Web site:  www.bmicadets.org

E-Mail:  bmicadets@hotmail.com



Tersina DiPietro, Editor 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Summer 2011

President's Message:


I hope this message finds you all well.  There are two things that I wish to share with you, both of which are entirely new to our Alumni Association. 


At each reunion, there are several people who express a desire to gather together more often than once every two years.  This year, we have decided to plan an event during the time between the traditional reunions and see how it works out.  On October 15, 2011, your Alumni Association is going to have a luncheon at Toscano’s on Farnsworth Avenue in Bordentown.  This event will be considerably less formal than the traditional reunion:  no speeches, just some cadets getting together.  The cost will be $35 per person; there will be a cash bar.  Attendance will be limited to 60 attendees.  We are taking registrations starting now.  If you are interested, you can respond by e-mail: BMI_Events@comcast.net or by regular mail: BMI Events, c/o Jack Harkins, 201 Old York Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Checks should be made payable to BMI Events.


The other item has been a pleasant surprise to many of us.  Several months ago, Bob Soowal ’67, one of our Board Members, set up a Bordentown Military Institute group on Facebook.  Currently it has 73 members.  For several months, the response to the BMI group was pretty good.  However, starting on July 4, with a wish from Michael Hurka ‘68 for all alumni to have a great Independence Day, there has been literally an explosion of comments and reminiscences from alumni.  Lest you think I exaggerate, there have been over 300 posts in about three weeks.  These comments range from a remarkably complete history of Marvin Borst, to a story about a wrestling match that resulted in a cadet being thrown out a 3rd story window, and many, many more things in between.  If you are at all inclined, get on Facebook and find the BMI group.  You will not be disappointed. 


We look forward to seeing you if not at the luncheon this October, then at Reunion 2012 or on Facebook.




Jack Harkins ‘67




'44    SID BENJAMIN would like to purchase a 1944 yearbook.  If you know where he can get one, please contact Sid at 908-806-8596.

            WALT GODWIN shared the happy news that he was remarried last December.  (Belated congratulations, Walt!)

            In a note from DICK ROCKWELL, we learned that he would be moving to Naples, FL, in August.  (Good luck in your move, Dick!)


'46   FRANK DUMONT wrote, "I have fond memories of my years at BMI.  I brought my kids there in the '80s and was stunned and saddened to find only an empty field where Old Main used to be."  Frank and GENE GUAZZO '47 have exchanged e-mail messages.  Frank was unable to attend Reunion 2010 but Gene was there.


'47   R. THOMAS LOZOWSKI would like to hear from JACK NEVINS.  Jack is not on our current mailing list.  If anyone knows of his whereabouts, please let us know.  Tom said that health issues prevented his attending Reunion 2010.  He wrote, "It would have been wonderful to see all of the former BMI cadets.  One motto that always stayed with me was 'Rather be than seem.'  I can still see it on the wall as we went into study hall."


'48     PAUL STANTON sends regards to all alumni.


'49   JOHN SODERBERG '48 sent a newspaper clipping stating that BILL MEREDITH was honored recently for 65 years of service with the Langhorne-Middletown (PA) Fire Company.  He was a volunteer at age sixteen.  For many years, he drove a fire truck but now he is lieutenant of the fire police.  At the fire company's annual banquet, Bill received personal letters from two of his heroes, Penn State football coach Joe Paterno and Phillies manager Charlie Manuel.  (Congratulations, Bill!)

            We received an e-mail from BILL PARKINS.  He wrote, "EV VREELAND forwarded The Skirmisher which I had no idea existed.  I would like to get involved in the 2012 reunion."  Bill lives in South Yarmouth, MA.


'51   DON CHARBONNIER wrote to say that he had lunch with a former classmate, DAVE SCHOFIELD.  Don wrote, "Dave is well and looks great.  We had a wonderful time catching up.  I had not seen him since June 1951.  We both agreed that our time at Bordentown was among the most productive years of our lives.  We have wonderful memories of those wonderful days and think of them often and fondly."  


'52   We received an e-mail from MALCOLM (MAC) SEGAR.  He wrote, "Have been living in the Sarasota, FL, area for almost 19 years.  You couldn't get me to go back to Connecticut even if my life depended upon it!" 


'53   MARK MILLER found SAUL BENDAYAN '54 who was his good friend and roommate at BMI.  Mark wrote, "We had not seen each other since 1965.  Through good fortune, we made contact and enjoyed a nice visit last month when Saul came from Venezuela to stay with me in North Carolina." 


'54   Your editor received a telephone call from DON BIGGS.  Don has had an interesting and exciting life.  He lived on a boat for ten years and has many wonderful stories to tell about his life since he left BMI.


'55     KEN RICKETT just found the BMI site.  He is retired and living in Anna Maria, FL.  Ken would like to hear from classmates who may remember him.  His phone number is 941-224-8450.                                          

'59   DAVE BELL moved from New Jersey and now lives in Boynton Beach, FL, for six months and Dover, DE, for the other six months.  He added, "We will see you in 2012."


'60   JOHN L. RICHARDS wrote to inform us of the passing of his uncle, RICHARD L. MARTIN '45.  John added, "It was an honor for me to follow in my uncle's footsteps at BMI."

        LARRY ROOT pointed out an error in the Winter edition of The Skirmisher.  Larry wrote, "When I was a Rook at Norwich in 1960, DOM RUGGERIO was my company commander.  Yet The Skirmisher has him under 1967.  Happily, I saw the light at Norwich and transferred out (before they threw me out) at the close of my second year.  Went to a college with GIRLS and USAF ROTC.  Cadet Captain Ruggerio was an excellent C.O."  (Thanks for the good catch, Larry.  Dom Ruggerio was a BMI grad of the Class of 1957.)


'61     JIM BRENDLE wrote, "I played on the 1961 football team and would like to communicate some of my memories of those times with FLOYD LITTLE '63.  I worked in the kitchen, waited tables, marched with him, mustered with him at six o'clock in the morning to have our brass inspected.  For some reason, Al Verdel charged me to be the last defender on our kick-off team.  I am proud that no team scored against us on a kick-off during the season.  Hey, I was not a DIV I prospect at 5'10" and that is stretching it.  However, I started on the BMI defensive line for our first game against Manlius Prep.  They were one of the best teams we played and we played some good ones.  I believe going into the fourth quarter, neither team had scored.  I am playing over center and for some reason I see the ball hit the ground on the exchange.  I dove for it and got the recovery.  A few plays later, Floyd takes it in for a touchdown and we win 7 – 0.  I didn't start the rest of the season but I played a lot and had fun doing it.  As a little dude, I could usually throw the 'flipper' to neutralize an opponent because I could get to him before he got to me!"  (Ed. Note:  FLOYD LITTLE says he remembers that game as one of the hardest games he played in.)

            CHET DERR included a note with his dues check.  He wrote, "Thanks so much for keeping those good memories alive."

            ED FINKLE is Cruise Express Coordinator, Air/Cruise Travel Consultant with Yankee Trails World Travel in Rensselaer, NY. 


'63   CHUCK CODLING (Jones, C.) moved from Canal Winchester, OH, to Groveport, OH.  He wrote, "It was wonderful to be a part of the 2010 reunion and to meet with and enjoy the association with so many I knew at BMI.  Yes, we are truly a Band of Brothers!"

            PETER CROCCO found us while web searching and was disappointed to learn that the October reunion was open to all years and that FLOYD LITTLE was there.  Peter wrote, "I totally lost track of BMI way back when.  When I was told it had closed, I was saddened and disappointed to hear the news.  I am glad I was there during its heyday when we all thought it would go on forever, just like our winning streak!  Of course, not all memories are pleasurable but I can say the great majority were.  I was sorry to hear that Big AL VERDEL passed away and JAY LUISI too.  I fondly remember DUTCH WALDHEIM and FLOYD LITTLE.  There was a lot of esprit de corps among most cadets I knew."

            MICHAEL JOYCE and his wife Jan are in Canada for the summer.  He wrote, "The weather is great and the grass is green so we are working on our golf game."

            CHARLES (WOODY) WOODSIDE sent an e-mail.  He wrote, "I am looking forward to attending the next reunion.  I often think of my years at BMI.  It is hard to believe BMI was almost fifty years ago.  In my memory it seems as though it were only yesterday."


'64   We heard from RICHARD GUIDETTI.  He wrote, "Enjoyed last year's reunion.  Wish more from my class were there.  Looking forward to 2012."

            CAMILO URIBE lives in Colombia, South America.  He was searching for his BMI roommate, ANTONIO COSTAS.  We forwarded his e-mail to Antonio and they have renewed old friendships. 


'65   We received an e-mail from BOB EDGE who resides in Orlando, FL.  He is the Orlando Sector Manager of Wyle, Aerospace Group. 


'66   DAVE ISOLDA wrote to say he remembers Dr. Smith very well.  He added, "He was a wonderful man.  I also liked the Librarian very much.  She lost a son but kept right on going.  I met Mr. Simpson in a bookstore in Cinnaminson, NJ, some time ago.  We had a heart-to-heart talk.  I called JAY LUISI and told him something that he was happy to hear.  He thanked me and must have died soon after."


'69   J. ROBERT PENHALLOW sent an e-mail stating, "I graduated in the wonderful year of 1969, after having survived five years.  I started in eighth grade.  My name then was JAMES ROBERT WILLIAMS.  Some called me Wally and others J.R.  Mr. Hartpence was always my champion.  I actually loved those days of my life.  I just wanted anyone who may remember me to....well, remember me.  I adore all of my 'brothers' who stood through all the times that BMI provided."


'71   TIMOTHY PALMER was looking for JAY LIPMAN.  He had not seen nor talked with Jay since graduation in 1971.  We forwarded Tim's e-mail to Jay.  Tim is the Director of Naval Programs, Management Technology, Inc., in Hampton, VA.



MEMBERSHIP DUES - $20 per year

If you have not paid dues for 2011, please do so whenever you can.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.



Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo (Size XX-Large only) - $15

Maroon Polo Shirts w/BMI logo (sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL) - $30              

Medallion w/stand - $5 (reduced from $10)


Prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.



Be sure to visit our Web site - bmicadets.org.  BOB FRISBIE '61 continues to update that site with pictures, etc., so you might want to go in there frequently.  Also, do not forget that BMI is on Facebook.  BOB SOOWAL '67 maintains that site and welcomes your participation.







The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincere sympathy to the families of:




Bray, Clyde (McKee) '47


Crockett, Harry B. '59


Lucas, Mrs. Florine (Wife of J. Harold Lucas)


Martin, Richard L. '45


Mascara, Thomas V. '70


Mather, Edward – Faculty


McNeil, A. Roger '47


Myers, Joseph W. '52


Wagner, Earl Frederick '43







1962 Sword & Sabre yearbook.  Good condition.  No handwriting.  $5.00 to cover mailing costs. 


Program of 1934 BMI Baccalaureate Service.  Poor condition.  No charge.


Booklet – "BMI FOOTBALL 1969" – Coach Luisi on the cover.  History of BMI football.  Photos and roster of 1969 team inside.  List of BMI athletes playing in college.  No charge.


1901 Skirmisher – Very good condition.  No charge.


If you are interested in any of the above items, please let us know ASAP.  Dues-paying members will be given first consideration.  Please do not send money for the yearbook until we tell you that you are the first respondent.  All of these items are on a first-come/first-served basis.


Reply via e-mail to bmicadets@hotmail.com or write to BMI Alumni Association,

P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.







Informal get-together luncheon at Toscano's Restaurant in Bordentown on Saturday, October 15, 2011.


Formal Reunion of all classes in October, 2012.  Specific date and other information will be sent as the date approaches.


Contact former classmates, roommates, and friends and encourage them to attend these events.  Need help in finding them?  E-mail us at bmicadets@hotmail.com or write to BMI Alumni Association,

P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.


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