Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Summer  2015


President's Message:


I hope this message finds you all in good health and enjoying the summer.


Raising awareness of BMI and preserving its memory is always the primary goal of our Alumni Association.  In the last edition of the Skirmisher, I mentioned that the Executive Board had been in the process of providing scholarships to graduating seniors at Bordentown Regional High School.  At a ceremony on June 17, in front of 500 students, parents and faculty, we presented a $1500 check to Breanna Volz and a $1000 check to Kyle Larrain.  You can go to our home page at and then click on “Scholarship Awards” at the top left to see a photo of the ceremony.   We wish these two young people and the entire graduating class success in all of their endeavors.  We owe a sincere thank you to Executive Board members Joe Porter ‘67, Alex Cooper ’70, and Bob Frisbie ’61 for all the work they did to make these scholarships a reality.


Also, we sponsored a local student to attend Boys State this summer.  As many of you may know, American Legion Boys State is among the most respected educational programs of government instruction for high school students.  Each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government. The training is objective and practical with city, county and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices. Activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, chorus and recreational programs.  High school juniors are selected by local American Legion Posts to attend the program.  Kudos to our Vice President J. C. Platt '74 for suggesting we contribute to this worthwhile endeavor.


If our finances permit, we shall continue to do what we can to ensure that Bordentown Military Institute will forever be remembered in the City of Bordentown not only for what it was in the past, but also for what it is still contributing to the community.  With your help we can do that.


Don’t forget BMI Reunion 2016 is only sixteen months away.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.


Respectfully submitted,


Jack Harkins '67





'35    We recently learned that of the 17 inductees into the 2014 class of the Greenwood County (SC) Hall of Heroes, seven did not live to see their community humbly give its thanks for their service.  But for one veteran acclaim for his gallant service came 70 years after he risked his life against the enemy.  Retired US Army Captain GEORGE HODSDON received his Bronze Star -- the U.S. Military's fourth highest award.  "It was a very nice ceremony," Hodsdon, 97, said. "I did not know I had earned the award so it was a bit of a surprise."  (Ed. Note: Congratulations, George!  We thank you for your service.)


'44       LARRY MORRISON sent an address update.  He now lives in Alton Bay, NH.


'45    We received a note from Dolores Stanek, wife of DICK STANEK.  She wrote, "Sorry we were not able to attend the last reunion.  Dick is 88 now and has some lymphedema problems with his legs."  They spend some part of the winter months in Florida, while they maintain their home in New Jersey.

            Last February, ARNOLD WOLFE wrote, "Although it will be 70 years in May since I graduated from BMI, I still get a kick out of The Skirmisher.  My wife and I spend six months in Bayside, NY, and six months in Delray Beach, FL.  Keep up the wonderful work of keeping the spirit of BMI alive!"


'46    More from FRANK DUMONT '46 and GENE GUAZZO '47.  In writing to Gene, Frank said, "I have a picture somewhere of you, me, and TONY FERRIGNO standing together with our javelins in our right hands.  We are in shorts on the track field.  I wish I could lay my hands on it.  You and Tony look very muscular and athletic in it.  I tried to contact Tony in CT but he never responded.  I liked him.  I also liked Jones, the coach."  Gene wrote to Frank, "The years go by, and here we are...still top, and a long way from Hill Top!  I agree with you when you talk about Dean Smith.  He had a considerable influence on me at an important time in my life.  Wow!  Your kids have done so well.  Who knows, maybe your daughter (cytology/Hopkins) and I may have crossed paths because I lectured at Hopkins and at one time was on the part-time faculty at the University of Maryland Medical School in spite of my being a GP from the boondocks."  (Ed. Note: These two fellows keep in touch and share their comments with us.  Thanks, Guys!)


'47     In an article that BERNARD FEATHERMAN wrote for THE ROTARIANS, he referred to the motto on one of the walls at BMI (Good, Better, Best).  He wrote, "It means each person needs to do the very best they can do, even into retirement.  It is that extra effort that makes better into best.  Everyone should try to reach for goals beyond their grasp.  It is an awesome feeling that one can accomplish what others think cannot be done."  Bernie and GENE GUAZZO reconnected recently.  Bernie commented, "There is a common bond among all of us (former cadets) that reflected on our future since leaving BMI.  It is a wonderful feeling!"  Former students may remember that the word OTHERS was on another wall at BMI.  Bernie added, "I finally made Marquis' WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA and WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD by doing for OTHERS." 


'48     JOHN SODERBERG asked how many BMI alumni he would have to outlive to become the oldest member.  (We counted and came up with 45.)   He responded, "I'll take care of myself so maybe I'll outlive all 45."  (Ed. Note:  His letters are always such fun to read.)


'49     In an e-mail from BOB "TERRY" TERBUSH, we learned that he now lives in Tarpon Springs, FL, and is involved in water sports.  He wrote, "I taught and coached in a school thirty-four years in upstate New YorkThen owned a small business, 'Terbotri Sports' where I designed custom bicycles for triathletes."  He added, "I have some great memories of BMI but was inspired to write after seeing ANTHONY FERRIGNO's post in The Skirmisher.  As an underclassman, I admired Tony's athletic ability.  I recall seeing him with a javelin through his leg."


'50    RAYMOND APY wrote, "I did not like missing the 2014 reunion but along with all the other optimists, I look forward to October 2016."


'51     DON CHARBONNIER was pleased to learn that we are giving scholarships to worthy high school graduates.  He wrote, "The institution should always be remembered as a real part of Bordentown.  Its demise was a sad event for past as well as future young folks who will miss that experience.  I wholeheartedly back the project."


'52     FRED HUBER remembers Sergeant Marshall.  He wrote, "Now that I am back making my own bed, I think of him every time I fold a military corner.  A lot of memories of BMI for this then ten- to twelve-year-old boy."


'57    MIKE CANDELORI wrote to inform us of the passing of RICHARD DEVIN (see In Memoriam column of our Web site).  Mike also told us that BOB STOCKTON lives in Jacksonville, FL.  He is retired from the US Navy as a Chief Petty Officer and is the author of several books.  Mike wrote, "I have reconnected with Dr. JOHN FINNERAN and his brother JOE.  John lives in Punta Gorda, FL."


'61    STEVE HAMMOND wrote, "Thank you all for the work you do to keep BMI alive!"

            NORMAN KIRSCHBAUM is in Pisa, Italy, still working for the Department of the Army as Chief Nurse for a small Italian/American Joint Post.  He added, "It seems like this is a good place for an old cadet; helping the cause and taking care of our servicemen/women and their families.  Best wishes to all!"

            We received an e-mail from SHELDON KLEIN in which he tells us that he still works part-time as a school psychologist in Wilton, CT.  He said, "This is my 40th year working as a psychologist in the schools.  I am slowing down and getting ready to stop soon.  I would love to hear from BMI friends.  I was sad to read that JERRY KRAWITZ passed away last spring."

            In a letter from GARY LEVINSON we learned that RICHARD SEXTON's name appears on the Vietnam Memorial, Panel 13W-Line 16.  He added, "Anyone who wishes can record a comment as I did."  Richard lost his life on February 15, 1970, in South Vietnam.

            Periodically we hear from ROBERT LOW - White House, 3rd floor, first room on the right.  He wrote, "Roomie was NORM KIRSCHBAUM, now a medical globe-trotter (with a gorgeous wife).  I am getting on in years but very content in our new home in the foothills of the Southern Appalachians of north Georgia.  We have certified therapy dogs and we make visits to three senior assisted/nursing homes plus a few boys/girls clubs in the area."

            GEORGE SINKANKAS wrote to let us know that he has moved from Knoxville, TN, to Moseley, VA, a far suburb of Richmond.


'63    TOM ASHLEY wrote, "It was great to read the latest articles in The Skirmisher and a recap of the 2014 reunion.  Unfortunately I could not attend but hope to attend in 2016.  My wife and I moved to Charlottesville, VA, from Rhode Island and we love this area.  I wish that more alumni would make their whereabouts known so that we could get together.  I continue to enjoy retirement after thirty years as a chemist in nuclear power and related industries.  Must have been Mr. Light's influence!  I remember when TIM PENNYPACKER heated up the metal spoon Mr. Light was using to dispense the red and white phosphorous for a lab experiment, which resulted in so much smoke that Old Main had to be evacuated.  Ataway, Tim!  I am enjoying lots of golf and pickleball plus being close to my daughter and her family.  That is by far the biggest blessing.  Best to everyone!"

            STEVE McNAMARA was purging his library of books and found two BMI yearbooks: 1937 and 1968.  He mailed them to us.  (Ed. Note: We found a very grateful 1937 graduate and sent that yearbook to him.)   Steve wrote, "Many apologies for missing Reunion 2014.  By all reports, a good time was had by all.  A very annoying brain tumor interrupted my travel plans but through a very 'starwars-ish' procedure called the 'Gamma Knife,' all turned out well.  The prognosis is good and the future bright.  I will try again in 2016.  Still looking for any other BMI folks who ended up in the Cumberland, MD/Altoona or Johnstown area of PA.  The welcome mat is out.  Golfers may want to try their skills at the local Omni Bedford Springs resort."

            BERNARD SANSARICQ was sorry to learn of the passing of his long-time friend and BMI brother, MARK SKOLNIK.  Recently, Bernie spoke at a meeting of the Republican Federated Women of South Florida.  He was a huge success!


'66    MARK CONTE found us and is now a member of our Alumni Association.  He is looking for a 1966 BMI yearbook.  He can be reached at

            PHIL GAFFNEY wrote, "It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of a good friend, WES HAND, on Friday, February 6, 2015. I received an email from JEFF NISSIM advising me of his death. I graduated with Wes in '66 and we spent five years at BMI from 8th grade to our senior year.  Lost contact with one another until we reunited at one of our reunions in early 2000.  He was working on the island of St.Thomas at the time as a law enforcement instructor for the government.  My wife and I were planning a Caribbean cruise at that time and one of the ports was St. Thomas.  Wes met us at the cruise port and took us for a tour of the island, the last stop of which was a little beach called Balongo Bay just over the mountain where the cruise ships pull in.  There was a bar on the beach and Wes knew everyone that was there that day.  He introduced my wife and me to his friends and was sure to inform them that we both graduated from Bordentown Military Institute in New Jersey back in 1966.  That bar was his favorite place in St.Thomas.  We kept in touch by phone after that reunion and looked forward to seeing one another at our October reunions.   I remember a phrase that many cadets who attended BMI may remember, 'Rather Be Than Seem.'  That pretty much summed up Wes Hand.  Wes didn't only seem like a nice guy, he was a nice guy in every sense of the word.  He will be sadly missed by both my wife Vickie and me."


'67    LTC SAM DOWNES wrote, "I certainly had a very enjoyable time at Reunion 2014.  I am already looking forward to 2016!  It was great to see the old guys once again.  As usual, everything was superior!"

            We heard from JEFFREY ROTMAN.  He is interested in connecting with old BMI friends.  He can be reached at  Jeff resides in Lawrenceville, NJ.


'70    We received an e-mail from ROBERT (BOB) TURGYAN.  He wrote, "I attended BMI as a post-graduate student during the 1969-70 school year.  Additionally, I played football under head coach JAY LUISI.  In 1974, I graduated from Widener University (formerly Widener College and PMC Colleges)."


'71     Family matters prevented ALBERT VERDEL, JR. from attending Reunion 2014.  Al is now a grandfather and he and his wife Jeanine recently traveled to California to visit his son and family. 


'72     In learning of the passing of  EDWARD "WALLY" STROBLE, JOHN HORTON wrote, "We lost another good mentor."


'73    We received an e-mail from RICHARD FEISS III stating, "In the absence of having the requisite pink slip, I ask that my e-mail serve as a satisfactory substitute.  My classmate, JOHN CHAPMAN, has been sending me copies of The Skirmisher.  I would appreciate your including me on your mailing list of BMI related news and invitations.  I attended BMI for three years, 1969-1972, and was the last class in Bordentown before the school relocated to Lenox, MA, and formed the Bordentown/Lenox School.  I was part of the inaugural class in 1973.  I graduated from Georgetown University and received my graduate degree from New York University.   I look forward to reconnecting with alumni, teachers, and coaches."






The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincere sympathy to the families of:


























The Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association Board of Directors mourns the loss of their colleague, Dave Harkness.  Dave was a Board member for many years.  He rarely missed a meeting until he became seriously ill.  If you attended our reunions, then you know that Dave distributed BMI caps before the parade and did whatever he could to ensure the success of our celebration.  We will miss him dearly.




We have the following yearbooks available: 1956, 1959, 1968.  If you are interested, please send a check for $6.00 to cover costs to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  We have requests for a 1948 and a 1966 yearbook.  Contact us if you can fill those requests.  Thanks.  We also have a BMI Lenox plate (saucer size) that was put out by the Bordentown Historical Society years ago.  The owner will give it away to someone who will appreciate it.


We are on Facebook and we have a Web site:  E-mail is okay and snail mail is always welcome too.  We want to hear from you any way at all.











OCTOBER 21 AND 22, 2016




Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association

Board of Directors


Jack Harkins '67, President

   Joseph C. Platt '74, Vice President

  Robert Frisbie '61, Treasurer

Tersina DiPietro, Secretary




Angelo Candelori '56

Mark Josephson '71

Jeff Nissim '66







Joseph Porter '67

Bob Soowal '67

Alex Cooper '70

Stan Winowicz '66

James Lynch, Jr. '73







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