
Bordentown Military Institute


P.O. Box 91

Bordentown, New Jersey 08505

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                                                                       July 2000

About ten days ago, my bride and I were driving from Fort Dix to our home in Highlands and we stopped to see the Cadet Statue. Across the street, the "White House," now red and near total collapse, beckoned to us and we knocked on the door. No one answered and, as the door was open, we entered the area where Mr. and Mrs. Crobaugh lived for so many years. We then went upstairs to my first room on the second floor. True, it has changed somewhat, but most was very recognizable, and the memories just swept over me. It was difficult to keep a dry eye.

After we left, I told Sally of a classmate that I'd been trying to find for thirty years. Even though he had family locally, I had been unable to trace him.

Three nights ago, there was a message on my answering machine. Yes, it was Ray Apy '50, the one I had tried so hard to find. As it is our 50th, he was looking for someone to celebrate with … and celebrate we will on October 21, 2000!

Don't miss it – it will be the best ever!

Looking forward to the pleasure of your company, I am

Most cordially,

          Howard Sherman ’50

P.S. Enclosed with this newsletter is a copy of the Bylaws of the BMI Alumni Association.  We will vote on the changes at the Reunion Dinner Meeting.



LTC Walter R. Thoms, Jr., has two grandsons following in his footsteps by serving their country: Capt. Brett C. Thoms is stationed in Armheim, Germany, and 1st Lt. Bruce P. Thoms is stationed at Ft. Drum, NY.

Herb Newton entered BMI in 1931, graduated in 1935 and did a PG Year in 1936. He'd love to hear from anyone.


David Warner, USNA '44, was at BMI from 1935 to a PG year in 1939. One of his roommates was Jack Bradman. He remembers well, "What You Are to Be, You Are Now Becoming." Dave's Uncle Arthur was BMI '05 and Dave's Dad was BMI '08.


Had a wonderful conversation with Jon Glasby '34-'40. He was an outstanding drummer and served in the Army Air Corps during WW II. His number is 301-656-7355.


Herb Garten will be at Reunion 2000.

Arnold Wolfe still has his 1945 Sword and Sabre, and would be happy to share pictures with anyone.


Tom Eccles admonishes that you can't buy lunch in his town for $10 (cost of dues).


Dick Whalen now has 4 grandsons and one granddaughter. He wishes they had a school like BMI to go to. (You're not alone, Dick!)


Dick Vreeland tells us that he still makes his bed, shines his shoes and can stand at attention. (Then he has the nerve to ask me if I can still pass inspection. No, Dick, I'm still a bum at heart.)


The third annual reunion for the South Florida BMI Alumni Association was held in Del Ray Beach on March 31 last. Attending were Dick and Liz Enegren '50, Bob and Marion Sandler'48, and Stacy and Heidi Phelon '48.


Dave Schofield is going to retire very shortly. (Way to go, Dave! You're almost as old as I!)


Bill Parker would like to hear from any classmates, particularly in the LA area.

Judge Harold B. Wells III '54, a 23-year veteran of the Burlington County Superior Court, probably best known for a decision upholding Megan's Law, was recently promoted to the state's court of appeals. He became the first appeals court judge appointed from Burlington County in about 40 years. (Congratulations, Your Honor!)


Dominic Ruggerio can't make Reunion 2000 as his daughter is getting married. (Congratulations, Dom, but your savings will be great if you give the kids a couple of bucks to elope and come to the Reunion instead.)


J. R. Arthur and his wife will be at the Reunion. They'd love to hear from classmates at


Shelly Klein is a school psychologist in Ansonia, CT. He coached a high school track team for 10 years and hopes that he gave the kids what Mr. Hartpence gave to him. (I'm sure you did, Shelly. Amen!)


Phil Sheridan is an attorney and lives in Ridgewood. NJ. He is active in the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame's

Bergen County Chapter.


Kirk Lyons' e-mail address refers

to his amateur radio call sign

The HYL is for Happy Young Lyons. (Oy!!!)


Tim Pennypacker came across a check his Dad wrote to BMI for full tuition on 9/4/63…$3,950. (Times have changed!)


Peter Osgood's claim to fame was in the Senior Class play when he had to kiss Star Bradman, our Commandant's lovely daughter. That got him the title of "Hot Lips" in his yearbook.


Joe Vrablik tells us that he is well and he hopes we are too. He lives in Henderson, CO.


Jim Parcels, Major, USAF, Ret., says that "Old Main" is not gone. He sees it standing as grand as ever. (Thanks, Jim, so do most of us.)


Bob Clark was at BMI only one year and, while he remembers many hardships, he also remembers that year very fondly, as BMI has stayed with him over the years.


The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the


in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of

Don Cole '40

Robert De laurentis '54

Thomas Duffy


Sweatshirts $30.                 BMI Patches $20.

BMI Glee Club Tapes $5.     Baseball Caps $10.

Old Main Prints $5.             BMI Coffee Mugs $20.

Old Main Note Paper $8.      Tie/Lapel Pins $5.

To order, please send check or money order payable to BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION to: BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.





Questions? E-MAIL US AT:

Bordentown Military Institue
Alumni Association
Bordentown, New Jersey 08505


October 21, 2000



NAME_______________________________________________________________ CLASS YR_______

STREET ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________

CITY______________________________________________ STATE___________ ZIP_____________

PHONE ( )__________________________ ( )_______________________________

Residence Business


Dinner Choice: _______ Prime Rib ______ Stuffed Chicken Breast

(Please check one)


Dinner Choice: _______ Prime Rib ______ Stuffed Chicken Breast

(Please check one)

GUEST NAME___________________________________________________________________________________

Cost: $50 per person Please make check payable to: BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

Mail to: Bordentown Military Institute
Alumni Association
PO Box 91
Bordentown, New Jersey 08505

Registration Deadline: September 30, 2000

Alumni Association


DATE: Saturday, October 21, 2000

PLACE: Bordentown Elks

Amboy Road
Bordentown, New Jersey 08505


The Bordentown Elks Club is on Amboy Road. When you leave "Old Main," go East on Park Street to the traffic light. Amboy Road is directly across the highway, Route 206, and the Elks Club is on your left.


Friday, October 20 – 6:30 p.m.

A Walking Tour of Bordentown will be conducted through the courtesy of the Bordentown Historical Society.

Form up at the John Bull Monument located on Farnsworth Avenue next to the Farnsworth House Restaurant at the Railroad Bridge.

Dinner on your own after the tour. There are many wonderful restaurants in the City of Bordentown.

Saturday, October 21

10:00 a.m. until Noon – The Gilder House, Crosswicks Street and Route 130, will be open through the courtesy of the Bordentown Historical Society. BMI memorabilia will be on display.

10:00 a.m. – A Walking Tour of Bordentown will be conducted through the courtesy of the Bordentown Historical Society (for those who did not participate on Friday night). Form up at the John Bull Monument (see above).

Noon to 1:30 p.m. - Lunch on your own

2:00 p.m. and again at 2:20 p.m. – There will be bus service from the parking lot of the Elks Club, going to St. Mary’s Church for those who will march, then to the Statue Site for those who will not be marching.

3:00 p.m. – The Parade will step off promptly.

3:15 to 3:45 p.m. – A brief service and placing of a wreath at the Cadet Statue Site.

4:20 p.m. and again at 4:40 p.m. – The bus will be available at the Cadet Statue to transport passengers back to the Elks Club.

5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Sign in at the Elks Club.

5:30 p.m. – The bar is open and music begins.

7:00 p.m. – Dinner and Meeting


                                Days Inn One person - $49 per night
                                1073 Route 206 North Two people - $54 per night
                                Bordentown, NJ 08505 10% off with AAA or AARP card
                                (609) 298-6100 or 1-800-325-2525

                                Ramada Inn One person - $100 per night
                                Route 206 North Two people - $105 per night
                                Bordentown, NJ 08505 $10 off per night with AAA card
                                (609) 298-3200 or 1-800-272-6232

                                Best Western One person - $79 per night
                                Route 206 South Two people - $84 per night
                                Bordentown, NJ 08505 Discount for AAA; AARP; Corporate
                                        (609) 298-8000 or 1-800-528-1234

                                The Comfort Inn One person - $75 per night
                                1009 US Highway #206 Two people - $80 per night
                                Bordentown, NJ 08505 Discount with AAA card
                                (609) 298-9111 or 1-800-221-2222 Senior citizens - $67.50 per night

(FYI: The Comfort Inn is rated highest of all area motels. An early reservation would probably be in your best interest.)


A disposable camera will be available on each table at the Elks. When you have used it, please leave it for us to develop because we have made arrangements to create a Photo Album of our Reunion. This is our chance to share all of the photos with those in attendance and also with those who are unable to attend. These photos will be assembled into a 12-page soft-cover book with our Logo and then mailed directly to you.

The delivered cost is only $15.95. To order, whether or not you will attend the Reunion, fill in the form below and return it with your check.

Enclosed is my check for $15.95. Please send me a Reunion Photo Album.

Name __________________________________________ Class __________

Address ________________________________________

City/State/ZIP ___________________________________

Please make check payable to BMI Alumni Association.


Alumni Association


Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the Bordentown Military Institute Alumni Association, here in after referred to as the Association.

Article II - Purpose

The Association shall attempt to foster a spirit of loyalty and fraternalism among the alumni and former faculty and employees of the Bordentown Military Institute (BMI).

Article III - Membership

Categories of Membership: Membership in the Association shall consist of two categories: Regular and Associate.

Regular Membership: All persons who have attended BMI are eligible for Regular Membership in the Association.

Associate Membership: Associate Membership may be extended to former faculty, former employees, and others closely associated with BMI by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Associate members, not elected or appointed to an office in the Association, shall have the rights and privileges of regular members with the exception of voting. Associate Members elected or appointed to an office in the Association shall have the rights and privileges of Regular Membership.

Dues: Dues of each member of the Association shall be $10.00 per calendar year.

Meetings: Membership meetings shall be held at least once every two years.

Article IV - Officers

The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be elected during the biennial meeting of the membership and shall serve for the period until the election of officers at the next biennial meeting.

President: The President shall preside at all membership and Board of Directors meetings of the Association. He shall appoint the members of all committees and shall fill all [committee] vacancies. of Officers and Directors.

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall perform any other duties prescribed or delegated by the President.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Association.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the care and custody of the funds of the Association. He shall keep a full and accurate account of all moneys and shall present a record of receipts and expenditures at all meetings.

Meetings: A membership meeting shall be held at least biennially at a place to be determined by the President.

Quorum: A Quorum shall consist of those members present at the biennial meeting.

Article V - Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Directors-at-Large.

Directors-at-Large: The Directors-at-Large shall be elected during the biennial meeting of the membership and shall serve for a period until the election of Directors-at-Large at the next biennial meeting.

Duties of the Board: The Board of Directors shall have full charge of all property, assets, and effects of the Association; govern and control the Association; authorize and manage expenditures; and prepare programs for meetings and affairs of the members.

Meetings: The Board shall hold meetings at least bi-annually at a place and time to be determined by the President or his representative.

Quorum: A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

[Vacancies: Subsequent to a Board of Director position being vacated, the senior member of the Board of Directors will appoint a Nominating Committee (see Article VI). This committee will provide a list of nominees at the next regularly scheduled meeting. At this meeting a vote will be taken of all regular members and associate members elected to or appointed to an office in the Association to fill the vacated position.]

Article VI - Committees

The Board shall be assisted in the operation of the Association by the Nominating Committee and such committees as the Board shall deem necessary. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a minimum of three members of the Association appointed by the President. The Committee shall have the responsibility of selecting nominees to be presented to the membership at the biennial meeting for the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors-at-Large. Election of officers of the Association shall be by simple majority of regular members present.

Article VII - Dissolution of the Association

In the event of the dissolution of the Association, any funds remaining in the treasury after all debts have been settled will be presented to the Bordentown Historical Society or to another similar tax exempt organization for the expressed purpose of supporting a permanent display of BMI memorabilia.

Article VIII - Amendments

These bylaws may be revised or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the regular members present at a biennial meeting. Any proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the President at least ninety (90) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be acted upon. The proposed amendments shall be mailed to each member no less than fifteen (15) days before the meeting at which they are to be acted upon.

Draft ByLaws-99c.doc

4/21/99 Modification – Article IV & V - Additions are shown in [ ] – Deletion are shown in strikethrough font abcdefg

7/7/99 Modification – Article VII - The "a" in association was capitalized (Association)

1/25/00 For consistency changed nomination to nominating throughout document

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