The Skirmisher



"Rather Be Than Seem"


BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505


Web site:



Tersina DiPietro, Editor

FALL 2005




            As I reported to you in our last issue of THE SKIRMISHER (Spring 2005), I have been making a concerted effort to locate as many as possible of my classmates (Class of 1956) in the hopes of having a great turnout for the 50th anniversary of our graduation from BMI that will be held in conjunction with Reunion 2006 on October 21, 2006.


            I am sure there are several, if not many, I will not be able to locate.  Nevertheless, I will keep trying.  Of the 71 cadets in my 1956 class, 37 are accounted for and are now on our mailing list, six classmates are deceased and 28 classmates have not been located AS YET!


            Locating friends I have not seen since 1956 has been a very rewarding experience.  It gave us a great opportunity to revive old acquaintances and reminisce about our days at BMI.  Even in those few cases where I hardly knew a classmate during our BMI days, it was a very pleasant reunion...if only by telephone.


            I would like to share with you one interesting, albeit sad, note about Alanson (Lonnie) Bartholomew, Class of 1956.  After BMI, Lonnie went on to graduate from the University of Alaska in 1961 and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the U. S. Army, serving two tours in Vietnam.  On Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1979, Lonnie was piloting his own plane home for the holiday.  Aboard the plane were his wife and their three sons -- ages 17, 14 and 8.  Tragically, all five perished in a crash over northern California.  While in the Army, Lonnie served in 1974 and 1975 under the command of then Lt. Col. Norman Schwarzkopf, Deputy Commander of the 172nd Infantry Brigade, Ft. Richardson, Alaska.  In his autobiography, "It Doesn't Take a Hero," General Schwarzkopf states on page 198 the following:  "Another of my staff officers, Lonnie Bartholomew, had grown up in Alaska; he set about teaching me the survival techniques I'd need for Operation Jack Frost, the Brigade's winter maneuvers that were scheduled for early February 1975."


            I think we all can take pride in this tribute to a fellow BMI cadet.


                                                                                                                        Semper Fidelis,


                                                                                                                        Angelo V. Candelori


                                                                                                                        Angelo V. Candelori '56







'37    In an e-mail from BILL NEUBAUER, we learned that he recently attended his 50th Reunion at the Harvard Graduate School of Business.  Having recently celebrated his 86th birthday, Bill reports that he was the oldest alumnus present at that event.  He spent last July and August in Switzerland visiting a friend.


'42    GEORGE BALDWIN sent information regarding his classmate, PHILIP TRABULSI.  Phil resides in Charlotte, NC.


'45     ARNOLD WOLFE located JOHN J. BRUNACCINI who lives in Waltham, MA.  John would like to receive a copy of the 1945 BMI "Sword & Sabre."  He is willing to pay for all expenses involved with printing this issue of the yearbook.  Anyone who can assist John in his quest, please contact us and we will forward the information to him.

            CLEMENT SYLVAN CRYSTAL, JR., was also "found" by ARNOLD WOLFE.


'50    DICK ENEGREN informed us of a new address for EDWARD CROKE.  Ed lives in Fort Myers, FL.  Ed and Dick were roommates in the White House at BMI.

            HARRY (BUD) HOWE spent a few days in the hospital.  He had two stents inserted in his chest.  Although he will be monitored closely for a while, Bud is hoping that no further procedures will be necessary.  (We're rooting for you, Bud!)  Prior to this episode, Bud met up with WES HAND '66 in St. Thomas, VI, where Wes now resides.  (See Class Notes for 1966.)

            Not to be outdone by BUD HOWE, HOWARD SHERMAN also had stents inserted in his chest and also in his legs.  Howard has been traveling to skeet shoots all over the South with STEVE SAGAL '63.  Howard states, "I've been doing better as most of my competition in the over -70 group (veterans) have either been ill or are dying off.  I did make the Florida State Team for 2005 and I placed well at the Masters in Savannah." 

            We heard from DR. ERNEST A. von ZELL (formerly ZELENAK).  Ernest writes, "Sorry I missed the last reunion but a work in progress in the Middle East prevented my proposed trip to Bordentown.  I continue to respect and applaud your tireless efforts to help keep our alumni in touch and together.  I thoroughly enjoy receiving and reading THE SKIRMISHER and more often than not, I find it difficult to keep a dry eye when I read about all my former classmates...and former Chemistry students."


'51     ALBERTO MIZRAHI found us on the Internet and wrote to inquire about some of his classmates.  He was saddened to learn of the passing of FRED and LARRY COHEN.  Alberto contacted PAUL MARTINEK via e-mail and was pleased to hear from him.  Alberto sends his best regards to all who remember him.


'53    CARLTON CHAPMAN was preparing his schedule for 2006 and asked for the Reunion date so that he could be sure to be here. 

            BERNARD H. RAUSCHER was found by HARRY (BUD) HOWE '50.  Bud said he had been searching for Bernard for about forty years and finally "found" him in Parkland, FL, where he resides with his wife, Phyllis.





'54    We heard from SAUL BENDAYAN who lives in Caracas, Venezuela.  Saul plans to attend Reunion 2006.


'55    PAUL EDELSON lives in Oakhurst, New Jersey, but was found by WALT GODWIN '44 who lives in Phoenix, Arizona.  (It doesn't matter where you live, Walt will find you!)


'56    DR. JOHN BERISH sent regards to the BMI "family."

            In sending greetings, PHIL ROWLEY wrote, "Until 2006, keep the wind to your back and your sails full."


'59    ALLAN LUM has been added to our alumni list through the sleuthing work of WALT GODWIN '44.  Allan lives in Reno, NV.


'61    WILLIAM WITTORFF found us on the Internet.  He resides in Richmond, VA.


'63    WALT GODWIN '44 has communicated with CHARLES CHAPPELL.  Charles lives in Chillicothe, IL. 

            We received a letter from EUGENE REID.  He wrote, "Graduated from The Citadel, Class of 1967, and got married the next day to Diane Marie Andrews, RN, the love of my life.  We have a daughter who was born in Fort Riley, KS, and a son who was born at Surfside Beach, SC.  I was a 1st Lt. in the US Army Corps of Engineers stationed out of Qui-non City, South Vietnam, from May 1970 to May 1971.  Came back to Charleston, SC, and got a job with a large construction-real estate company.  Upon promotion to Vice President, I moved to Myrtle Beach, SC, to open a branch office.  In March 1974, I started R&R Builders and in 1991 re-grouped to R&R Builders and Designer Plans, Inc.  My wife passed away on 19 December 04.  I have been semi-retired since then.  I have been in touch with BILL HORTON '64.  I would like to find my two roommates, PHIL THIELHELM '64 and TOM BRADY '65."


'65     CHRIS KALIVAS wrote, "After 21 years in San Jose, CA, and with the closing of the Solid Rocket Motor business unit of Pratt & Whitney, United Technologies Corporation (Chemical Systems Division), I sold off everything and moved down to southern California.  My new wife, Pamela, and I have a beautiful home overlooking the Pacific.  I am still employed at Pratt & Whitney.  I head up their Western Region Operations and take care of our customers such as the Air Force, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, etc."


'66     WES HAND sent an e-mail stating, "It is always good to get the Skirmisher and catch up on the lives of old friends."  Wes lives in St. Thomas, VI, and is employed with the United States Attorney's Office, District of the Virgin Islands, as a Law Enforcement Coordination Specialist.  Wes adds, "The VI awaits all who wish to come this way.  I have an extra bedroom.  Anyone interested in a mid- or off-year mini reunion in the VI, let me know.  Best to all."

BRUCE KANE asked to be added to our mailing list.  Bruce lives in Rushville, PA.




'67     MIGUEL CHALAS wrote that he has lost contact with all of his classmates.  He stated, "Throughout the years, I have seen one or maybe two of my old friends.  I visited the old school grounds back in the early '80s and found it had moved up to Massachusetts, merging with another school.  During my visit, I did see the old buildings:  Main, Mitchell, and the newest one, Landon Hall, which was in use with some offices there."  Miguel would like to hear from alumni from the years 1964 to 1968.  He can be reached at the following e-mail address:   vmiguelchalas_55

            We received a letter from ROBERT SOOWAL.  He wrote, "After finding the Web site last August, I tried to find my roommates from the Colby House.  There were only eight of us there in 1965.  As of now, I have been able to find five of the eight.  I was able to persuade BARRY SCHULTE '66 to attend Reunion 2004.  Barry is an airplane pilot and has a small plane in which he and I flew a 'mission' last year to the Millville airport and museum.  I also was able to find BOB TOMAINI '65 and spent a wonderful day with him and his wife at his home in Cream Ridge, NJ.  I also spoke with DAVE INGERSOLL '65 and am planning a visit to see him and his cousin, BEN INGERSOLL, in the near future."  Robert would appreciate information about HAL MILLER '65 and CHARLIE MEYER.  Robert plans to attend Reunion 2006 and hopes that he can complete his mission in finding the rest of the Colby House gang.


'72     BRIAN KENYON is Director of Corporate Sourcing with America Online, Inc.

JERRY PALERMO wrote to say that he stays in touch with DAVID CHATFIELD.  In addition, he sends greetings to JOHN HORTON.  Jerry has moved into an administrative position and was named Energy Manager of the Grand Prairie Independent School District, Grand Prairie, TX.  He added, "I have been teaching for the past 25 years.  Twenty of those years, I taught Physical Education and I was a Head or Asst. Basketball coach at the college and high school level.  In August 2001, I received a Master of Science degree in Training and Development in Technology from Texas A&M.  During the past four years, I was in the classroom at Grand Prairie High School teaching Business Computer Information Systems.  My wife and I live in DeSoto, TX.  Our daughter graduated in May of this year with a degree in Musical Theatre.  She is now pursuing her Musical Theatre career in NYC.  Keep an eye out for her name (Corinne Palermo).  She is that good...and it did not come from me."

            JIM PETTIT was talking to his cousin, JIM QUIRK '59.  His cousin told him about the Alumni Association and the biennial reunions.   Jim Pettit wrote, "I am (dubious honor) the very last graduate of BMI, Class of 1972, because I was required to attend summer school in order to get my diploma.  Trips up Route 7 into Lenox to spend the morning with Mr. Steinberg every Saturday that summer are engraved in my memory.  My one year at BMI was wonderful.  I wish I had started there earlier in my life.  Thank you for bringing a great part of my life back to me."  He plans to attend Reunion 2006.  Jim is First Vice President, Investments, Advest, in West Hartford, CT.


'73    In a recent election, JAMES E. LYNCH, JR. was reelected Commissioner and Deputy Mayor of the City of Bordentown.  Jim has been invaluable to the Association throughout the years, especially during the time of the statue project. 


'74     The Association wishes to publicly thank JOSEPH C. PLATT (J.C.) who assumed responsibility for replacing the American Flag at the statue site after the flag was damaged due to high winds.  He also volunteered to monitor the site:  clearing debris from around the area, etc.





As promised in the CLASS NOTES section of the Spring 2005 issue of THE SKIRMISHER, following are excerpts from the article about FLOYD LITTLE '63, "Joining Orange No Small Decision for Little," that appeared in THE HARTFORD COURANT (October 29, 2004):


It was difficult for Floyd Little to say "No thank you" to the Army football recruiter because he wasn't just speaking to an assistant coach.  Or even the head coach.  He was talking to Gen. Douglas MacArthur.  "His God!... Douglas MacArthur asking me to go to Army!" Little recalled.  Little, a splendid running back from Hillhouse High School in New Haven, CT, had moved on to Bordentown Military Institute, a prep school in New Jersey.  He had 47 scholarship offers from such schools as Pittsburgh, Purdue, Oklahoma and UCLA.  "Elston Howard of the Yankees and Branch Rickey of the Los Angeles Dodgers also talked to me about going to Army," Little said.  "Then I went up and took the physical at Army...chin-ups, running, hurdles, and vertical leap.  I had maxed out everything and had the highest score ever."  It looked as if Little would be a Cadet.  But when he returned to New Haven that day in 1963, Syracuse coach Ben Schwartzwalder and Ernie Davis were there to talk with him.  Davis, the first black player to win the Heisman Trophy (1961), made quite an impression on Little.  Davis told Floyd that if he wanted a quality education and to carry the football, he should go to Syracuse.  So Floyd said "yes" to Syracuse and "no" to Gen. MacArthur! 


Little joined Ernie Davis and Jim Brown in the great line of Syracuse backs to wear No. 44.  He rushed for 2,704 yards in three years (freshmen were ineligible) and was a three-time All American.  When he left school, he was Syracuse's all-time leading rusher.  He now ranks fifth.  Said Floyd, "Hillhouse, Bordentown, Syracuse, AFL, NFL, all those football years, well, they were a big part of my life.  Getting elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame would complete the circle."  He'd still like to get there!





(Submitted by HARRY (BUD) HOWE, '50)


            The informal Southeast Florida chapter of BMI Alumni met on Saturday night, May 7th, at the Islamorada Fish Company in Dania Beach, Florida.  Proudly wearing BMI hats, name badges and pins, the group attracted quite a bit of attention with inquiries as to what BMI meant.  In jest, we reported "British Military Intelligence" or "Bums-Morons-and Idiots" before admitting that it stood for one of the best military prep schools ever, Bordentown Military Institute.

            Present at the reunion were DICK and Liz ENEGREN '50, BOB and Marion SANDLER '48, EDUARDO and Mireya TOMAS '51, and HARRY "BUD" and Nieves HOWE '50 along with their daughter, Jennifer.

            Regaling in our years at BMI, we looked at several yearbooks and an alumni directory, and continued to mourn the school's closing in the early '70s.  However, the continued reunions of the group allow us to reminisce of the good old days and keep BMI alive in our hearts.  Scores of snapshots were taken in the different areas of Islamorada Fish Company to enhance our memory books.






I REMEMBER ..............................................................................................(by NICK METROKOTSAS '64)


I am a graduate of the PG Class of 1964 and a former football player.  As I grow older and reflect on my life, I remember how many times I have said that the men I knew at BMI were much better friends than the friends I had in high school.  I want them to know what I think of them and share with whoever reads this just what BMI meant to my life.


Football is my life.  I played football up until I was 25 years old and I have been a head coach for 37 years.  When I arrived at BMI in the fall of 1963, I was scared to death at the site of SANTY, SIROWICH, GREENBERG and some of the other players who were on their 2nd PG year.  The practices under AL VERDEL were fearsome and grueling, and when I finally settled down and got to know these men, I started learning a great deal.  From BMI, I went on to 3-1/2 years at the Naval Academy where I was the starting guard on the football team during my junior and senior years.  I left the Academy after my senior football season to become a teacher and a head high school football coach.  I had many great memories in the years that have gone by, both as a player and as a coach, but I want to tell you where BMI affected me the most. 


I truly admired my teammates at BMI.  They were awesome players:  MIKE MADDEN, SEP SANTY, PETE BAIR, FLOYD LITTLE, NICK DiMARCO, PETE KING, VIC RADZEWICH, ED BYRNES, RENNIE BALDWIN, TIM RICE, TOM MYSLINSKI, the late ED SCHRECK, and a host of cadets that I can never forget.  I remember good men, cadets, teachers, and military personnel:  the honorable Bradman family, Dr. Smith, Mr. Borst, and a host of other teachers and coaches.  BMI prepared me for the Naval Academy and for a career in coaching.  As a 21-year-old coach, I knew nothing about X's and O's but I knew I wanted to win.  I tried to copy Al Verdel's offense and I looked to him for guidance.  I have coached undefeated teams, state championship teams, and 2nd place teams with little or no talent, thanks to the principles of the offense that gave BMI its reputation.  I send my congratulations to my classmates for all their success and hope they live long lives.




                                    Grey Sweatshirt w/BMI logo - $20                                 New Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo - $25

                                                (Sizes Large and XX-Large only)                                   (Sizes Large, X-Large, XX-Large)

                                    Baseball Caps w/BMI letters - $10                                 Medallion w/Stand - $10

                                    Old Main Lithograph - $5                                               BMI Decals (2) - $1

                                    Note Paper - $8                       


The above prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to:  BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  Be sure to designate size when ordering sweatshirts.  


N. B.   Again, I ask that you include your class year whenever you send correspondence, dues, etc.  Also, when sending e-mail messages, please be sure to include a Subject that clearly indicates you are a BMI alumnus.  If your name is not part of your e-mail address and we do not recognize the address, we will not open your e-mail.  Please limit your e-mail to BMI-related topics.  Thanks.






The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincerest sympathy to the families of:

















We receive names of deceased members from time to time.  We list them in this column regardless of the date of death.








(Submitted by BERNARD SANSARICQ '63)


We have all heard the haunting song, "TAPS."  It is the song that gives us that lump in our throats and usually creates tears in our eyes.  But do you know the story behind the song?  If not, I think you will be pleased to find out about its humble beginnings.


Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's Landing in Virginia.  The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land.  During the night, Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field.


Now knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, Captain Ellicombe decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention.  Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment.


When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead.  The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock.  In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier.  It was his own son.  The boy had been studying music in the South when the war broke out.  Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army.  The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial despite his enemy status.  His request was only partially granted.  Captain Ellicombe had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral.  The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate.  But, out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician.  The Captain chose a bugler.  He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth's uniform.  This wish was granted.  The haunting melody we now know as "Taps," used at military funerals and at the end of each day on US military bases, was born.


One version of the words: