Web site:  www.bmicadets.org

E-Mail:  bmicadets@gmail.com




Tersina DiPietro, Editor                                                                                                                          December 2012



President's Message:


Now that the dust has settled from BMI Reunion 2012, I am proud to say it was a resounding success.  The weather was sunny and warm for our march through town and flag-raising ceremony.  The food was great, the program was short, and the fellowship, dancing, and reminiscing went on until everyone was ready to call it a night.  Most importantly, we took the opportunity to honor our brother, Angelo Candelori ’56, as the “Originator” of these reunions and your Alumni Association itself. 


Your Executive Board has already begun planning BMI Reunion 2014.  The date has been set for October 17 and 18, 2014, so mark your calendars right now.  In the meantime, there are many pictures of Reunion 2012 posted on the BMI Web site:  www.bmicadets.org.  Those of us who attended can relive the experience.  Those who could not attend can appreciate what fun we had and can make sure to sign up for the next reunion. 


Until we meet again …. keep those shoes and belt buckles shined.


In whatever way you celebrate the holidays, be careful, be safe, and be happy!


Jack Harkins ‘67




            Alumni gathered at Villa Romanza on Friday evening, October 19, for an informal get-together with their "Band of Brothers."  They enjoyed hors d'ouevres and libations as they greeted friends they left long ago and were eager to see again.

            On Saturday afternoon, October 20, alumni paraded through the main streets of Bordentown to the statue site where they were greeted by Bordentown Mayor JAMES E. LYNCH, JR. '73.  After a brief ceremony honoring those who have passed on, some alumni went to visit the former Y-Hut and others stopped at the Bordentown Historical Society building to look at the BMI memorabilia displayed there.

            At 4:00 p.m., we went to the Elks Lodge for an evening of dining and dancing.  The food was catered by Toscano's Ristorante and it was fabulous.  During dinner, elections were held and Board members were re-elected:  President, Jack Harkins '67; Vice-President, Joe Porter '67; Treasurer, Bob Frisbie '61; Secretary, Tersina DiPietro.  Directors-at-Large:  Angelo Candelori '56, Dave Harkness '58, Mark Josephson '71. 

            After dinner, it was time for the "Old Boys Drill."  Once again, the former cadets did themselves proud.  Mistakes were very few and added to the fun.  Several alumni attended this reunion for the first time but they were outstanding in their performance. 

            We congratulate the Class of 1961.  They had the greatest number of members in attendance.  We were pleased to see some members from classes in the early '70s, the "youngsters" of our Association. 

            At evening's end, we heard remarks such as "Best Ever!"  "Top Notch!"  "Glad I Came!"

            Hope to see you all in 2014!




'44    SID BENJAMIN wrote concerning Reunion 2012, "I wish I could be there but physical problems have limited my movement.  If anyone is still able to show up from the Class of '44, say hello for me."

            FRANKLYN FEATHERMAN was unable to attend Reunion 2012 due to previous commitments.  He sent regards to all "old friends and alumni."

            We received an e-mail from DICK ROCKWELL who recently lost his wife of 64 years.  He wrote, "I will not be attending our reunion but will be with you in my thoughts.  Your continued friendship and caring is very important to me and I am grateful to each of you for it."          


'46    FRANK DUMONT wrote, "Greetings to the entire B.M.I. community.  Regret that my wife and I will not be able to make the reunion due to force majeure."  Frank would like to hear news about the classes of the mid-'40s.  His e-mail is frank.dumont@mcgill.ca.

            CHARLIE GOUGH has been in a retirement home (Wesley Enhanced Living Foundation) for five years.  He lost all of his B.M.I. pictures, etc., due to flooding.  He added, "My heart is still there."  (Ed. Note:  We found pictures of Charlie in yearbooks at the Bordentown Library and mailed them to him.  He was surprised and happy to receive them.)


'47    GENE GUAZZO wrote, "I still look back to the words on the walls (at BMI):  Good, Better, Best - Never, Never Rest - Until your Good is Better - and your Better Best."  He added, "Though what I remember BEST was the single word – OTHERS."


'48    EMILIO LARACH learned of our Association from his brother, HUMBERTO '52.  Along with a sizeable donation, Emilio wrote, "My congratulations to all of you for keeping alive the name of the Institution."


'49    A nice note arrived from CARL CATHERS stating, "Thanks for keeping memories of a great institution alive."

            BILL PARKINS was a first-time attendee at our reunion.  Bill suffered a little mishap, however, after the dinner.  (Ed. Note:  See update on Bill Parkins on page 5.)


'50    ED "WINDY" NARATIL wrote, "We will be missing again.  Our yearly trip to see our kids and grandkids who moved to Maine will take place the 17th to the 24th of October.  Looks like either the grandkids will have to change their birthdates or the reunion will have to change dates.  I send best wishes to all my classmates.  Hope to get there next time."

            A letter from the wife of URBAN SALTUS informed us that Urban is in an assisted living facility in Vermont.

            HOWARD SHERMAN is on the sick list.  If alumni wish to send regards to Howard, you may do so by sending them to the BMI Alumni Association.  We will forward your message.


'51     DON CHARBONNIER missed Reunion 2012.  He wrote to tell us he would be in Paris at that time.

            RICHARD KENYON is on the sick list.  If alumni wish to send best wishes to Dick, you may do so by sending them to the BMI Alumni Association.  We will forward your message.


'52    MIKE KUDLA wrote, "I can't believe it – 60 years since graduation!"  Mike was Class President in 1952.


'56    ANGELO CANDELORI was given a plaque by the BMI Alumni Association at the recent reunion.  (Ed. Note:  See the President's Message on page 1.)                 

            We received an e-mail from LARRY CRAMMER.  He wrote, "I was a PG day student living on Second Street, just around the corner from BMI.  I played baseball and basketball (not much basketball).  I made many good friends, at least for that year.  I remember MYLES BASS, J. B. BAXTER, JACK BOYD, JON BYER, LEE ELIA (he used to borrow my Dad's car on Friday night), BILL EVANKO, HARRY GRIFFITHS, BILL OPDYKE, JACK PEOPLES, JIM THOMAS.  I am sure I missed a few.  I would like to hear from anyone who is in e-mail range."  Larry's e-mail is gmbabelc@aol.com.


'57    KEN SMITH was a little late in sending dues.  He returned his dues card with this note:  "Sorry so late.  The cat chewed on this awhile and then hid it behind a file cabinet.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  Sure miss the BMI days!"

            We are sorry to report that BURTON WACHTEL lost his apartment in East Atlantic Beach, NY, to Hurricane Sandy.  He now lives in Rockville Centre, NY. 


'59    DAVE BELL was unable to attend our reunion.  He was busy attending his 55th reunion from Burlington High School on October 20th.  He added, "Please keep me informed of future reunions because I would very much like to attend."


'60    LOU SHAPIRO would like to make contact with DANIEL WOEHRLE, his roommate in Landon Hall.  If anyone knows how to reach Dan, please contact Lou at LBShapiro@bda-ae.com.


'62    JIM BRENDLE wrote, "Thanks for all you do to keep the memory of BMI alive."  (Ed. Note:  We hear it often and we never get tired of hearing it.)

            STEVEN GOLDSTEIN wrote, "As a member of the class of 1962, all I can say is it cannot be 2012 as I am only 60!"

            PHIL HICKMAN sent a letter stating, "I was on the football team with FLOYD LITTLE in 1961.  I would like to reach some of my classmates.  I would particularly like to find FRANK CURTIN, originally from Levittown, L. I., N. Y.  Also, I would like to make contact with PHIL SHERIDAN, JOSEPH NOVOGRATZ, JACK STRICKER, DONALD TODDINGS, THOMAS HURST, or any of the ball players from the 1961 team."  Phil can be reached at philipfhickman@gmai.com.

(Ed. Note:  If you do not have e-mail, send information to BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  We will forward letters, etc., to Phil.)

            PETE MERCATANTI sent a note with his contribution.  He wrote, "You are doing a great job."

(Ed. Note:  We thank you, Pete.)


'64    JEFF GOLDMAN had to miss Reunion 2012.  He was in Florida.  He added, "I enjoyed the reunions that I have attended in the past."

            We received a note from ALAN SITT.  He wrote, "Just a short note wishing you all the best.  Things are going very well here.  Son is in college but no hankering for the military.  I always remember my days as a BMI cadet.  Lots of lessons learned!"

            BOB STEWART enjoyed all the reunion pictures on our Web site.  He wrote, "I was unable to attend but will try to come to the next one.  I still have my 1962 and 1964 yearbooks.  I wonder if you know how I could get my hands on a 1963 Sword and Sabre."  (Ed. Note:  If you can help Bob locate a 1963 yearbook, you may contact him at bobstewartscomputer@hotmail.com.)        


'69    CLIFF HAAS found us on our Web site.  He wrote, "After BMI, I graduated from Iowa State University and entered the navy from NROTC.  I retired as a Commander from flying in the Navy after 23 years.  I am now an owner of a small business in San Diego.  I recently stumbled across the alumni site and never knew it existed.  It was like going back in the past.  I remembered so many names from the past.  So many good memories from my four years at BMI.  We need more wonderful schools like that.  I felt so bad about the faculty members that have left us.  They all had a great influence on me as did my experience at BMI.  I have been back to Bordentown twice over the years and although many things have changed, in the back of my mind they are still the same.  I still think about the summer basketball camps with JACK GEARREN and FRANK CONTE and the great good old days at BMI.  My best to all alumni of this great school!"

            J. ROBERT PENHALLOW (nee ROBERT WILLIAMS) asked, "Why can't you have the reunion on the West coast for a change, especially for those of us that live on this coast?  We have everything here that anyone would ever want – restaurants galore, etc."  (Ed. Note: We sent out questionnaires a few years ago to all alumni asking for reunion suggestions.  The vote was strongly in favor of keeping the reunions in Bordentown, where it all began.)


'71     GLENN WILLIS is a retired Viet Nam era disabled veteran.  He graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor's in English and Creative Writing, and a Master's in English Literature.  He earned his Doctorate in Education with emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction.  Glenn recently published a book entitled "Dear America, Do You Hear What I Hear?"  If you would like a copy, you may send $15 to Glenn at P. O. Box 4532, Antioch, CA 94509.


'72    DAVID CHATFIELD sent dues and a note, "Thank you for all your dedication and good work."  KEN REDVANLY and BRIAN GRAMMER attended Reunion 2012.  They are new members of the BMI Alumni Association and we welcome them.




            Dr. Bryant Cureton retired as President of  Elmhurst College but he is not literally "retired."  He has joined the Washington-based Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities as a consultant.  He has already done two consultancies (one on the west coast and the second on the east coast), and is preparing for two more.  His wife, Jeanette, daughter of Morris Smith and granddaughter of Dr. Harold Morrison Smith, serves on the Board of Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY.  They make their home in Williamsburg, VA.  Bryant and Jeanette have two daughters.  Elizabeth is attending surgeon at the Oakland (CA) Medical Center.  Sarah has recently become involved in a year-long executive leadership program in national security policy at the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs. 

            Tom Lavin had planned to attend Reunion 2012 but a month's trip to Ireland got in the way.  He said he would try to make the next reunion.

            Leon Papir was unable to attend our reunion but he sent best wishes and warm regards to all former cadets.



Maroon Sweatshirt w/embroidered BMI logo (Size XX-Large only) - $15

Maroon Polo Shirts w/BMI logo (sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL)  - $30             

Medallion w/stand - $5 (reduced from $10) – BMI baseball caps - $10

Prices include postage.  To order, send check or money order (payable to BMI Alumni Association) to P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.


YEARBOOKS AVAILABLE FOR SALE - If you are interested in obtaining a 1961 yearbook, the charge is $5.00 to cover mailing costs.  Please contact us at bmicadets@gmail.com BEFORE sending your check because it is on a first-come/first-served basis and you may not be the first person to respond.  We have tried to contact the original owner but have had no response.  On a similar note, we recently received an e-mail from John Keating (not an alumnus) who has BMI yearbooks for sale from the '40s and '50s.  His e-mail address is John.Keating@valic.com.  This is merely for your information; it is not a recommendation.  We do not know this person but are passing the information along to you to use as you deem appropriate.


REUNION PICTURES - BOB FRISBIE '61 is interested in looking at your reunion pictures.  You may send them to Bob via e-mail at bob_frisbie@hotmail.com. If you prefer to send a CD, mail to Bob Frisbie, 129 Texas Lane, Goshen, VA 24439.  Bob may choose to include all or some of them with the Reunion 2012 pictures already on our Web site.


UPDATE ON BILL PARKINS '49 – If you attended the Reunion 2012 dinner, then you know that Bill Parkins fell that night and broke his hip.  He was hospitalized, after which he spent some time in rehab.  You will be glad to know that Bill is doing remarkably well.  He is back home but is still having physical therapy.  He wrote, "After my horrendous boo-boo on the night of the reunion, I have slowly but surely been recovering, going from a wheelchair, to a walker, soon to a cane and then back to driving."  (Ed. Note:  Keep up the good work, Bill.  We are all rooting for you.)






Dues notices for 2013 will be mailed to home addresses early in 2013.  Please note:  Dues and other contributions, although much appreciated, are not tax deductible.  We thank you for your support in our effort to maintain a viable BMI Alumni Association.



Be sure to visit our Web site - www.bmicadets.org.  BOB FRISBIE '61 continues to update that site with pictures, etc., so you might want to go in there frequently.  Also, do not forget that BMI is on Facebook.  BOB SOOWAL '67 maintains that site and welcomes your participation.


Please note:  If you move or if you change your e-mail address, please be sure to let us know.  We "lose" alumni because they forget to send changes as they occur.  Also, please tell us your class year when you send dues and/or letters.  It saves work on our part.  Also, please note that our e-mail address has changed.  You may reach us at bmicadets@gmail.com.  Of course, letters are welcome also if you do not have e-mail.  Our address is BMI Alumni Association, P. O. Box 91, Bordentown, NJ 08505.  We look forward to hearing from you.









The officers and members of the Executive Board join with the entire membership of the BMI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION in extending sincere sympathy to the families of:
































Note:  Several of the above alumni died many years ago but we just learned of their passing and believe they deserve a place in this column.