


'72    DANIEL "OZZIE" PIACENTINO "stumbled" across our Web site when doing research on Joseph Bonaparte for his aunt.  He wrote, "I graduated from Lincoln College Preparatory School which also no longer exists.  If it were not for my college transcripts, I would be rather hard pressed to verify an academic career at the secondary level."  Ozzie received a degree in Communications from Temple University and then worked as a Designer for Ethan Allen Gallery, as Promotions Director for WIP Radio and as a Medical Textbook Editor at J. B. Lippincott and Sons.  "I would very much like to say 'hello' to my best mates from those now golden, halcyon days:  JOHN HORTON, GARY RISDEN, BOB GREENE, BRUCE THOMPSON, and BOB GALLAGHER.  I keep in 'good form,' as Mr. Hartpence would have said, riding my bicycle from Philadelphia to Sea Isle City every Saturday morning during the season.  I have also biked River Road to Park Street (former site of BMI) on more than one occasion over the years.".



This is the call to clubs for the Second Reunion Golf Outing that will be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2006.  By request, a new dimension to the golf outing this year will be added: the ladies of the Corps will be invited to play.  I ask all reunion attendees interested in chasing the little white ball to take one step forward to be counted.  The strategy is to play a round of golf at one of the Mercer County golf courses, either Mercer Oaks East or Oaks West.  Upon completion of a flawless round of golf, we will fall back and hunker down at the course's 19th Hole to critique the round with our comrades in clubs.  After a brief stay and the final words spent about a well-placed drive or the extended putt made, we will retire to ready for Mess Call:  Cocktails and Dinner at Mastoris' Restaurant.


Details will be forthcoming to all who are interested in playing in the Reunion Golf Outing II.  Do not procrastinate; I will need a roll to muster the troops.  Please send all inquiries and requests to play directly to me so not to burden the Alumni Reunion Committee; they will be busy with reunion preparations.


Start your carts and get cracking to the first tee; make this another successful reunion golf outing.  Quit "putting" around...just do it!


                                                            MIKE CANDELORI '57




BOB SANDLER '48, GEORGE ODELL '58, BERNARD SANSARICQ '63 organized a mini-reunion of South Florida Alumni.  They met on November 12, 2005, at the Holiday Inn in Boynton Beach, Florida.  Present, in addition to the organizers, were HARRY BISSELL '41, MICHAEL JOYCE '63, MARK MANLEY '59, WILLIAM NEUBAUER '37, FRED LEARY '59, HOWARD SHERMAN '50, J. R. ARTHUR '58, JOHN HANAWALT '44, DANIEL FEATHERMAN '50, RUSSELL LORD '48, STEVE SAGAL '63, HARRY "BUD" HOWE '50, most of whom were accompanied by their "better halves."  J. R. Arthur played the bagpipes and did a great job on the BMI Alma Mater. 


The group plans to hold another mini-reunion in the spring since DICK ENEGREN '50 and EDUARDO TOMAS '50 were unable to attend the November gathering.


(Submitted by HARRY (BUD) HOWE, '50)



KEITH VASKELIONIS '47 has yearbooks for 1945 and 1946 that he is willing to send to interested alumni.  Of course, this is on a first-come, first-served basis.  You may forward your request as follows:

Keith Vaskelionis, 59 Tsienneto Road, Derry, NH 03038.



If you have not paid dues for 2006, now is a good time to do so.  Postcard reminders were sent via first-class-mail so that in the event addresses had changed, the first-class-postage would ensure the return of the cards to us.  In this way, our mailing list could be brought up to date.  Annual dues are $10.  Checks or money orders should be made payable to BMI Alumni Association and mailed to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Please remember that dues and other contributions are NOT tax deductible. 




Through the dedicated efforts of BOB FRISBIE '61, our Web site has been greatly enhanced.  Take a look  and you will be pleasantly surprised.  Be sure to click on everything on the site.  You would not want to miss anything.  However, we need pictures.  If you have pictures (having to do with BMI, of course), please send them to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  We may not use all of them but we will look through those we receive and pick out appropriate photos.  Please send those you can spare; they will not be returned.  Thanks for your cooperation.




Grey Sweatshirt w/BMI logo


New Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo


(Sizes Large and XX-Large Only)


(Sizes Large, X-Large, **XX-Large)






Baseball Caps w/BMI letters


Old Main Lithograph

$ 5

BMI Decals (2)

$ 1

Medallion w/stand


Note Paper

$ 8




(**  We have overstocked our Maroon Sweatshirts in size XX-Large; therefore, we are offering them at a reduced cost of $20.)


The above prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to:  BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Be sure to designate size when ordering sweatshirts.





The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:










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