The Skirmisher






P.O. Box 91, Bordentown, New Jersey 08505


Web Page:




Tersina DiPietro, Editor

                                                                                    JULY 2003




For those of you who are interested in the latest weather report from the Northeast:

1)     Spring brought us a torrential downpour of April showers all the way through the end of May and beyond.

2)     Now the temperatures have been in the mid to upper 90's and

3)     We've had more than our fair share of typical New Jersey humidity.  With the exception of these minor discomforts, the weather here has been great (at least for a couple of days).


Nevertheless, on behalf of the entire Executive Board, I hope that this issue of THE SKIRMISHER finds you all in good health and enjoying the summer activities, whether at work or on vacation.  Stay tuned for our fall issue of THE SKIRMISHER which will have specific information about our up-and-coming "Brothers Reunited 2004" reunion.  Your Executive Board has been working diligently in planning for another spectacular event for a Saturday in October 2004.  So it is not too early to start spit-shining those shoes, shining that brass, getting a haircut and a close shave, and, if necessary, getting your uniform altered to fit the current contours of your body (not necessary for me).  From what I've seen at previous reunions, I suggest that most of you don't try to fight nature, gravity and the elements of time.  If your uniform still fits, wear it.  If not, face facts and wear civilian clothes.  It will avoid aggravation and depression.  Besides, you won't look so funny when you greet your BMI brothers.


Until we meet again…exercise, avoid fats, cholesterol, calories, and stay well!


                                                                                                Semper Fidelis,

                                                                                                Angelo V. Candelori

                                                                        Angelo V. Candelor

BMI Class of '56





'37     LARRY CAPITINI received a phone call recently from JONATHAN GLASBY '40.  Larry said they had a lengthy conversation about BMI.  Jonathan will soon be 83 years young. COL. WILLIAM NEUBAUER writes, "It was so nice to read about the BMI alumni reunion."  Bill says he spends three months of each year in Switzerland.  Also, he still plays poker each Monday with MERLE HAGEN '40.


'42     GEORGE BISHOP wrote that he would like to make a reunion sometime but so far he has had scheduling conflicts.


'44     WALT GODWIN and his wife, Fran, serve as volunteers in the local elementary school.  They assist third- and fourth-graders in reading English.  Walt says they find it very rewarding, especially when the students themselves express their appreciation.  Meanwhile, Walt and Fran are learning Spanish, which they use frequently when they go to Mexico every six or seven weeks.


'45     "Really enjoyed the reunion," says RICHARD STANEK.  "It was so well organized – a tribute to our training!  Great to see old friends and realize again what an important part BMI played in our lives."


'48     REV. DR. JOHN ROSSNER has been an Episcopal Priest since 1958; retired Professor of Religions ('62-'95), Concordia University, Montreal; President, International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (1975-present).


'49     With the help of ED NARATIL '50, BILL MEREDITH '49 "found" IRVIN WOODWARD '49.  Bill says, "Woodie is having some health problems right now.  If you would like to get in touch with him, he can be reached at 610-539-7462."


'53     In a note from GREGORY (the Great) BOVA, we learned that he is living in Hallandale, FL.  His e-mail is:  He is the Dock Master at the Country Club Marina and also the Landing Marina which is part of the Westin Diplomat Hotel on A1A in Hollywood, FL.  Greg invites alumni to stop by.  His cell phone is: 954-931-5210.


'54     MIKE RUDOLPH writes, "I want to give my thanks to those of you who go to the effort of maintaining our Alumni Association and THE SKIRMISHER.  I know it isn't easy, but it sure is appreciated."


'55     ALAN HAVESON alerts alumni to his web site: .  Writes Alan, "This is one of my retirement projects…and just to provide some insight…as I look over my work career…and the level of success achieved…I don't think I would have done as well…if I didn't learn that GQ was more important than IQ.  Too bad BMI is not here today."


'57     LOU PIETOSO received a phone call from DICK DEMASI who asked to get into the "BMI Alumni Association loop."


'58     After graduating from BMI, JACK ACRICH went to Babson College in Massachusetts majoring in Business Administration.

DANA MURPHY needs a "Landon Rifles shoulder cord" to complete his uniform.  His was stolen from his room.  Dana writes, "If any member of that illustrious group would be willing to part with one, I will pay the desired price and be eternally grateful."


'59     LEON ACRICH sent a note to WALT GODWIN '44 in which he states that he was sorry to hear that the school closed in the early '70s.  Leon is a psychiatrist working in Caracas, Venezuela, and plans to retire soon.


'60     Along with his dues, DICK KERN sent this note:  "You guys do a great job!"  (We never get tired of hearing that, Dick.)Received this message from BILL MIRANDA last February:  "This is my first day back home from a two-week stay in a hospital that treated me for a mild stroke.  Mild was the result only because of the immediate action taken by those who got me to treatment.  They are my heroes.  While I was 'out,' my mind ventured to the old days of The Cadet Corps.  I saw HMS and MOB, one on each side of my bed.  One told me about the glass half empty or half full (we all know that one) and the other told about 'his long and trusted personal friend, Amos Alonso Stagg' (we all know that one too).  One of my caretakers said that while I was 'out,' I sang military songs.  My guess is that 'Built high above the Delaware' was in there somewhere.  So here I am tired of lying in bed, tired of hanging around looking for something to do and find the Winter Skirmisher.  On Little Army Team!  To all my fellow alums, I am fine and will recover 100%.  Thanks for letting me share." Referring to Reunion 2002, RICK SHIPPEN writes, "To all, it was a blast.  I don't know when I've had such a great time.  The wives loved it also.  I'm already looking forward to '04."


'61     CHET DERR JR. wrote a note to our President, ANGELO CANDELORI '56, stating, "Thank you so very much for keeping the BMI tradition alive.  I enjoy receiving THE SKIRMISHER."    

GARY LEVINSON saw TONY PINGITORE '58 on television.  Tony was being interviewed by a Harrisburg TV station in connection with his involvement in a charitable organization that sponsored an event for children.   Tony recently retired from Hershey Foods.  He also taught college courses at Penn State a number of years ago.  Gary writes, "It's great that the former cadets have made the Alumni Association a reality."


'62     In ordering BMI decals, JIM BRENDLE wrote, "I still have some of those old unusable BMI decals in my scrapbook.  I was very proud to display them on my '56 Chevy while attending BMI and thereafter.  One will again find a place of honor on my present 'red neck' pickup.  Thanks for your continued support. “Along with his dues, BILL FAVOR sent a note stating, "You all do a great job!  See you in 2004!"

BOB HUNEKE still lives on the farm in Perrineville, PA, where he was born sixty years ago.  He is the owner of a specialized mechanical contracting business, Huneke Associates, Inc., located in Philadelphia.  Bob says, "Look forward to each issue of THE SKIRMISHER and thanks for keeping the memory alive!!"  (You're welcome!)

TONY TONTI wrote, "I have not been in touch in quite a while career pursuits.  Bounced around the country for about ten years but wife and I settled down in Charlottesville, VA.  Am now retired and would like to see y'all again."


'63     JAMES KELLY is president of Target Transportation in Hillside, NJ.  After BMI, James went on to Notre Dame and played football and was a member of the National Championship team of 1966.  He lives in Middletown, NJ.

KIRK LYONS states, "I cannot believe that 2004 is approaching and, therefore, the Air National Guard's mandatory retirement age of the BIG 60.  Don't 'feel' that old.  But at least I can have less chance of 'guard demands' interfering with my being present and accounted for at the October 2004 Muster.  Already looking forward to that.  Keep those Skirmishers coming!"

BERNARD SANSARICQ writes, "It is too bad we can't find some of the faculty members that we knew at BMI.  I would love to see some of them.  By the time I came to the 2000 reunion, RUDY FAUST, Dr. Mowbray and lots of other faculty members had already gone."


'65     STEVE YARNELL is Director of Security for the New York Jets.


'66    LARRY HAAS writes, "I work for the State of New Jersey Department of Labor so I spend several days per year in Trenton.  I often stop by the grounds of 'Old Main.'  About five years ago, I stopped by my dorm, the Hop House, and the new owner gave me a tour.  The outside as well as the first and second floors were totally renovated.  The third floor, where I roomed with RON ESSMANN and PAUL MOXLEY, was a time capsule just like I remembered it.  What a trip!"  Larry ran into HENRY CLARKE BERRY III who, coincidentally, married Larry's cousin.    


'68     PAUL BOUDREAU is in his 16th year in the NFL.  Paul has been with the Detroit Lions, New England Patriots, Miami Dolphins, Carolina Panthers and in 2003 with Jacksonville.  Paul and his wife have two children.  His son, Paul Jr., coaches football at Brown University.


'69     HENRY FINN was found by WALT GODWIN '44 (our finder of "lost" alumni).  Henry is with First Nationwide Mortgage Funding in San Diego, CA.

FARRELL SHERIDAN lives in Kentucky and works in the insurance business.  Farrell spent several years in the coaching profession as offensive line coach at the University of Maryland.  He finished his career at the University of Kentucky after about fifteen years with head coach Jerry Claiborne. 

MARK STEINBERGER is in the transportation business.  He is married, has two daughters, and lives in Bergen County, NJ.


'71     DAVID SHERMAN is with HUB Business Graphics, Inc. in Newton, MA.  For further information, go to .  David lives in Lowell, MA.


'75     JOE HARTMAN sent a note telling us that he lives in Fort White, FL.  He would like to hear from former classmates.  His e-mail address is:   "I have nothing but fond memories," says Joe.  "I made many friends in the short time I was there.  It's too bad we can't go back in time and live parts of our lives over because that is one that I would love to live over."




I remember Dr. Sladen had a cottage at Moody Beach in Maine and I visited him several times.  One year I found out he had died while packing for his trip for the summer.  He taught me how to type and that is used almost every day.  (I remember that) Mr. Downing was in WWI.  He told us how his outfit was gassed during one battle with the Germans and as he was a chemist, he knew to climb a tree while others hid in trenches and they all died.  One day he had something outside the classroom that was smoking and then exploded and put a hole in the blackboard just left of my head.  Woke me in a hurry!……….JACK ADAMS '53


I was saddened to hear about the death of JAY LUISI.  I knew of him long before he was my football coach at BMI.  He was the quarterback of the Vineland High School football team that broke the Millville High School state record winning streak.  As a Millville kid who loved the local team, I was heartbroken that day.  When he became my coach at BMI, I witnessed first hand the mental and physical toughness he possessed.  It certainly translated with the team onto the field.  We were undefeated and named    Eastern Prep Champs that year.  I have many fond memories of him, the other coaches (JACK BOYD, another BMI grad and my former Millville High School coach), and my teammates…..LARRY HAAS '66


I lived my first year in the little white building adjacent to Main.  I can't remember its name but the housemother was Mrs. MacKay.  My roommate that year was none other than Stormin' Norman Schwartzkopf!  Norm left after only one year to join his father in Persia.  The last time I saw Norm was in 1955 when he was in his junior year at the Point.  We bumped (literally) into each other on the steps of the Biltmore Hotel in New York City.  Due to the numerous changes in schools, Norm had been put back a year, thus graduating in 1952.  Even though Norm has been to Honolulu (where I live) several times, and has a condo on Lift No. 15 at Telluride which I have skied by, I have not been able to establish contact…..CHRIS 'BUDDY' HARRIS '51




My cousin lives in Maine.  We just had a little get together and I found out that her daughter is attending mortician training in West Windsor, NJ.  Also attending is the daughter of BOB PEPPLER '57.  This world is getting smaller! ….LOU PIETOSO '57




A small group of BMI alumni held a mini-reunion on Saturday, March 22, 2003, at the Hollywood Kennel Club in Hallandale, Florida.  Attending were DICK (and Liz) ENEGREN '50, EDUARDO (and Mireya) TOMAS '50, HARRY (and Nieves) HOWE '50, and BOB (and Marion) SANDLER '48.  Harry reported that along with a wonderful dinner, the group contributed to the coffers of the dog track, as the canines would not cooperate.  Even the thought of penalty tours from the late Col. Benz did not deter a few friendly wagers.  The reunion with Eduardo Tomas and his wife was especially heartwarming since Eduardo had not been in contact with BMI in several decades.  The group met again on May 10, 2003, at the Sundy Inn in Delray Beach.


On April 26, 2003, "General" HOWARD SHERMAN '50 held a mini-reunion at the Sarasota (FL) Hyatt.  Those in attendance were:  RAY APY '50, GEORGE BALDWIN '42, DON BIGGS '53, DICK ENEGREN '50, SYD FINER '48, PHIL GOLDMAN '64, FRED LEARY '59, RUSS LORD '47, MARC MANLEY '59, DICK ROCKWELL '44, STEVE SAGAL '63, BOB SANDLER '48, BERNIE SANSARICQ '63, LEE SHAVER '62, HOWARD SHERMAN '50, URBAN SALTUS '50, GARY WEISBERG '69, DICK VALDEZ '52.  Many alumni were joined by family members as well.  The luncheon carried on for several hours with each alumnus giving a brief account of his favorite remembrances of BMI and life. 




Sweatshirt w/BMI logo


Medallion w/Stand


T-shirt  w/BMI logo


Stein w/BMI logo - 2002


Old Main Lithograph

$  5

Baseball Cap


Glee Club Tape

$  5

Note Paper

$  8

Lapel/Tie Pin

$  5

Oversized Umbrella w/logo


BMI decals (2)

$  1




Some of these items are in limited supply so it is on a first-come first-served basis.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to:  BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.







It would be of help to the Editor if you would ALWAYS include your BMI class year in any correspondence, dues payments, etc.



The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending

sincerest sympathy to the families of:


Bray, Paul  '45

Clark, William T.  '73

Dougherty, Jay R.  '50

**Kotz, Robert  '42

Messina, Arnold "Stang"  '63

Rines, Herbert  '47

Simmons, David B.  '50

Thoms, LTC Walter R., Jr.  '35


** This was reported as "Katz" in the February 2002 issue of THE SKIRMISHER.  We apologize for the error.


Although several of the above members may have passed away some time ago, we have recently learned of their passing and believe it appropriate to include them on this list.


Many alumni contacted us when they saw the newspaper account of PAUL BRAY'S death.  Paul was killed in a small plane crash at Monmouth Executive Airport on May 5, 2003.  Ironically, Paul worked as an aviation crash investigator prior to his untimely death.  Paul attended Reunion 2002.  We were so happy to see him again.  He will be greatly missed by his friends and classmates.


We continue to receive numerous inquiries concerning JAY LUISI '57.  We do not have information other than the fact that he died on November 4, 2002. 





P. O. BOX 91





(If you have already paid dues for 2003, no further payment is necessary.)



Alumni Association 2003 Dues…………………… $10.00


Please Note:


          Your dues support the cost of postage, printing, and other materials needed for your SKIRMISHER, maintaining the Statue site, and financing biennial Reunions. 


          Please complete the bottom section of this statement, enclose it together with your check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) and mail to the above address.


          We thank you for your continued support.








___________________________           ____________

                        Name                                   Class Year


E-mail address __________________________


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